My Star Teacher

Chapter 466: 【Nice to have you】

After the mission was over, the thunderstorm led the team back to the camp, and the luminescence was still a little bit daunting.

Facing the praises of the Black Panther School to the fighters, Ye Guang only responded with a few laughs, without the joy of completing the task on their faces.

Everyone also knows that Luminous is the first time to perform a formal mission, the first time to shoot and kill people, and now this situation is normal. For the first time, many people are not as good as Luminous.

"Don't have a psychological burden, they are bandits, you are soldiers, you are doing what you should do and rescue the hostages, you are good." Tu Leopard sat comforting beside Luguang.

Ye Guang barely smiled, nodded, and said, "I understand, it's okay, just leave me alone."

After returning to the station.

Luminous has not fully eased, as if two pairs of eyes can be seen staring at themselves resentfully.

Those were the eyes of the two dead bandits.

A sense of insecurity that was unclear and unknown began to flood the luminous body.

So, trying to catch some comforting and relying on the luminous light, the ghostly man hid in the bathroom and called Liu Chiyan with his mobile phone in the storage bar.

However, when the call was dialed and Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan spoke words of murder, he regretted himself.

Why tell her this with Liu Chiyan?

However, Liu Chiyan was a person who had seen the world and experienced the storm. Although Yeguang started to change his mouth later, he couldn't bear Liu Chiyan's repeated calls on the phone, and told the story.

Liu Chiyan was very surprised when he heard Ye Guang say that he had killed. He even overturned the salad plate on his hand. He thought Ye Guang had killed him and was scared to death.

But later I knew that Luminous was performing the task, so I was slightly relieved, but I couldn't help worrying.

What's the matter, isn't that saying it's better to go to army training? You are not a soldier, how can you perform the task? What should I do? What if I get hurt?

However, Liu Chiyan had an exquisite heart. Knowing that Ye Guang called him at this time, she naturally wanted to find someone to comfort him. It was not suitable for him to be counted. Therefore, she did not blame Ye Guang on the phone. She was afraid of him and rebuked him. Then, when he came home slowly, he closed the door and said slowly.

Liu Chiyan comforted Yeguang, saying, "I can't appreciate your current mood and I don't know how to comfort you, but I want to tell you that whenever you encounter any difficulties, think of me, think of Yiyi, Think of our home. As long as our family can live happily together, there will be no insurmountable difficulties. "

"Also, think about what your teacher Fan gave you," Liu Chiyan added.

Luminous froze and murmured, "Live what you want."

Liu Chiyan said, "Just a conscience."

Luminous was silent for two seconds, and then said, "Liuer, thank you, it's nice to have you."

After ending the call with Liu Chiyan, Ye Guang's mood really improved a lot.

Speaking of which, Luguang called Liu Chiyan, not really looking for what Liu Chiyan would say to him, but just a subconscious act.

This is always the case when people are panicking, and their hearts are depressed. They subconsciously think of the person they are close to. They don't need the other person's comfort in words and deeds. They just approach her, listen to her voice, and feel her existence. It is enough to dispel the haze of the heart.

the other side.

Thunderstorm received an urgent report.

"Report Thunder Squadron, we have detected unknown communication signals at the premises."

Thunderstorm narrowed his eyes, "Have you locked your position?"

"The location is locked. The signal source is in 206 dormitories."

"Dormitory? It's training time. Why did you find an unknown communication signal in the dorm?" Lei Yu frowned. "Notify the entire camp, first-level alert, comprehensive investigation, there may be enemy special forces sneaking into our camp area."

Snow Leopard Commando, in order to ensure its privacy, all team members are not allowed to carry personal mobile phones and other communication equipment at the station. The communication equipment equipped at the station is used to contact the outside world. There are only two possibilities for unknown communication sources. Illegal regulations brought communication equipment into the station and made a call, either because enemy elements sneaked in.

However, no team member at the station should be unaware that a personal cell phone will be detected. In this case, calling with a cell phone is simply silly behavior.

Thunderstorm ordered, but the leopard on one side did not immediately execute the order. After thinking about it, he said, "Yueguang did not go to the training ground after returning from the mission. He returned to the dormitory, and his dormitory was 206."

Thunderstorm froze, "Is he?"

Tu Leopard, "It's very possible, but ... where did he get his cell phone? His personal belongings, including his cell phone, should all be seized."

Thunderbrow frowned. He had the same doubts as the leopard. Where did Luminous come from? After thinking for a while, Lei Yu said, "Lud Leopard, you have to confirm. If it is him, lift the alarm. If it is not, immediately alert the first level and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the entire camp."

"What if it was him?" Tu Leopard asked. "It is illegal to carry communication equipment without permission. What should we do?"

"If it was him ..." Lei Yu smiled and looked at the detective, "Is there anything unusual today?"

The electronic detective stunned, first responding subconsciously, "Yes!" Then he responded instantly and immediately changed his mouth ~ ~ Ah ... report, everything is normal today! "

Lei Yu smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "OK, you go."

Yeguang does not belong to the official establishment, but today helped Snow Leopard to complete a difficult task. Thunderstorm is grateful to Yeguang. In spite of this, people have helped themselves by performing such tasks, so Although Luminous had violated the discipline, Thunderstorm was not prepared to embarrass him, one after another.

The army is the most disciplined place, but the army is not a place where people are not impersonal.

Ye Guang completed this official mission, and his status in the Snow Leopard resident is higher. It is not that how great Ye Guang has accomplished this task. Which of the soldiers present did not complete various tasks in the bullet rain?

However, when Luminous completed the mission, 1.2 seconds of assault entered and killed four gangsters. This data really surprised everyone.

Moreover, Luminous is now considered to have been on the battlefield, and many soldiers have lost sight of the superiority of the last battlefield.

Luminous was replaced by people before, called sheep. At that time, there was actually another layer. Sheep and cheetah were not of the same type, which meant that luminous and they were not the same kind of people. No matter how good the luminous training results were, sheep were sheep. Cheetahs are always cheetahs.

Now, Luminous has gained the approval of all people. They have become the same kind of person. This sheep has been integrated into the cheetah's group, and in this group, he has become a strong person.

The strong will naturally be revered.

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