My Star Teacher

Chapter 521: [嗝 ~]

"Why marry Luminous?"

Dong Jiaqi asked this question, Liu Chiyan smiled, looked at the night light sitting under the stage, and then answered slowly, "I said, this is the guidance of heaven, do you believe it?"

Dong Jiaqi, "Chi Yan's answer is a bit mysterious. I guess everyone is not satisfied with your answer."

Yanliu Chiyan smiled and said, "You can also understand that it is love at first sight. You may not believe it when you say it. When you see him first, I decide to marry him."

The audience stunned one by one.

佳 Dong Jiaqi was also silent for a few seconds in surprise, and then asked, "Why did you make a decision so fast? Is there any charm in Yeguang that makes you see the charm at first glance?"

Yan Liuchi Yan shook his head and said, "You may still not believe it, from the time we met until the day of registration and marriage registration, when I registered with the Civil Affairs Bureau, I did not even know his name."

The audience is going crazy, Goddess Liu, can you organize your language before you speak? Are you talking too sloppy, or am I listening too sloppy? What did you just say, you can say it again if you have the skills! I suspect I'm hearing it!

I got married in the Civil Affairs Bureau and didn't even know the name of the subject.

Dong Jiaqi was surprised and waited for a few seconds again. This should be regarded as a minor program accident in normal times, but today, no one cares, everyone is better than him!

Dong Jiaqi, "How come? How long did you and Yeguang get married? Did you get married on April 1st?"

Yanliu Chi nodded his head, "Well, April 1st, April Fool's Day, the day we registered for marriage was the third day we met, and the second side we met."

Dong Jiaqi, ""

Goddess Tamarix, your marriage is so hasty, does your family know?

Tamarix Chiyan is not surprising today, and added, "I am forcing him to come."

The scene was uproar.

The staff of the program director's group next to Yan Yeguang looked at Liu Chiyan on the stage, and looked at the luminous glower while sitting, a little speechless.

Ye Yeguang looked at Liu Chiyan on the stage. The smile on his face has not faded. He has been married for so long. Now I think about the scene at that time, it is really nostalgic.

Dong Jiaqi, "In that case, I now have a lot of questions to ask about Luminous. I had planned to invite him for a while, it would be better to invite Luminous now."

The audience applauded warmly.

Ye Yeguang went to the stage with a smile.

There were three sofas on the court. Dong Jiaqi was sitting on a single sofa. Liu Chiyan was sitting in the middle of a three-seater bar. Originally, he was sitting in the middle. At night, Liu Chiyan moved his position. He moved to the side and gave the middle position to Luminous.

Tadow Liu Chi Yan's inadvertent subconscious move made many fans of Liu Chi Yan at the scene. The catkins felt weird.

Luminous seating.

Dong Jiaqi immediately asked, "Xiao Ye, we met again. First of all, please check with you first. Was Chi Yan's statement true?"

Ye Yeguang shrugged, looked at Liu Chiyan, and said, "Well, really, we really knew each other for three days, and we got married on the second meeting."

Well, it's a real hammer.

I was surprised, Dong Jiaqi asked the voice of all the audience present, "You are so sloppy in marriage, do your family know?"

"I don't know." Ye Guang didn't hesitate, he answered in seconds.

Dong Jiaqi, ""

Yanliu Chiyan, "Sister Jiaji, we are getting married a little faster, it is fast, but, I don't agree with what you said hastily, I decided to marry him, not at all."

During his speech, Liu Chiyan gave a luscious look at Yeguang, "I can marry with a person, but I don't really care about the length of time. Sometimes, even a couple of lovers may not go smoothly even if they have been together for several years. Into the palace of marriage. "

Yueguang answered, "Some people just need to take a look and see each other, and you will know that in this life, she is the only one."

Liu Chiyan, "In the midst, there will be a moment, God will guide you, and engraved him into the depths of your soul, making you irresistible. Although only one glance, only one face, but the soul has been Closely related, marriage is no longer accidental, but inevitable. In this case, earlier, where is it? "

Luminous, "Although it's just just met, but the soul has already resonated, the moment you see her, you will open your memory valve, and then you will know that you are not new, but just meet again in this life, the previous life, already Waiting together, marriage is no longer accidental, but inevitable. In this case, earlier, where is it? "

I sing a peace.

A couple of lovers, a loving couple, sang a harmony on the stage, and the husband sang with the wife.

Unpredictable to the audience, including Dong Jiaqi on the stage, stuffed a mouthful of dog food.

"嗝 ~"

佳 Dong Jiaqi eats too much at night, and then sits, feeling a bit upset, and it's a coincidence that he took a nap on this head.

The audience burst into laughter.

There was a loud shout from the audience.

"Sister Jiaji, are you eating dog food?"

嗝 "Well, Jiaqi sister, I'm eating too!"

"嗝, ha ha ha, this is the most joyful accident I have seen. I hope not to cut this section when it is broadcast later!"

"Yes! Don't cut!"


The audience shouted loudly, and the directors of the audience were laughing one by one.

佳 Dong Jiaqi was a little embarrassed and he laughed with his face covered, but in the end he was a veteran host who had been in the hosting industry for many years. He had deep skills and he took emotions every time, and then nothing happened.

Dong Jiaqi stood up, facing the audience, and said very earnestly, "Audience friends, here is a solemn statement with everyone, that is, there is no Taiwanese version of this program, no Taiwanese version! I repeat again, no Taiwanese version ! "

Dong Jiaqi paused for a while ~ ~ continued, "So, the things that Luguang and Chi Yan said before were all spoken out by themselves, and they were not part of the program group arrangement. This show has nothing to do. "

"Haha, I'm here, what is it?"

"I have eaten dog food and eat it, have I reached it?"

"Sister Jiaji would have said idiots, haha."

"I can laugh for this stalk for a year."

Dong Jiaqi made a joke and activated the atmosphere of the scene.

Ye Yeguang and Liu Chiyan also looked at each other.

Dong Jiaqi sat down again, and then smiled and asked Yeguang and Liu Chiyan, "Don't you come to the stage by deliberately memorizing the lines?"

Luminous, "No."

Tamarix Chiyan, "Nothing."

Yueguang, "If we want you to 嗝 ~" Yeguang intentionally took a nap, "I don't need to recite lines."

Tamarix Pond agrees, "Just!"

"It's all right."

Ye Guang slightly sideways, facing Liu Chi Yan, Liu Chi Yan is indeed the pillow of Lu Guang, and he has a good understanding.

The two face to face.

Come closer ...


On-site audience: 嗝 ~

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