My Star Teacher

Chapter 498: [Let go of that girl]

He Xing's actions were noticed by the guests at the guest table. * With * dream * small * said. Lā

Xu Chenmeng stunned God, and then incredulously asked, "He Xing! The person Fei loves is not you!"

He Xing gave Xu Chen a nasty look and said, "What are you talking about? If I were, I would have gone up already. Where can I find such a good girl!"

Xu Chen, "Isn't it you?"

He Xing, "I'm too lazy to tell you."

Xu Chen asked again, "Your reaction is a bit abnormal. I will confirm it and tell the truth, isn't it you?"

Before He Xing answered, Liu Chiyan answered, looked at He Xing's direction, and said, "Not him."

Xu Chen turned to look at Liu Chiyan, "Who do you know?"

Liu Chiyan said, "Maybe I know."

Xu Chen was excited, and Sapphire and others looked at it with curiosity. "Come on, say, who is it?"

Liu Chi Yan did not speak.

On stage.

Li Feier has finished singing a song.

Time is up.

Still no one came to power.

Xu Chen and Sapphire were still eager to explore the style of Liu Chiyan, but Liu Chiyan kept silent.

With the last note falling, Li Feier also slowly lowered the microphone. No one in the audience spoke, applause and cheers were gone. This is the only song tonight without applause and cheers.

Li Feier, "He still didn't come."

Ye Guang didn't say anything, and it didn't make any sense to say anything. He opened his arms and embraced Li Feier politely and said, "Come on, you will meet better in the future."

Li Feier said, "Maybe."

At this moment, a figure in front of Xu Chen and Sapphire flashed quickly, and then entered the stage.

"Let go of that girl!" The comer shouted.

Then, do you have a familiar feeling?

The scene was very quiet. Everyone looked at the person who had just come up in amazement. Only Liu Chiyan and He Xing smiled after a little shock.

"He went up."

Come here is King Liu!

Luminous and Li Feier loosened.

Luminous was still a little bit wrong, and Liu Tianwang came up.

Li Feier turned around slowly and incredibly slowly, and then the tears in her eyes seemed to turn on the sluice knife, and the whirling began to flow outward.

King Liu Tian, ​​while walking towards Yeguang and Li Feier, reached out with a tearful Li Feier, "From now on, this is my daughter-in-law!"

Luminous aggressive.

The audience was aggressive for a few seconds, many people covered their mouths, their eyes widened, and they looked at Liu Tianwang incredibly.

The microphone on Li Feier's hand slipped again, fell to the ground, and then, like Ruyan returning home, rushed into Liu Tianwang's arms and burst into tears.

With a bang, the scene exploded.

A hissing scream arrived tonight.

Actually Liu Tianwang.

Really Liu Tianwang!

The audience had all kinds of speculations before, and they turned their attention to those invited male guests today, but no one expected that it would be Liu Tianwang!

The scene was really boiling.

How long Li Feier cried in Liu Tianwang's arms, the audience roared for a long time, and she seemed totally unaware of the exhaustion.

Under the real hammer, although Luminous was a little hesitant, he couldn't figure out when Liu Tianwang had something to do with Li Feier, but he had to believe it.

Nothing more to say, Ye Guang stepped off the stage, and Liu Tianwang passed by. Lu Guang smiled at Liu Tianwang bitterly, "Brother, you can hide it, okay, leave it to you."

King Liu Tian held Li Feier, who was still crying, and smiled helplessly.

The stage is left for Liu Tianwang and Li Feier.

She patted Li Feier's back and calmed her mood. Wang Tian raised Li Feier and wiped her tears.

Li Feier was crying with joy, did not expect the last moment, when the situation was about to be discouraged, suddenly the peaks and turns, Liu Tianwang finally appeared, emotionally excited, could not help crying, had been crying for a while, the mood calmed down, The tears were closed.

King Liu Tian and Li Feier held hands and walked to the center of the stage.

King Liu Tian raised his microphone and was ready to speak. The audience quickly responded to the screams and waited quietly for Liu Tianwang.

This scene is quite interesting.

Sure enough, the audience were all lovely people, there was a lively look, the previous hustle and shouts, the excitement of emotions, and you could pick it up.

Liu Tianwang, "First of all, let ’s say sorry to Xiaoye first, because of my business, it has stirred your concert." Then, Liu Tianwang looked at the luminous light at the guest table.

Ye Guang smiled at Liu Tianwang and waved his hand, indicating that it was all right.

Liu Tianwang continued, "Then, I want to say sorry to Phil, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Mayer's face was still dry, she shook her head, didn't take the microphone, and said, "You can come, just fine, it's because I'm too capricious to make you embarrassed."

King Liu Tian shook his head and said, "This is something I should do. It's hard for you." Liu Tianwang paused and said to the audience, "Thank you, I don't want to say more than necessary, thank you for your support. I also hope that everyone will bless us, and we will do well in the future. "

King Liu Tian held Phil's hand to the audience.

The audience started to coax.

"Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one!"

"Propose! Propose! Propose!"


