My Star Teacher

Chapter 556: [Small business]

The next day.

on Saturday.

Luminous fell asleep.

These days, because I ’m going to the track and field team to train, Ye Guang wakes up very early every day. Now I ’m being kicked out. I do n’t need to go to training.

Father Yanliu and Mother Liu are at home today.

Tamarix mother is a guard, Dad Liu is sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper while drinking tea.

Ye Yeguang went downstairs, "Dad, what about tea. Mom, is there any food?"

Tamarix mother, "Oh? Xiaoye, didn't you train today?"

Ye Yeguang, "No, no, no."

Tadow Liu put down the newspaper, looked at Luminous, and said, "Everything has to start and end. What's the matter of three days of fishing and two days of drying the net?"

Yeguang suddenly understood that Dad Liu was misunderstood, and explained, "Dad, it's not what you think. I didn't quit the track and field team, just no training."

Tamariu father, "What then?"

No training? Dad Liu didn't believe it. Whose athlete does not need to train?

Yueguang, "The coach specifically approved it. When I started the Olympics in August, I just went to report, and I did n’t need to participate in the usual training."

Yuliu's father looked at Yeguang, still not convinced, "Is this happening? Why don't you train?"

This question is asked, Ye Guang is not very easy to explain. I can't tell Dad Liu that he was messing around when he was in the gym.

I thought for a moment, and Ye Guang answered with a serious answer, "Probably, I'm too good."

Tamarix's father gave Ye Guang a blindfold, and he didn't ask him anymore, and picked up the newspaper again, "OK, let's eat."

Tamarix mother, "The breakfast is still a little bit. I don't know if it is enough. I'll go and heat it for you. I won't give you a bowl of noodles."

Yeguang didn't have a polite excuse, nodded, "Thank you mom."

Speaking of which, Ye Guang is now more and more casual with Dad Liu and Dad Liu, and it is no different from his own home. It's not like he was just married with Liu Chiyan. It turned out that at this time, Ye Guang must say, Mom, don't bother you, I'll do it myself.

This is not to say that Luminous is still lazy, so he calmly asked Mother Liu to make breakfast for him.

In fact, most of us are like this. The closer people are, the more they will not be polite and treat their loved ones with peace of mind, but most of them are able and willing to accept each other's goodwill.

This is the way to get along naturally after caring for closeness.

On the contrary, I treat people who are not familiar with me for a long time, and we have more polite words. It has nothing to do with it and won't accept some goodwill from the other party.

As for Dad Liu, at the beginning, when Luke bought some fruit, Dad Liu said coldly, "Don't buy it later, I will not accept gifts."

How about now? The tea is gone, and they are playing tricks to let Luminous replenish him.

Ye Guang didn't have to go to the track and field team for training and didn't spend much time in Beijing. After lunch in Chinese, he bought the fastest ticket to Nanchang and flew back to Nanchang.

I haven't seen Liu Chiyan and Yiyi for some days, but Yeguang really misses them.

Probably this is the family.

Ye Yeguang returned to Nanchang this time and did not say hello to Liu Chiyan in advance, and wanted to surprise her.

However, Liu Guangyan did not surprise Liu Chi Yan, but Liu Chi Yan gave Ye Guang a shock.

Ye Yeguang returned from Beijing and first went home to put his luggage.

Yanliu Chiyan is not at home, no wonder, these days, Ye Guang has been in Beijing for a long time, but here in Nanchang, the studio has been overhauled and really busy.

At this point, Liu Chiyan should be in the studio.

I left my luggage.

Luminous went to the studio.

The staff greeted him with enthusiasm when they saw him. Yeguang also saw a lot of new faces, probably new hires these days when he was away. There are still many people, but they do n’t know if they are fairy or lilac In a company that seemed to have few people, it seemed very lively and popular at this time.

The new employees naturally knew Ye Guang, and after seeing Ye Guang, they greeted him one after another, Ye Guang nodded and responded along the way, went to the third floor to find Liu Chi Yan.

Yan Yeguang did not find Liu Chiyan in the office.

I turned around, and Ye Guang saw Fan Qingwen in the office, Liu Chiyan, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin did not see anyone.

Surprise can't be given, no one can find it, so what surprise?

Helpless, Ye Guang had to call Liu Chiyan.

喂 "Hey, daughter-in-law, where are you? I came back to see you without seeing you."

呀 "Yeah, you are back? Why don't you tell me?" Liu Chiyan asked over the phone in surprise.

Ye Yeguang, "I didn't want to surprise you. After searching for a long time, I didn't find you. Where is it?"

"I'm at the property. You happen to be here. You can come here, Ma Liu." Liu Chiyan urged.

Ye Yeguang smiled, "What are you doing at the property?"

Tamarix Chiyan, "Oh, come on, you'll know when you come."

"Okay, I'll come now." Luminous answered.

Hang up and go to the property.

A group of people in the property are very familiar with the night light, remembering that when he came to have the first year of immortality, because of the lack of audience in recording the Journey to the West, there was a period of time when it became the property's tea room. Tea, have a snack and listen to a storytelling.

In the past two years, Yeguang and the property have also been associated with each other. Although the fame is getting bigger and bigger now, Yeguang and people have always been nothing to deal with. What to do is never deal with people regardless of status and status. It is easy-going.

Yueguang has always been very clear about this. Everyone is carrying a head on both shoulders. Who is more noble?

If you become a star, you will have all kinds of high spirits, look down on this, look down on that, then the star is not appropriate, and Luminous is not like this.

"Yo, Xiao Ye, here it is."

物业 The staff of the property greeted Luminous, and from the title, they also knew how they got along.

"Xu, watch on duty, did you see my wife?" Ye Guang asked with a smile.

"Oh, Liu Tianhou is in the VIP room, I'll take you there." With that, Brother Xu led the way in front of him and took the night light to the VIP room.

VIP room.

Yanliu Chiyan, Jiang Xin, and Jiang Fengxian were all there. Yeguang entered the door and saw King Liu.

Several people were sitting on the sofa. Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin seemed to be looking at a contract.

On the opposite side was a man with a big belly and a Mediterranean-style poop. This person had met at night and hadn't been familiar with it a few times. This person was the developer of the excellent Times Square now located in Xianqi. Too clear.

Ye Yeguang entered the room, and everyone turned to look at him.

"Small night." Liu Tianwang greeted Luminous with a smile.

"Come on." Liu Chiyan looked at Luminous and smiled.

Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian also said hello.

Boss Fu got up and greeted ~ ~ Boss Ye is here, come here by car, everyone, come and come, please sit down. "

Ye Guang was called the boss for the first time. It was a little uncomfortable, but I felt a little bit cool.

Xi Yeguang shook hands with Boss and smiled. "Boss Fu is joking. What kind of boss am I? You are the real estate crocodile and a well-known big boss."

Bo Fu smiled, "Small business, small business."

Look at others. If you have a conscience, you will open your mouth. What about your small business? This is pretend to be more than the average meaning of luminous!

Boss Fu pulled Yeguang down and sat down, "Night Boss, I gave up my blood this time. To be honest, if it wasn't for night Boss and me and our employees, they would not be guilty. This building, I say nothing. I will sell it to you at this price. "

Yueguang froze, and the smile on his face was embarrassed.


"Sale a house? !!!"

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