My Star Teacher

Chapter 570: [1 pretty destined person]

This dinner of Jiang Xin and Xu Yang did not end there.

Moreover, there were no unpleasant scenes when they broke up and broke up.

There was no quarrel, no dispute, and no sorrowful resentment. Both were normal, calm, and even talked well in their words. ..

I haven't seen it for years, but I can still find some topics.

It's just that when talking again, it is no longer a lover, it is more like a long-time old friend who talks about the old.

After a meal.

Both Jiang Xin and Xu Yang have a feeling of relief.

Xu Yang drank the red wine in the glass and said, "Are you alone all these years?"

Jiang Xin nodded, "Well, alone."

Xu Yang, "Right ..."

Jiang Xin, "Sorry, don't say it, I'm tired of listening to this word tonight."

Xu Yang, "Actually, I didn't dare to come back to see you. I thought about it for so many years, and after so long, you should have belonged. Alone, so I think I should come to meet you and give you an account in person. "

Xu Yang smiled at himself, "Before I came, I was ready for you to hit me as a scumbag."

Jiang Xin, "Am I such an unruly person?"

Xu Yang smiled, "Xinxin, you have changed a lot."

Jiang Xin shook his glass and looked at Xu Yang. "You have changed a lot."

The same words have two meanings.

Xu Yang smiled awkwardly, "It's changed a lot, but you have changed for the better, I am ... don't say this, yes, over the years, there are people who like or like Italy ?"

Jiang Xin shook his head, "No ..." Suddenly, Jiang Xin paused and smiled, "Yes, a very destined person."

"That's good." Xu Yang nodded. "I wish you happiness."

Jiang Xin, "You too."


Jiang Fengxian's side.

Old Jiang drank a little, ran to the toilet and vomited.

Ye Guang and Liu Tianwang were still chatting in the box.

"Buzz ... buzz"

"Your phone is ringing." Liu Tianwang said.

Luminous touched the phone, "Not mine."

Jiang Feng went to the toilet first. He didn't take his mobile phone with him and put it on the coffee table.

Yeguang took a look at it drunk, and the caller ID made him awake a bit.

"Lao Jiang's phone is Sister Jiang." Yeguang looked at Liu Tianwang. "Can't answer?"

King Liu Tian groaned and said, "Come on, let's see what's going on, if ... er, don't tell Lao Jiang before the bad things, lest he ..."

Luminous nodded and answered the phone, "Hey, sister Jiang."

Jiang Xin, who was on the other side of the phone, heard the sound of luminous light, and apparently hesitated. He took the phone away from his ear and looked at it to make sure that he had not dialed the wrong number.

"Xiaoye, why did you answer the phone?" Jiang Xin asked.

Luminous, "Oh, I was drinking with Lao Jiang and Liu Ge. Lao Jiang drank more and vomited in the toilet."

King Liu Tian was also a bit drunk. Ye Guang talked to Jiang Xin, and he interjected. "What is more drinking? Look at the bottle of wine at this table. You and I don't add much to it!"

Jiang Xin was silent on the phone for a few seconds, and then asked, "Where are you?"

Luminous, "Just on the Gold Coast KTV, sister Jiang, across the street from your neighborhood, is there anything you can do to find old Chiang? You tell me I'll tell him later."

Jiang Xin, "No, it's fine. Tell him next time. Drink less."

Hanging up the phone, Lao Liu asked, "Just hung up, what did you say?"

Luminous shrugged. "Nothing said, let's drink less."

Liu Tianwang cut aloud, "Drink less? It's hard to catch the chance to come out and drink a glass of wine, how to do it without drinking, come! Come on!"

Speaking, Liu Tianwang picked up the wine bottle and touched a cup with Luminous again.

Luminous smiled, "Listen to this, Sister Fei is very tight-lipped?"

Liu Tianwang gave a gleam of white light, "What does it matter to her? She can control me? I have the final say at home!"

Ye Guang's face didn't believe, "Blow you."

King Liu Tian was a little hesitant, "Hey, why not believe it?"

Luminous, "I just don't believe it. It's better to think of Liu Er as my family. I can do whatever I want, and never care about me."

In other words, after drinking, I like Hu Heli's grandeur, probably the nature of every man.

Liu Tianwang laughed, and laughed, "Come on, I don't know you yet?"

Luminous was also a little hesitant, "Let's be half a catty, no one should laugh at anyone."

The two looked at each other and laughed.



After a while, Jiang Fengxian came back after vomiting.

Then, a new round of sea irrigation started ...

Jiang Xin returned home, sat for a while, then got up and started to pick up the house.

She found a pocket, put a certain photo, a certain dress, a certain watch, a certain photo album, a certain notebook, a small doll, etc. into a big bag with all her brains, and then mentioned downstairs Without hesitation, he threw it into the trash.

When he turned back, Jiang Xindun stopped, glanced at the building where Jiang Feng first lived, then thought about it, pulled out his cell phone, and called Jiang Fengxian.

The call didn't go through, prompting to shut down.

Today, Jiang Feng didn't go home after work. The cell phone was used for a day. By then, the phone had no power and turned off automatically.

"Shut down? Are you back?" Jiang Xin muttered to himself, hesitated, and then walked towards the building where Jiang Feng first lived.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin both live in the same community, separated by several buildings.

Jiang Xin reached the door of Jiang Fengxian's house and rang the doorbell for a while, but no one opened the door.

At this moment, Jiang Fengxian also drank KTV, Yeguang and Liu Tianwang.

Jiang Xin looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and his frown frowned. "It's so late, haven't you come back?"

Before Jiang Xin called Yeguang to know that Jiang Fengxian and Yeguang were drinking at the KTV opposite the district, but how late is it? How much should I drink?

Can you find your home after drinking so much alcohol? Can you come back? Otherwise, go and see?

How to say it is also a colleague and a friend, the other two are the bosses. If one is drunk on KTV, no one will lead them home. How bad?

Go and see!

Jiang Xin found himself a very good reason ~ ~ Upstairs to get a bag, Jiang Xin went out to the Gold Coast KTV across the street.

Although I don't know which box they are in, Yeguang and Liu Tianwang are both public figures and superstars. When they go to that KTV, they should be recognized by KTV's staff, and they will find out when they ask the waiter.

Ye Guang is going to end here too. Today, I ’m almost drinking. If I drink it again, I really ca n’t go home.

Speaking of which, this is the most luminous drink.

King Liu Tian was okay. Before he left, he might get up too hurriedly. He got up and ran up in the bathroom.

Jiang Feng first explained a little, then went downstairs to blow hair, waiting for Luminous and King Liu.

Luminous settled the bill at the front desk. Today, the meal was invited by Luminous. Also, the money for the drinking event was provided by Liu Chiyan, otherwise, with Luminous' eight hundred yuan a month ’s pocket money, I ca n’t afford today ’s wine fee.

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