Today's concert, most of them are fans of Luminous. Not many fans of Liu Tianwang are present. Therefore, the fans of Luminous and Liu Fei'er are all fooling around with a lively attitude.

Otherwise, if it is Liu Tianwang ’s home field, perhaps, there may be a scene like the announcement of the marriage of Liu Guangyan and Liu Chiyan on the Huasheng Fengbang list, and Liu Tianwang ’s fans are madly opposed.

However, it is also possible that different stars have different fans, different groups, and different attitudes towards fans.

Many fans of Liu Chiyan have an attitude towards Liu Chiyan, and they are more inclined to possessiveness. They think that Liu Chiyan belongs to them, and Yeguang took it away.

However, Liu Tianwang may not have such a mentality, but may bless them. After all, Liu Tianwang is indeed not young, and it is time to find someone to start a family.

In the guest room, Luminous was still confused, I do n’t know when Liu Tianwang and Li Feier came, and it happened ten years ago.

He Xing and Liu Chiyan puzzled everyone one by one.

He Xing, "Actually, when Phil said ten years ago, I guessed that it might be old Liu. Ten years ago, at that time, Phil just made her debut not long after, and she was still unknown. Sign in the same economic company. "

Liu Chiyan, "Well, I know this too, and, after telling you the details, you will understand. Remember the second part of the show, Mayfair is Liu Tianwang's partner?"

Luminous, "Well, it was a coincidence that you were invited by everyone at the time."

Liu Chiyan smiled and said, "Actually, Fir came here by herself, and I don't know where she heard the news that we asked for a female guest. In short, it was she who contacted me and took the initiative to contact me. When splitting up the team, she secretly told me to be in a group with King Liu. "

Xin Lan was listening, her tongue stuck out, and said, "That ... Phil may have heard from me. I told her when I was invited."

Luminous nodded, "No wonder, what story did they have then?"

He Xing, "No one knows this, I have to ask them, but according to my speculation, it must be the old and good guy Liu, taking care of the love debts caused by the new couple."

Liu Chiyan, "This possibility is very high. King Liu Tianren is well-known and likes to carry new people. Mayfair had just signed a contract at that time. Old Liu went to help her and then had contact with him. Maybe Maybe secretly fell in love. Great. "

Sapphire answered, "Say, this time, old Liu will not be flooded with good people or forced to go up? You haven't moved for so long before you see, it shows that he was very hesitant, in case he actually What if you don't like Phil at all? "

Ye Guang thought for a while and said, "Since he went up to accept Phil, it means that he thinks clearly, he is not a child anymore and knows what he is doing."

He Xing, "Yeah, it ’s hard to say such things as feelings, but Liu is not too young, and forty years old, it's time to get married." ..

Liu Chiyan, "In fact, age may be the reason for his hesitation. He and Phil are almost ten years apart, and this situation is too sudden, and there is no omen. If it is replaced by you, someone suddenly tells you If you are willing to marry me, you will come, what do you think? I do n’t believe you do n’t hesitate, it ’s human nature. ”

As soon as Liu Chi smoked his voice, Luminous answered, "I didn't hesitate. If you let me marry you, I will marry you!"

Liu Chi smoked a luminous glance and yelled, "You haven't hesitated yet? How many accelerator pedals did you use at that time? I still remember, if it wasn't for me being a pitiful fashion, it would be strange for you to go to get a certificate with me!"

Luminous sneered, then responded, "What? Did you pretend?"

A group of guests watched the two demolished, and laughed. Mom and Dad looked at Yeguang and Liu Chiyan.

Liu Chiyan had some words, his face was reddish, and he snorted softly, and said proudly, "Hum, I've already cheated anyway. Regardless of you, don't you want to leave me in this life."

This dog food ~ ~ can't catch it.

Others are okay, each has its own owner.

Only He Xingfu was silent, "You're enough, say old Liu, can you not sprinkle your dog food every day!"

Xu Chen hesitated and laughed, "He Xing, speaking, besides old Liu, we have a few brothers. As you are older, you should find someone."

He Xing, "Don't laugh at every step in 50 steps, as if you have an object, not a single person."

Xu Chen, "I'm different, I have ... keke." Xu Chenmeng's voice closed, and with Yu Guang secretly glanced at Wanhua.

He Xing gave Xu Chen a white look. "It's nothing, just like it. I've been hiding it for so long. I'm not tired. Don't you say I'll do it for you." Then, He Xing stood up to speak.

Xu Chen rushed up and held He Xing, covering his mouth.

Wan Hua is still unknown, so she smiled and asked curiously, "Xu Chen, what do you like, who do you like to speak with? I'm your staff and don't be embarrassed."

Xu Chen looked at Wanhua and coughed, "No ... no, don't listen to him nonsense."

Wanhua, "Oh."

Ye Guang looked at a few people laughing and laughed, looked around the guests who were present, and then looked at Liu Tianwang and Li Feier who were still crooked at the audience.

Leaning back on the chair, resting your hands behind your head, looking at the high ceiling of the venue, Luminous said, "I have a sudden feeling."

Sapphire, "What foresight?"

Luminous, "It's quite possible that the talk we talked about when we drank it would really come true ..."

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