My Star Teacher

Chapter 434: [You are not you]

Luminous hesitant, eventually did not choose to be immediately Yiyi.

In the evening, Father Liu and Mother Liu brought the food to the hospital, visited Yiyi and delivered food to Luguang Liuchi tobacco.

Father Liu and Mother Liu stayed in the hospital late.

Father Liu mentioned to Yiyi that he would transfer to another hospital in the evening.

Father Liu was also anxious, and he was also lucky. In the heart, this hospital is not working, then change another one. If this is still not working, then continue to change. If you do n’t believe there are so many good hospitals in the country, no one can investigate and deal with it. What is wrong with Yiyi.

Yiyi basically hasn't eaten these days. She only fed her some liquid food and milk that are not needed to be chewed.

It turned out that although Yiyi also looked slim, the flesh on her body was very strong, but these days she has really lost weight, her face has lost its luster, and it is a little yellow.

Ye Guang tried to wake up Yiyi again, shaking Yiyi's body lightly, calling her name, "Yiyi, Yiyi, get up, the sun's ass."

Yiyi is responsive, her brows are wrinkled, her head is awkward, and she continues to fall asleep, but she does not wake up.

Luminous, "Yiyi, get up, I'll take you to the playground, eat delicious food, want to eat ice cream, get up quickly if you want to eat."

Yiyi turned over, still not awake.

Luminous still has Liu Chiyan, or Liu Dad and Mom Liu, and those doctors who have studied Yiyi have tried many times to wake up Yiyi by various methods. They have also tried the so-called stimulation therapy, but they have no effect. .

Some doctors even had a sudden idea. In the ward, they played a loud DJ dance song with a loud speaker. The sound of the sound was loud, and they wanted to make Yiyi noisy.

But Yiyi's response was to pull the quilt, cover his head and continue to sleep ...

Therefore, Yiyi's situation is really strange. Her body is normal, she is lethargic, and she has a reaction. You ca n’t turn her into a vegetative area. He is sensitive to the outside world and can respond accordingly.

Speaking, it's like sleeping for a long, long time.

But this feeling is really too long, it is so intimidating.



Luminous vigil, sitting in front of Yiyi's bed while chin, did not know what was thinking.

Liu Chi Yan woke up, got up from another empty bed in the ward and got out of bed with Yiyi in her heart. She also couldn't sleep well, and often woke up several times in the middle of the night.

Luminous wanted to be lost and didn't notice that Liu Chiyan had got up and walked to his side.

"What do you want?" Liu Chiyan asked softly.

When she opened her mouth, Ye Guang was startled. She turned to see Liu Chi Yan, and Ye Guang exhaled, saying, "Why are you awake again, go to sleep."

Liu Chiyan shook his head, "Can't sleep, what do you think? It's all gone, you didn't find it when I got up."

Luminous was silent for a few seconds, then took out the small box containing Dahuandan from his pocket, and said, "I have been hesitating about one thing. There is a medicine in this box called Dahuandan, which can increase and improve physical fitness. It is said that it has the effect of resurrecting death. It is a kind of tonic medicine. I am hesitating to give Yiyi food, which may have an effect on her, but I am afraid he will not be replenished in case something goes wrong ... .. "

Liu Chi smoked for a moment, looked at the small box, and said, "Big Dan? Come back to life? And this medicine? Isn't this what appeared on TV? Where did you come from? Fake."

Luminous froze, then said, "I can't explain the origin of the medicine, but I'm sure of the effect, it won't be fake!"

Liu Chi Yanyan looked at Luminous for a long time, and the emotions in his eyes were strange.

Yeguang coughed, "There will be no problem with the medicine, I promise, but if you give it to Yiyi, what will happen if you take it? I don't know, Liuer, what do you think you should do?"

Liu Chiyan did not immediately answer, but leaned down, embraced Luminous, and was very hard.

Luminous, "What's wrong?"

Liu Chiyan put his chin on the shoulder of Luminous and murmured, "Sometimes, you make me feel ... very empty, you don't seem to be you, you are in front of my eyes, but I feel you are far away from me ... ... "

Luminous froze, gently holding Liu Chiyan's hand, turning his head slightly, and pecking on his face, said gently, "I've been by your side, sorry, many things in this world can't be explained, I also Some things ca n’t be explained, but Liu Er, I am me, I am Ye Guang, believe me, I will always be by your side. "

Things that cannot be explained.

In fact, the term luminous is already a vague explanation for Liu Chiyan.

For such a long time, luminous means have appeared frequently, and various skills have appeared. Of course, Luminous also knows that Liu Chiyan, who is his pillow, will definitely have a lot of doubts and puzzlements, but Liu Chiyan never said anything. I didn't ask anything, and Yeguang didn't explain anything to Liu Chiyan, and couldn't explain it.

Today, Liu Chiyan said this kind of words for the first time. For the first time, he showed a kind of uneasiness about Ye Guang's amazing skills and abilities.

Luminous ability is strong, of course, Liu Chiyan is happy and honored, but so many things beyond ordinary people, even beyond common sense appear on Luminous body, how can Liu Chiyan feel uneasy?

During this time, Liu Chiyan's spirit has been in a state of weakness because of Yiyi's illness. Today, Ye Guang took out a so-called Dahuandan. This kind of thing that Liu Chiyan thought could only exist in TV shows He vowed to tell Liu Chiyan that this thing was true, pushing the doubts and anxieties in Liu Chiyan's heart down the line.

For the authenticity of Da Huan Dan, Liu Chi Yan was not very suspicious. Liu Chi Yan believed it at night, and Liu Chi Yan did not think that Ye Guang would make a joke about such a thing.

Stand up ~ ~ Liu Chiyan looked at the bed asleep, his breathing was stable, and he remained silent for a while.

Yiyi was still asleep, maybe a little hot, and stretched both hands out of the quilt.

Liu Chiyan saw Yiyi's two eyelets that had been pierced by needles in the past few days because of beating bottles, and her brows frowned.

Liu Chi Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Is your medicine really like what you said? Are there any side effects?"

Yeguang, "There are no side effects. It must be of great benefit to normal people, but depending on this situation, I don't know what will happen if I eat it. I am afraid she will not be filled."

Liu Chi nodded his head, reached out and took Yiyi's needle-full hand, rubbed it mercifully, and said, "Let her eat."

Luminous paused, and looked at Yiyi's small hands full of needle eyes, no longer hesitated, "then eat!"

Luminous opened the small box and took out a marble-sized black pill. Liu Chi Yan could smell the refreshing medicine aroma.

Such a large pill may not be able to be eaten while sleeping.

Luminous pours some warm water. I want to try to dissolve the pill. This pill will melt in water.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan drank Yihuan, who had melted, to Yiyi.

Then the two sat quietly in front of the bed and looked at Yiyi to see if anything would change.

However, Yiyi did not change at all, and she was still asleep.

When it comes to change, it's not all at all. Yiyi, who has taken Da Huandan, seems to sleep better.

It was even unprecedented, and snoring softly.

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