My Star Teacher

Chapter 494: [Silent angel]

He Xing finished singing.

Next, there was a show carefully arranged by Luminous.

All the lights on the stage dimmed.


The audience saw Wu Mei Juping open a sigh, and then a figure came out.

A beam of chasing light hit the figure, and the camera aimed at her.

"Well, who is this? I haven't seen it."

"Looking at this costume, it should be a dance show."

"Are you the dancer? Who is the singer, and who is it? Why haven't you got on stage yet?"

Some viewers are discussing it below.

Long and soothing music sounded.

A figure on the stage pointed at Orchid, looking dignified, smiling, and slowly dancing his hands.

The singer expected by the audience never appeared, but suddenly, the dancer on the stage suddenly reached out his hands.

The audience was shocked and hadn't yet reacted. Then, another hand protruded out.

Then there are three pairs, four pairs, five pairs, six pairs ...

A pair of slender and delicate arms opened the screen on the stage, but the audience sitting under the field facing the stage and the screens on both sides of the stage could only see a figure on the stage.


This is a show carefully arranged by Luminous. When preparing for a concert, Luminous has begun to prepare a show.

On the stage, a row of actors stood upright.

The retractable arm is soft and rigid.

Thousands of arms were stretched and retracted, glittering and dazzling.

Several seemingly simple moves, rendered by melodious music and flashing lights, make the actors' soft and soft dance postures more imposing.

That shocking feeling is beyond words.

In one word, it is beautiful.

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

The audience applauded, shouted hard, and dedicated the most enthusiastic applause and cheers to the stage, which made them feel wonderful and shocking.

However, what the audience doesn't know yet is that their applause and cheers, the actors on the stage, they can't hear it at all.


Like the world in the dream, the actors that Luminous invited to perform a thousand hand Guanyin are deaf and dumb.

One bar ends.

A row of deaf actors drew back their dancing hands.

It seems to return to the original picture. From the front, you can only see that there is only one person on the stage.

Subtitles began to appear on the screen,

[They are silent angels]

Many viewers are a bit unclear. So, what do you mean? Angels understand, but what do silent angels mean?

Soon the subtitles on the screen puzzled the audience.

[They live in a silent world, they can't hear Yu Yuefu, they can't hear cheers, but today, with their dancing posture, beautiful eyes and colorful gestures, they tell their own words and chase the dream heaven. 】

[They are real dancers, soul dancers, and life dancers. 】

[They are silent angels]

The audience had seen it clearly, and then their hearts trembled out of the sky.

Earlier, when everyone watched the program of Thousand Hands Avalokitesvara, they just felt beautiful and beautiful, which was very shocking.

But at this time, there was another kind of emotion in my heart. I couldn't tell what kind of mood I was, but many people stared at the 'one' dignified and beautiful figure on the stage, and opened their mouth slightly. Silent.

The music sounded again.

With the music, deaf actors on the stage began to move.

From the previous vertical side by side, changed to the horizontal side to stand on the stage.

The audience finally looked at the appearance of this group of people and counted them a total of twenty-one.

The music this time is no longer just pure music, but a song, a song sung by Liu Chiyan.

Liu Chiyan's voice came out from the speakers and resounded throughout the venue, but the audience could not find her on the stage.

The song, Liu Chiyan was singing behind the scenes, which was specially arranged by Luminous.

Today, this show, this moment, this stage, there will be only those silent angels.

Now, this is their stage.

Liu Chi Yan's song, no doubt, was written to her by Luminous, named-"Grateful Heart"

The deaf and mute actors who performed a thousand hands of Guanyin faced the audience and stood in a row, but this time the dance is no longer dance, or rather, it is not simply dance.

They are neat and feminine in sign language, and can also be said to be sign language dance.

Most of the audience can only see the movements of the deaf and dumb actors. Perhaps they know that this is sign language, but what they mean may not be clear to them.

However, if there is a sign language audience, they will know that the deaf-mute actors are performing sign language dances on the stage. At this time, the content of the sign language is the lyrics of Liu Chiyan's song behind the scenes.

"I came by accident like a dust"

"Does anyone see my vulnerability"

"Where do I come from and where do I go"

"Who calls me at the next moment"

"Although the world is wide this road is difficult to walk"

"I've seen all the hardships in this world"

"How much more I love and how many tears I have"

"I want the heavens to know that I don't give up"

"Thank you for being grateful"

"With me throughout my life gives me the courage to be myself"


Liu Chiyan was singing affectionately behind the scenes. On the stage, twenty-one deaf girls were signing along with the singing.

They couldn't hear it, but every action almost perfectly matched every lyrics and every syllable sung by Liu Chiyan.

Such a tacit understanding, such a fitting degree, if placed on normal people, the audience still feels normal, but ... this is a group of deaf people, they can't hear, how can there be such a high fitting degree?

The reason is simple. If you train two months before the concert, and you practice for 14 hours or more every day, you can do it!

This group of girls, when Luminous found them, told them to let them perform on the stage, they were all crazy, one by one because they couldn't speak, or they were not good, they all screamed.

But at that time, the strange noises of these girls became the most pleasant notes.

A girl spoke a lot of sign language to Luminous. Luminous couldn't understand. The teacher of Deaf College translated Luguang ~ ~ She said thank you, you can let her see the silent future of her head. Some hope and color. "

The deaf girl smiled when she was signing for Luminous. The teacher also smiled when she translated for Luminous.

But at that time, Ye Guang couldn't laugh, he said something to the deaf teacher and asked her to translate to those girls.

"I didn't add color to your future, because your future is originally colored. God accidentally pressed you the mute button, but please don't paint the future yourself in black and white."

"No one can see the future of the head at a glance. The future must be full of colors and infinite possibilities."

"Be brave and make efforts to create, there may be many difficulties in the future, many bumps, there will be failure, there will be tears, but please do not give up."

"Let the heavens who press you to mute know, never give up!"


Don't give up.

Be brave yourself.

That's why Yeguang originally only wanted to get a show with a thousand hands, and added a show.

Song accompanied by sign language dance.

"Grateful Heart", this song was sung by Liu Chiyan, but at this moment, at the concert, it is more like the affectionate cry of twenty-one deaf girls.

Every word and every sentence in the song is like the most authentic portrayal and words in their hearts.

Liu Chiyan just gave a voice to these silent people.

This stage, this moment, belongs only to them.

Belongs to this group of silent angels.

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