My Star Teacher

Chapter 464: [Assault Rescue]

Luminous has been in the Snow Leopard Commando for a month and a half.

During this time, except for the first half month of the recruit period, Luminous was a little bit aggrieved, but the other time was pretty good.

The main melody of each day is training. I will break through the records of various training subjects in the station, and then pretend to be pretending.

The other special squadrons are not as stable as him. In addition to daily training, each team needs to go out on duty.

It can be said that the military quality of special forces is high. Ordinary people who serve as soldiers are only trained in the army and occasionally engage in military performances. But special forces are different. They really need to go to the front line to perform tasks.

There is also a variety of measures, such as anti-narcotics at the border or surprise rescue operations.

There is always a gap between those who fight from the real guns and rain and those who train on the training ground.

this day.

Black Panther took his squad to support an emergency.

After arriving at the scene, Black Panther learned about the situation from the police.

A total of four gangsters were members of a drug trafficking syndicate. The police stared at the group for a long time, and finally locked the location of the target drug possession. So they dropped the Tianluodi net and arrested them.

However, the gangsters were very cunning, found something wrong, took control of a hostage, and hid in the basement of a house where people usually hide drugs.

The structure of the private house is not complicated, but the basement where the gangsters are now makes the police headache.

This basement is almost completely enclosed, with only a heavy iron door and a vent.

If the police want to rescue the hostages, there are only two options. One is to forcibly attack from the main entrance. However, because the basement is used for possession of drugs, the iron door in this basement is also very heavy. The ordinary method of breaking the door must not work. If you want to break the door, you must use explosives to explode.

However, if you choose to blast open the iron gate, the police can only enter after the detonation, there will be a gap period, because the police cannot stay outside the door and the bomb rushes in. The explosives are not distinguished. Enemies and friends, they were blown to death by not escaping when they started.

Therefore, breaking the front door cannot immediately attack the gangsters inside. When the gangsters inside hear the movement, they are likely to be bad for the hostages.

Moreover, according to the gangsters, a large amount of explosives such as detonators are still hidden in this basement. Regardless of authenticity, in short, the first principle is to take the safety of hostages, so it is absolutely impossible to use explosives to bomb them. Now, if there is really explosive in the door, and the explosive that broke the door accidentally triggers the explosive in the basement, the gangster is naturally not saved, but the hostages can say goodbye to the world.

So, the only way to do this is to rush in through the vents.

However, the ventilation openings were narrow and the size of the opening could only allow one person to enter. Police officers were not sure that they could kill four gangsters without hurting the hostages at the moment of entry.

If the four gangsters were not killed instantly, the hostages would be dangerous, and even the police officers who executed the operation would be dangerous. You must know that the gangsters may still have explosives. If the explosives are detonated, the consequences will be even greater. The police dare not take this risk.

So, after more than four hours of besieging the gangsters, the police approached the army for help. The military district assigned the task to the Snow Leopard Commando. The Snow Leopard Commando quickly acted and Squadron Leader Lei Yu personally led the team to support the Black Panther squad.

After arriving at the site survey, Captain Thunderstorm and members of the Black Panther team also suffered.

The situation at the scene can be said to be very simple. Only one way can work, which is to send a person to enter from the vent, but to take this approach, the requirements for the team members are too high.

To be straightforward, this task requires the assault members who entered to kill four gangsters in different positions within 1.5 seconds and at most 2 seconds from the moment they entered the basement from the vent. Only in this way can they be assured. The safety of the hostages. Otherwise, once the gangsters react, no matter whether the hostages are harmed or the explosives are detonated, the consequences are difficult to imagine.

"Black Panther, how many seconds would it take you to get you on?" Thunder Rain asked with a frown.

The Black Panther was silent for a while and said, "2-3 seconds, although the position of the gangster can be detected through infrared imaging, it may move at any time. It takes time to lock the target when entering."

Thunderstorm shook his head. "Two seconds is already the limit. If it is more than two seconds, the safety of the hostages may not be guaranteed."

The Black Panther was silent, and within two seconds, he was not impossible, but he didn't have much confidence to do it, his life was off, and no one would dare to try it. The helpless feeling made the Black Panther a bit frustrated.

"How about you? Is anyone confident to rush into and kill four gangsters within two seconds?" Thunder asked the other members of the Black Panther squad.

A few team members, look at me, I look at you, all shook their heads slightly.

Special forces, performing rescue missions, generally require that the battle be completed within three seconds, but this type of battle is usually completed by multiple people. This time, the rescue is performed by one person, and it is three seconds longer than the time required for multiple people to cooperate. It takes less than a second, and everyone has little confidence to do it.

