My Star Teacher

Chapter 478: [Soul of the Army]

The golden seven-day holiday of National Day.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan were truly relaxed for a few days. With Yiyi, they accompanied Liu and his mother to go out for a trip. Nothing happened. Even the TV series that was broadcast did not pay attention to it. general.

Of course, even followers are useless.

Jiang Fengxian did his best. Even on vacation, he kept an eye on the status of "I Am a Special Force" and the development of his counterpart "Immortal Soul" during the same period.

National Day Golden Week is over.

After a week of market testing, the two TV series of the same theme that are not in the same channel platform, but are secretly fighting, also have their own word of mouth and comments from netizens.

Let's talk about "I'm a special soldier" first. This TV show that broke the precedent and was not broadcast on the Internet. It has already been broadcast. Within a few episodes, it has been spoiled by netizens.

Countless rave reviews, the voices of praise from netizens are full of any topic on this TV series.

Netizens commented.

Some netizens commented: ... when I saw this TV series, I just laughed, but still had nothing to say, I would have a wonderful dream tonight, sleepwalking in the military camp where I have lived for three years, dreaming of me Brother, my passion. After waking up, I still have nothing to say, some are just pillows with a slight tear, and a fiery heart. ——Retired veterans of the Chinese Army Special Forces.

Some crooked nuts also watched this drama and gave a comment like this: ... This work has the most shocking, only one concept-the Chinese Army! The loyalty and mighty shores of the Chinese Army are unforgettable and glorious!

More netizens commented this way: I remembered my military career for several years, and I am glad that I have this part of my life.


No doubt, after seeing these comments, I know that this drama was successful. Its success is not only derived from participating in the huge fan camp of stars, but also from the description of troops and special forces, from countless veterans or The resonance of the in-service soldiers is also based on the excellent plot of the entire TV series and the outstanding performance of many actors.

Military training for two months, this bitterness, nothing to lose.

The drama, which has a score of 9.1 on China Film and Television Network, has already become a classic.

On the other hand, the form of immortal soldier soul is not as good as luminous. I am so special.

The immortal soldier soul originally achieved 1.09 on the first day of the premiere, ranking second in TV drama ratings, but in the following days, it was not so satisfactory.

The TV series has a long plot. If it's not too bad, many times, one or two episodes don't see much, and can't tell whether it is good or bad.

Immortal soldier soul, this drama can not be said to be bad, it can even be said that this drama, compared with the previous military TV series, is going to be of such a grade, is a good drama that was originally worth watching.

The plot and the actors' acting skills are also online, and there is no major fault. Of course, being able to kill the successful bidders from many bids will not be worse.

However, there is no harm without the so-called contrast.

This drama, when it is usually released, will definitely become a hit drama, but, unfortunately, it encountered Luminous, and met me as a special soldier.

There is nothing wrong with the plot, there is no problem with the actors' acting skills, and there is nothing wrong with the director's control of the rhythm. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

However, if I did n’t watch the night light, I was a special soldier. If I watched the night light, I was a special soldier. If you go to the show again, you will feel a little worse.

It's a little worse, I can't say, the feeling of being unknown, I always feel that this drama is something worse.

Some netizens compared the two TV series, raised this question on the Internet, and found that it was not him who had the feeling and question, but the vast majority of people who watched the two shows at the same time.

As a result, the microphone was debated, and many netizens who had only chased one of the shows went to the other to see if they really felt this way.

Inadvertently, it brought a lot of traffic to both shows at the same time.

Many netizens who have made up for another drama, when returning to the Internet to comment again, have said that they do feel a bit like this.

Some netizens said that it wasn't what the immortal soldiers lost, but what I was a special soldier.

But what's more?

An old general who has retired and has been retired for many years. He has watched two TV shows and gave the answer.

"They are all good works, and they are all very good."

"It's just that I'm a special forces TV show, and there's something more than other military TV shows."

"It's the soul, the army soul, this TV show has the army soul in it!"

Army soul, this concept is too illusory, TV series, film and television works, there is a military soul?

Netizens who have not participated in the army feel a bit incomprehensible, but those who have been soldiers or are still soldiers really realize it.

Yes, it is the soul. In this TV series, you can see the army soul, the same army soul you feel in the army!

Therefore, no wonder this TV series will resonate with many soldiers.

Immortal soldier soul, China Film and Television Network scored 8 points, which is an excellent work.

However, Song Haiyi lost.

It was not a terrible loss, but it was always lost, and it was lost in the case of a negative move to draw a salary at the bottom.

Netizens don't think there is anything, because they don't know the inside story, but Song Haiyi himself feels hot.

However, he was also thankful that although the Yin Zhao was somewhat disdainful, he was also thankful that he had used the Yin Zhao at the beginning and did not let the two shows broadcast on TV at the same time, otherwise, he really competed on the same stage. This kind of trend, then what about his ratings?

Now, although the ratings are not too amazing, they are at least good enough to make a difference and not be too shameful.

the other side.

The head of the Cultural Regiment of the Third Military Region dropped a cup.

On the desk was a tender.

At the desk stood the original bid reviewer.

"Who will explain it! What the **** is going on! Why didn't this review, such works, such high investments, even go through!"

A reviewer headed by the review team leader below is silent ~ ~ speak! It's dumb! The head of the regimen was angry, "Don't let me know that there is something tricky in it. If I find that you are taking bribes for personal gain, one of them will be counted as one, and all will go to the military court!" "

The review team leader quickly explained, "Head of the group, you have to believe me, believe us, we are all soldiers you bring, you know, there is absolutely no such thing as bribery!"

Head, "Then tell me what the **** is going on!"

The review team leader secretly glanced at the bid on the table, and then said, "Head, we didn't do it well, because there is no script for this bid. Instead, we used the hard-coded rules and directly classified the script as imperfect. The range is gone. "

The leader's anger was not gone, and he took a hard look at the review team leader, "Which one is not good enough to pass, but this one is too good! Now it is good. Our public bidding project is not as good as others' review. No one has come, you say, what would people think of me and how would we think of our corps! I have lost all this old face! "

Review team leader, "Head, my fault, I review, accept punishment!"

The head of the group looked at him again, and then looked around the silent reviewers. They were silent for a few seconds, sighed, and said, "Well go back and write a review book, and then prepare for a drill to show punishment ! "

Everyone, "Yes!"

Leader, "Be flexible in the future, the rules are dead, you are alive! Go out!"

If everyone was amnestyed, they all answered yes, and then they went out of the head office.

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