My Star Teacher

Chapter 536: [Who am I not waiting for]

Jiang Fengxian was a little speechless.

Speaking of brother, are you really talking about my night light?

Anyway, the younger brother helped himself, without saying that, Jiang Fengxian felt sorry.

So Jiang Fengxian said, "Little brother, let's not tell you, I'm the business manager of Yeguang Company. This time I'm here for a business trip in Beijing."

The elder brother apparently froze, then happy, "No wonder you feel kind, it turns out that you have my idol smell!"

"..." Jiang Fengxian, "Do you want me to send you his signature when I go back?"

Brother brother said happily, "Okay! Great!"

It ’s good to help others, but do n’t leave a name for good things?

Talking about Luminous, the two had a common topic, and chatted around the luminous topic in the room for a while.

Jiang Xin, who had wanted to knock at the door, really put down her hand, and turned to go downstairs.

Back in the room, Jiang Xin looked at the things on the table, silent, and murmured for a long time, "... is it fate?"

While talking, Jiang Xin's eyes left two lines of tears inexplicably.

Paralyzed himself in bed, Jiang Xin took out his mobile phone and turned out a photo of a handsome man.

"Why don't you come back ..." Looking at the photo for a long time, Jiang Xin murmured, and then seemed to have a lot of courage and clicked the delete button.

A dialog box for confirming deletion appears on the phone screen. Jiang Xin's finger was placed above the yes option, but there was no wall like a wall across it. In the end, he pressed the back button and left the phone aside. Covering my head with a quilt, faintly, the sound of sobbing came from the quilt ...

The most painful thing in the world is that sensibility is waiting for someone who reason already knows impossible ...

The hardest choice in the world is that rationality tells you that you should let go, but emotion makes you unable to make determination ...

People are different. Some people can quickly fall in love with a person, or they can quickly let go of a person.

Some people, if he puts a person in his heart, it will be harder to wipe him out of his heart.

I'm not waiting for anyone, it's just hard to fall in love with someone other than you.

Time is perhaps the cure for everything, but time also makes us forget how to start a new love ...


The next day.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin seemed to have had nothing yesterday, and they were tacitly silent about what happened last night.

Cooperation with Beijing Satellite TV was arranged in the morning. Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin arrived at Beijing Satellite TV.

The negotiations were not very smooth.

Or it can be said directly that it collapsed.

Jiang Fengxian gave the news back to Yeguang, "There is nothing wrong with the price, but Beijing Satellite TV insists on holding the copyright together."

Luminous, "Copyright is our bottom line, and appropriate price concessions."

Jiang Fengxian, "Jingcheng Satellite TV said the same thing."

Luminous, "..."

Since this is the case, we can't talk about it.

Speaking of which, in the first season, Beijing Satellite TV did earn enough ratings, but the money was really not earned, and the copyright was still luminous.

Run now to record the second season. The price will definitely not be lower than the first season. After all, Luminous is not the original Luminous, and Runba already has a huge mass base.

If Beijing Satellite TV and Youxian cooperate again, they will definitely not do any more business that only earns money. If you make more money, you will earn less, not to mention that making money is equivalent to picking up the eggs laid by hens. This time, Beijing Satellite TV is focusing on the program. Copyright This hen, if you can win the copyright, it means that there is one more chicken that can lay eggs all the time, which is more cost-effective than picking up eggs directly.

Speaking of which, this world is such a market. Generally speaking, television productions, or joint productions produced by television stations and other entertainment companies, are generally owned by television, or jointly owned by both parties. Few copyrights are pinched like Luminous. Not let go.

In the first season of running, it was considered that Luminous got a hole. At that time, Beijing Satellite TV urgently needed a program to increase the ratings. The others were secondary. Therefore, in terms of copyright, Luminous regressed on the investment amount, and Beijing Satellite TV didn't have much trouble , But it's different now.

Yeguang himself guessed that it is still the case with Beijing Satellite TV, and it is not easy to bite the copyright. Then go to other TV stations, it is estimated that the situation is not much better. Which TV station does not want to get the copyright of the running bar now?

Beijing Satellite TV didn't talk about it, and Yeguang didn't plan to find another TV station. Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin were sent back immediately.

Hang up Jiang Fengxian's phone, Ye Guang thought for a while, dialed TT video to be the family's general manager Sun.

Then, I made a special trip to a business that was not negotiated in Beijing, and was finalized on a phone call.

When Yeguang called TT Video Sun, it was very direct. The first sentence of the call was, "General Sun, run brothers, the second season, as a TT video file to make a variety show, but the copyright belongs to the fairy, is there any Interested in doing it? "

Very straightforward, seeing the door open, Yeguang said a few words in a few words.

After the TT video gave a variety show plan after the year, TT video was already preparing to produce a variety show online, but it was still in preparation.

Not everyone is like luminous, just do it, simply, a project, TV station or any other company, often before the recording, may have to prepare, research, discuss and follow the process, It takes a month or two or more.

Luminous is straightforward, and General Manager Sun of TT Video is also very straightforward, "Do!"

It was indeed very brave, and I agreed directly, without hesitation. Then, Mr. Sun of TT Video directly gave his own quote. "TT Video is fully invested and the copyright belongs to you. TT Video has the permanent broadcast right, and the producer only signs it. The advertising revenue of TT video, TT video intro and end-of-platform channel belongs to TT video, and the advertising revenues such as program title and implantation are six to four. "

The offer of TT video is already very good. It is a conscience offer. In short, if luminous and TT video co-produce and run the second season, then there is no need to pay a penny, 60% of the title and implantation of the show. Advertising fees, the most important thing is that the follow-up copyright is still in their own hands. After the TT video is broadcasted ~ ~, it can also be resold to other TV stations or online video platforms.

Of course, the business is talked about. Yeguang added a few according to the quote from Mr. Sun of TT Video. "The producer only signs the TT video. There is no problem with the producer and both parties signing together. I request the production cost to be pre-allocated 200 million. I do not like it I was constrained by the lack of money when producing the show, but Mr. Sun was assured that I estimated that the production cost would be about 150 million. "

Luminous paused and continued, "In addition, we have all members of Xianqi Staff Association to participate in the production. During the filming, the employee's labor costs are settled by TT video according to the market price, um ... so much, oh, right, Sun It's always so refreshing, then I also said that I would be the director and I would not have to pay for directors. "

At the end of the phone, Mr. Sun smiled, "The deal! Mr. Ye can come here at any time to sign the contract."

Ye Guang also smiled and said, "Happy cooperation."

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