My Star Teacher

Chapter 505: [The first year of the rise of Chinese cinema]

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, one month passed, and the box office of Grand Master and Mermaid gradually locked after a month of formal reflection period.

Guru's box office performance was very good. The box office was finally locked at 1.51 billion yuan, ranking second in the domestic box office.

The first natural needless to say, the mermaid of noctilucent.

The mermaid's box office experience in the first week, but in the following weeks, did not show any more shocking results.

At the box office for one month, it ended up at 3.86 billion yuan.

Domestic box office, first!

Be safe first!

Domestic netizens were shocked.

Major media are racing to report, and even many foreign media have been shocked, reporting on this historic news in the history of Chinese film.

This box office result is exciting, but it also disappoints some people.

Because I failed to achieve everyone's ambitions, I couldn't see the mermaid movie successfully ranked in the top 100 box office worldwide.

There is still a lot of difference. The TOP100 global box office rankings, the total box office of the last place is calculated in RMB, which is 4.7 billion yuan.

It's still a lot behind, more than 800 million. Although the mermaid movie has not been completely withdrawn, the one-month official screening period has arrived, and it has been postponed for a month. Some theaters have scattered events, but this postponed one. In the month, the box office growth rate is really not much. Eventually, the box office is fully delisted. It is already good for the mermaid to exceed 4 billion box office. It is almost impossible to break through to 4.7 billion.

A movie can be estimated at the box office in two weeks. Even if you do not take it off the shelf all year round, there is no heat, no audience to watch it, and how long it is released is also useless.

In the dream world, the mermaid made a long extension, which was extended for three months, but the last two months, the total box office was less than one million, which is evident.

The gap of the 800 million movie box office was put elsewhere and other directors. This is a huge number and a difficult gap to bridge.

However, if night light, everyone suddenly feels like it is not much of 800 million.

The gap is not big. Although there is no hope for this movie, the next one, not just 800 million, will definitely surpass them!

In other words, Ye Guang didn't say anything. Where did netizens have such great confidence?

Perhaps, after watching the miracle performed by Luminous, everyone has already regarded him as the miracle itself.

The mermaid eventually failed to make it into the global box office, breaking the global box office TOP100 record of no Chinese local movies, but it has to be said that the high box office of this movie has also given the audience a glimmer of hope that was previously unthinkable.

In the past, everyone was still worried about breaking the 1.3 billion box office in China. But now, the world has been looking at.

Times have really changed.


Liu Jiawei, who had previously been spurred by two majestic films of Grand Master and Mermaid, was scheduled to be released on the third day of Grand Master and Mermaid's official release one month later.

Very chicken thief, but also a wise decision.

At least, the box office of his movie is good, at least he can see the quality of the film itself, instead of the two films that were released at the same time with Yeguang and Feng Kaimou at the same time. .

After Liu Jiawei's movie was released, the box office was not amazing.

Of course, it is not amazing. The box office of Grand Master and Mermaid has shocked netizens. If Liu Jiawei's movie has not reached the same level, how can it make the audience feel amazing.

However, this movie of Liu Jiawei, although not to surprise netizens, has achieved impressive results.

The final box office of the movie was 420 million yuan.

Compared with the grandmaster or mermaid, this box office is not much, but Liu Jiawei is not Feng Kaimou, nor is it luminous. The audience does not expect so much from him, and can get a box office of 420 million, which really makes many netizens shine.

Moreover, this movie is just a movie with an investment of 60 million, which is not a big production. According to the current market, it can only be said to be a medium investment.

Sixty million made a box office of 420 million and made a big profit.

Therefore, after being scorned for more than a month, Liu Jiawei proved himself at the box office, replacing the derogatory suggestion title with Jun Jie.

In fact, it's not just Liu Jiawei.

Liu Jiawei only started.

After Liu Jiawei, a number of movies have been released successively in China. It is surprising that these movies have achieved unfamiliar results.

700 million, 510 million, 440 million, 800 million ...

Film after film, at the box office exceeded the original audience's expectations.

Even a bad movie, after its release, can get a box office result that it originally thought was good.

Many netizens are confused, what's wrong?

Why do you suddenly feel that all movie box offices in China are uplifted by one grade? The bad films have good results, and the better ones are even higher. What's wrong? Suddenly that's it.

In fact, the reason is simple.

Can be summarized in two words, hope.

Yes, hope.

All this comes from the New Year's Eve, two films of Grand Master and Mermaid which were released in the new year.

The box office results of these two films have really caused a strong impact on the audience, especially the mermaid movie box office, eyes are blinded.

Such a high box office, not only benefits, but also brings hope, the hope of domestic movies.

In other words, let the audience see the hope of domestic movies.

It turns out that our movies can be so great.

Previously, the top five domestic box office were all imported films, which have been in the domestic film industry for so many years, like a curse, like a big rock, which makes people breathless.

Many viewers and netizens take a negative attitude and find it difficult to break this record subconsciously.

Therefore, in this case, a negative cycle appears.

It's not that the director doesn't give power, that the production doesn't give you power, or that the actors have poor acting skills, but the movie was shot and there were not so many people to support it.

Because I think this movie may not look good, because there is no desire to watch.

The box office can't get up, there is no benefit, or even a loss. Investors and producers naturally shrink and shy away from investing.

The director also has to be careful to make movies. He can spend no money without spending money, and pass some unimportant details. He will not deliberately pursue perfection and spend more money.

However, there are so many details that have not been handled well, even if watching the plot is not affected, even the audience can't see it, it can't be said that it is not good, but it has unconsciously affected the perception.

Investors dare not invest in large amounts.

The director has no money for filming and does not pursue perfection.

The audience was disappointed with the domestic movie and had a negative attitude, unwilling to pay for the movie.

This is undoubtedly caught in an endless loop. This is also the most fundamental reason that the top five box office in China has been suppressed by external films for many years ~ ~ It is not that we can't do it.

The two films, Grand Master and Mermaid, undoubtedly, broke this strange circle in one fell swoop.

Two good films made the audience see hope again.

The curse was broken.

More and more viewers are no longer negative about domestic movies and are willing to spend money to watch movies in theaters.

This also explains why, after Zong and the mermaid, suddenly the box office of domestic movies rose to a higher level.

Everything is moving in the right direction.

The negative weird circle was changed and slowly turned into a positive cycle.

The audience is watching the movie.

Investors can make money and are willing to invest.

With money, the director can show his talents and make good movies.

Good movies, the audience is willing to pay.

In this circle, I hope to continue to cycle.

Audiences, directors, investors have established a good circle of trust.

And this circle of trust really requires everyone to work together to maintain it.

The safest way to maintain this circle is to invite all film and television people to make sincere works, make bad movies, or star quality works without quality. Although it can make a lot of money in the beginning, This is consuming the audience's expectations of you, but also consuming yourself.

When the audience's expectations became completely disappointed, it was the filmmakers themselves who died.

The domestic film industry is slowly rising.

Times have really changed.

This year was also called the first year of the rise of Chinese cinema.

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