My Star Teacher

Chapter 487: [My family Liuer is the most beautiful! 】

The movie started smoothly.

There are so many times before and after Luminous, especially the experience of directing TV series, the director's skills at this time are different now.

Compared with the old-fashioned directors such as Feng Kaimou, there may be some insufficiency in experience, but it is just some insufficiency in experience.

The shooting went smoothly.

It took less than twenty days to shoot all the shots back and forth.

In fact, most of these twenty days were not spent on shooting, but because it took a lot of time to look around, running around, and setting up the scene.

Finishing the shot does not mean that the movie is finished.

A good work, shots, and actors' performance are important, but the most important thing is the post-production of the movie.

Without good post-rendering, no matter how good the lens is, it will not show the effect it deserves.

Before filming this movie, Luminous had been plagued by a problem before preparing for it.

That is, the casting problem of the second female, he was not sure.

According to the movie settings, female No. 2 is a top big beauty, the real Bai Fumei, the strong woman, is stronger than the female lead, and more beautiful.

However, Liu Chiyan can play the female number one, which is very difficult.

Luminous, "Liuer, do you have any recommendations for female No. 2? In other words, I want to break my head, and I can't find anyone more beautiful than you."

With a smile, Liu Chiyan smiled. This inadvertently improper fart made her very comfortable, and Ao Jiao snorted, "I don't care, you think of it yourself."

Luminous groaned for a while, and then discussed with Liu Chiyan, "Liuer, I can't think of a candidate, or ... you act as the second actress? Then find an actress who is not as pretty as you, this is simple! "

Liu Chiyan didn't say anything, opened his eyes and stared at Luminous without saying a word.

Luminous, "Okay, I'll figure it out."

Let Liu Chiyan act as the female No.2, Liu Chiyan will not do it, it is not because Liu Chiyan has any obsession with the female one and the female two, the big name is to have the female one, the luminous movie, she does not need.

However, in this movie, Luminous is a male first, of course Liu Chiyan wants to play a female one. Rao is in the play. Liu Chiyan doesn't want to see Yeguang and other women on the court.

Sometimes, Liu Chi Yan's eyes are still small.

Luminous couldn't think of a good idea, so he asked his brothers to discuss it.

As soon as everyone heard the confusion of Luminous, they felt that it was nothing, and they came up with ideas.

Xu Chen, "I said what is bothering you, it's just this matter. It's not easy. Find someone who is more beautiful than Chi Yan. I think Wanhua is more beautiful than Chi Yan."

Before Luminous had time to roll its eyes, Sapphire continued. "Well, Wanhua can still look beautiful in our house? I think Xin Lan is the most beautiful!"

Zhong Jing also made fun, "This role, Luo Yu can do it!"

Luminous black line, "Enough, you guys, let you come up with your idea, isn't it for you to show your love for dog food here, can you come up with a reliable idea?"

Sapphire murmured in a whispered voice, "Our Xin Lan was the most beautiful ..."

Xu Chen, "That is, you think Chi Yan is the most beautiful, and I think Wan Hua is the most beautiful."

Luminous was silent, "You guys are giving things in the eyes of lovers!"

He Xing said, "You are not the same."

Luminous was completely speechless, and it felt like a mistake to find them.

When it matters, it is still Liu Tianwang.

King Liu Tian, ​​"I have an idea."

Everyone looked for six days.

Liu Tianwang continued, "To be honest, Chi Yan's face value is really not comparable. She is a recognized national goddess, and even if you can find someone similar to her, or even more beautiful than her However, as for the halo effect that tends to her, as long as the gap is not large, do you think, who will the audience think is more beautiful? "

It really is a problem.

He Xing, "It is also necessary to say that as long as it can be distinguished at a glance, the audience must think that Chi Yan is more beautiful."

Liu Tianwang nodded. "So, here comes the question. Where do we go to find a beauty who can compare Chi Yan with a glance?"

Luminous answered, "This person doesn't exist, it's impossible, give up! My family Liuer is the most beautiful!"

Xu Chen Lanbao and others gave Luguang a dizzy eye, just like you, and the face said that the beauty of our lover's eyes?

Liu Tianwang smiled and said, "Since we can't find it, then we can change our mind and find something more beautiful than Chi Yan, so we have to make Chi Yan less beautiful."

With that said, wake up the big guy.

Ye Guang took the lead in reacting, patted his head, and said, "Ah! Yeah! How could I not turn around before! If you can't find anything more beautiful than Liu Er, let him not be so beautiful!"

He Xing also understood, "With makeup, any beautiful woman can look different. You can paint as much as you want."

Turning Liu Chi Yan into an ugly one is indeed a good way, and it is also the best way. It can satisfy Liu Ji Yan's idea of ​​becoming a female first, and solve the difficult problem of Female Second.

Drawing an ugly point of strength is not a problem for Liu Chiyan, and she does not have so many idol baggage.

The female No. 2 that Luminous finally finalized is Zhang Yanqi, a well-known domestic artist.

Zhang Yanqi, a star who is not a big name in China, has popularity on the second line. There are not many works, but there are also many. They usually appear in the drama as **** and beautiful images. He is also known for being sexy.

Zhang Yanqi is in good shape, and it is hard to overstate that she is a devil.

Compared to Liuchi tobacco, Liuchi tobacco is naturally very good in shape, and its face is very beautiful and delicate, but the beauty of Liuchi tobacco lies in its good proportion.

And Zhang Yanqi looks very beautiful. Generally speaking, most people would think that she is worse than Liu Chi Yan, but if she talks about her body, Zhang Yan Qi is stronger than Liu Chi Yan.

Someone once commented on Zhang Yanqi: This is a fairy. As long as you are straight, when she is standing in front of you, it is difficult for you not to have some animal desires.

It can be seen that Zhang Yanqi's figure has reached a seductive level ~ ~ breasts, fat hips, lordosis and kyphosis are not enough to describe her proud posture.

Female No. 2 asked Zhang Yanqi to appear. Liu Chiyan was reluctant. After learning that Ye Guang identified Zhang Yanqi, she said tiredly, "How did you invite her ..."

Luminous froze, "What's wrong? Isn't he suitable?"

Liu Chiyan muttered, "She's a fairy."

Luminous heard a smile and smiled.

Liu Chiyan looked at Yeguang and said, "Smile, but I tell you, I don't object to you asking her to act, but you are not allowed to have any contact with her except when the crew is filming!"

Luminous is a little speechless. Which one is eating this?

Shao Qiong nose shaving Liu Chi Yan, said Ye Guang, "What about she is a fairy, in my eyes, you are the biggest fairy, I have been sucked into your soul and died in your hands."

Listening to the sweet words of luminous light, Liu Chi's smoke turned cloudy and sunny, with some sweet and a little pudgy hum, and said again, "Anyway, you can't contact her when filming in the theater anyway!

Yeguang nodded again and again, "Yes, I promise, I won't contact her in private."

Liu Chiyan nodded with satisfaction this time, "This is pretty much the same."

Zhang Yanqi, Ye Guang has never seen a real person, just looking at the photos, I just think it is a stunner, but it feels like that, Ye Guang is not a lascivious person.

But at this time, she was a little curious about Zhang Yanqi, um ... just pure curiosity.

Because this woman is a woman who makes the proud Liu Chiyan feel threatening.

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