Human life is a matter of heaven. At this time, no one will seduce the hero, and it will do just fine, if not, no shame.

Thunderstorm frowned and thought, and said, "I can do it in two seconds, but I can't do it myself! I can't drag it on anymore. It's full of desperate drug dealers. It is very likely that the explosives and hostages will be gone. I don't care about a gangster, but if something goes wrong with our hostages, it is our sin! "

Lei Yu estimated it by himself. He had 80% certainty that he could do it in two seconds. However, two seconds is actually a risk to the hostages. If time can be controlled at 1.5 seconds, the risk factor will be greatly reduced, but Now, there is no other way but to fight against it.

Thunderstorm pulled out two pistols around his waist and checked them. "Be prepared, you will make a noise outside the door, talk to the gangsters, and cover me from the vent."

"Captain, what ... me ..." a Black Panther squad member said indifferently.

Thunderstorm, "Say something!"

"Captain, complete the task in 2 seconds, I know who can do it with confidence! And, if it is him, it may not be possible to control the time within 1.5 seconds, but ..." the team member said again The voice went weak.

Panther's eyes narrowed and he asked, "You mean luminous?"

The player nodded.

Thunderstorm frowned.

The Panther quickly said, "No, Luminous marksmanship is good, but he cannot come to this mission!"

A team member asked, "Why not? If it is him, it can be done to ensure the hostage safety to the greatest extent."

Black Panther, "He is not a member of the official establishment of our army. How can he perform the task? Also, this is not an exercise. This is actual combat. Does he have actual combat experience? His usual training results are amazing, but there are training and actual combat. The difference is that in case his mentality is tense, the problem will be big by then! "

Black Panther makes sense. It is true. The actual battle between real swords and real guns is greatly different from the exercises, at least the psychological pressure is different. At such a critical moment, once there is a slight problem, the result may be utterly lost. .

The words of the Black Panther made the players who had proposed Luminous dumb, and sighed lightly.

Thunderous rain frowning for a long time did stare, glanced fiercely at the private house where the gangster was hiding, and then made a decision.

"Contact Leopard Camp and find Luminous. I want to talk to him!"

Luminous was still in the training ground, so he was pulled by a wild leopard to answer the thunderstorm call.

Thunderstorm didn't talk nonsense with Luminous. As soon as Luminary answered the phone, he asked Luguang several questions directly.

"Four gangsters kidnapped a hostage and hid in the basement. Rescue can only be assaulted from a vent that accommodates one person. It is required that the four gunmen must be killed within 1.5 seconds. Can the hostages be saved? Speaking for two seconds, I spoke directly for 1.5 seconds. If Luminous could not do it in 1.5 seconds, he would not consider letting Luminous come.

At the beginning, Luminous was a little inexplicable. He asked me to answer the phone in a hurry, and he asked this?

After thinking about it, Luminous replied firmly, "It can be done!"

"Official mission, live ammunition, dare you come!"

Luminous froze slightly, then Li Zheng chanted, "obey orders!" For more than a month in the army, Luguang also looked a bit like a soldier.

Thunderstorm, "This is not an order! You do not belong to the military establishment ~ ~ so I ca n’t order you or order you, you can refuse, repeat again, this is an official task, live ammunition! It ’s not acting, The opponent is a wicked gangster. Think carefully and dare not come! "

Luminous was silent for a few seconds.

Luminous didn't answer, and the thunderstorm on the other side of the phone was a little disappointed.

Luminous just happened to stop thunderstorm first, "I haven't performed any tasks, so I'm a bit afraid of messing myself up, but if necessary, I'm always ready! If my ability can save an innocent life, then , I do! "

Thunderstorm, "Come here! The helicopter is already on standby at the tarmac, no need to prepare anything, the leopard will take you directly."

Luminous, "Yes!"

Hanging up the phone, Luminous mood is a bit complicated.

He never thought about this task because he knew that he was not in the army, and no official task could be delegated to his head, but this one really happened today.

Assault training and acting, Luminous has done many times, and each time is perfect, but the training is always training, using empty bombs, the gangsters who hit them are puppets, and the psychological feeling is different.

This time, but the actual live ammunition, the gangsters are four, although they may be evil, but they are also alive. If the bullets are shot out, they will kill them!

Murder, this kind of thing was very far away from the night light, and I didn't dare to think about it, but at this moment, it's close at hand, maybe, it will happen at the next moment.

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