My Star Teacher

Chapter 507: [Yiyi has something wrong again]

Yiyi has been in school for a short time.

Not long after the school started, a mock exam was held.

Yiyi did not return any papers this time, and her scores were not bad, with 94 points in Chinese, 98 points in Mathematics, and 96 points in English.

The grades are at the forefront of the class. Yiyi is clever. Learning is not so abnormal as luminous, but he also learns quickly.

A little wrong question, Ye Guang checked him, it is not impossible, but it was a bit careless during the exam, but Ye Guang did not educate Yiyi, but just told him, "Be careful in the exam and write neatly."

Then there wasn't much to say. Ye Guang didn't have much requirements on Yiyi's study. Yiyi's performance was not bad, so he would not force Yiyi to study too much.

Children, it is better to have a relatively relaxed and happy childhood, so even if it is heard that 90% of the students in Yiyi's class have applied for tutoring or interest classes, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan have not reported any to Yiyi. Interest class.

Yiyi has no other interests. Unless she opens a Taijiquan hall, she may still be a little interested, but even if it is opened, Yiyi will not go.

Is there anyone better in this world than Luminous Tai Chi?

As usual.

I will pick up Yiyi this afternoon at night.

I just drove to the school entrance and the luminous phone rang. It was the teacher of Yiyi's class teacher Zhou.

"Mr. Ye, are you here today to pick up Liu Yizhen? Are you here? Are you here?" Teacher Zhou was anxious.

Ye Guang asked quickly, "I just arrived at the door, what's wrong, Teacher Zhou? Is something wrong?"

Teacher Zhou, "It ’s good to come. Come on, on the left side of the school playground, something happened to Liu Yizhang ..."

Before Teacher Zhou spoke, Ye Guang quickly drew the car door and rushed into the school quickly.

As soon as Yiyi was in trouble, Luminous was in a hurry.

On the left side of the playground, it was easy to find. A group of people were around there, and they could be seen from a distance. Yeguang hurried over.

Most of the onlookers were student parents, and there were school teachers and staff. There were many people, but there were no students, and they were driven away by the teachers.

Crowded into the crowd, Luminous saw a car surrounded by the crowd at a glance.

Luminous first reaction is, car? Why is there a car in school?

Then, Luminous saw Yi Yi standing on one side, his mouth beeping stubbornly, and his heart fell for a moment. At least, the possibility of Yi Yi being hit by the car was ruled out. As for what happened, you need to understand it. Yiyi is okay, and the others are okay.

"Yiyi, what's wrong?" Luminous asked out of the crowd.

Yiyi turned her head and saw Luminous, and flew towards Luminous in an instant, then her eyes opened, and the humming cry cried.

Yiyi cried like this, all of a sudden, Ye Guangxin's heart was broken, what's wrong, why is this crying so sad?

Ye Guang quickly comforted Yiyi, "Don't cry, don't cry, Yiyiguai, tell me ..."

Luminous words didn't finish, and the sound was instantly closed, then his face sank suddenly, a sudden infiltration of momentum suddenly broke out on his body, and everyone who was near him felt a wind suddenly blow out, shaking his hair. Tip.

I don't know why, everyone around Yeguang took a step back subconsciously.

Ye Guang said nothing, squatting down, rubbing tears on Yiyi while staring at the red mark clearly visible on Yiyi's left face, this is a slap seal.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Guangqiang resisted the anger in his heart, and softly comforted Yiyi, "Yiyi is not crying, obedient, Yiyi is the strongest, not crying, not crying, tell dad, what happened? Who hit you?"

Subconsciously, Luminous claimed to be Dad again.

Then, Yiyi cried even harder.

Ye Guang can only squat and hug Yiyi, gently patted Yiyi's back, soothing her.

At this time, Luminous was very angry, but comforting Yiyi, Luminous felt more important.

"Hey, you are the parent of this unlucky child?" A man with a famous brand standing beside the car suddenly spoke, with a bad tone.

Ye Guang looked up at him, ignored him, and continued to comfort Yiyi.

"Ye, it ’s kind of bullish. No wonder it ’s so bullish to have a cub, so you do n’t give me face, you do n’t even care about me. I tell you, in this Nanchang city, you do n’t want to give me a few of Sun Zhi ’s faces. Your family The unlucky child kicked my car, what do you say? "Sun Zhi said aggressively.

Ye Guang heard that, and probably guessed what happened, Yiyi kicked his car, and then he hit Yiyi.

Yeguang looked at Sun Zhi again, and then asked Yiyi, "Did he hit you?"

Yiyi cried for a while, her mood was much better, she flattened her mouth and nodded.

Luminous reached out and wiped tears on Yiyi, then gently stroked Yiyi's hit cheek, and asked distressed, "Does it hurt?"

Yiyi shook her head and said in a crying voice, "No pain."

Luminous, "Silly boy, Kung Fu has been practiced for nothing. How can anyone hit you? If you hit him, you can also hit him. If you can't hit it, run."

Ye Guang said, let Yi Yi stop tears, looking at Ye Guang, Yi Yi muttered, "You told me I can't fight, I'm afraid you're angry ..."

Luminous froze, then touched Yiyi's cheek with distress, and said, "Stupid girl, I won't let you fight, I don't want you to bully other children, but if someone hits you, don't be afraid to hit him Ah, if you ca n’t beat him, just run, and tell me, I ’ll help you kick him. ”

Before Yiyi answered, Sun Zhi stunned over there, "Well, you're tired, who do you want to stab? There is something to try."

Ye Guang's face turned cold, and he still ignored him, and said to Yiyi, "Okay ~ ~ Don't cry, be good, Yiyi is strong, go, I will take you to teach him."

Said, Ye Guang stood up, holding Yiyi with one hand, and led her towards Sun Zhi.

When Sun Zhi saw Ye Guang coming, he chuckled and said, "Finally have ears? Your unlucky child broke my car. You said ... Hey, are you Lu Guang?"

Ye Guang had been squatting and holding Yiyi before, and Sun Zhi could only see a side face, Sun Zhi did not recognize it. Standing in front of him now, recognized it.

Many of the onlookers had previously recognized Luminous, but they were secretly surprised and did not speak, watching the situation quietly.

Teacher Zhou had not spoken on the side when Yeguang comforted Yiyi before, now Yeguang got up and quickly came over, "Mr. Ye, this is ..."

Before Mr. Zhou had finished speaking, she was looked at by Yeguang, and she closed her mouth subconsciously. She didn't know why she could not speak when she saw Yeguang's eyes.

Ye Guang didn't say much to Teacher Zhou, turned to look at Sun Zhi, "It's me."

Sun Zhi looked at Luminous, was silent, and then smiled and said, "Hey, it is you. Since it is you, then I don't care about it. It doesn't matter. When you make a friend, my adult doesn't count on villains Too. "

Adults who go to special do not count on villains! You don't care if you don't care?

Do you think what you say now?


"Oh." Luminous responded slightly, then said, "You just said try?"

Sun Zhi was surprised, what?


A crisp sound.

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