My Star Teacher

Chapter 587: [Night Landlord] (Thank you for staying old, we wo n’t let go ...

That night.

Yeguang and others have never received a call from a guest the next day.

Xia Yu asked with a bit of wonder, "Why haven't tomorrow's customers called yet to order food, won't there be no customers tomorrow?"

Luminous shrugged, "Who knows, maybe it's Xiao Er who made up all the moths."

Xiaoer, this is the respectful and kind name that Yeguang and others respect the longing director of life.

Because this director is here, it's really like Xiao Xiaodian.

Every day, the director has a fixed line, "Mr. Ye, what do you want today?"

The director is helpless to make this show, but he also admires Luminous.

In the end, talents are the planners of this show. Originally, according to the director's ideas, the main purpose was to make the corn as the difficulty and highlights of the show, so that the family worked hard every day for food and worries about corn .

However, these people at night do n’t take corn at all. Every day, they ’re going to run out of corn. They eat whatever they want, and buy what they want.

Even, Yeguang et al. Also exchanged a bunch of snacks with corn. This is because corn is too much to be spent before it is consumed so casually.

According to Luminous, "We are the landlord class now, we need land and land, and we want somebody!"

No, the mushroom house looks down from the yard. A large area is their field, which is planted with a variety of crops. The guests and guests who come every day are the rushed laborers, and they do n’t have to pay the wages. To grow, just two meals are enough.

However, making the show like this really adds a lot of highlights and fun. The life of going up the mountain to catch birds and going down the river to feel the fish really makes people yearn for it.

The next day.

after lunch.

Before seeing them off, I thought they were guests, and Yeguang and his party were going to touch some snails to eat supper at night.

Just as he was about to go out, Luminous eyes brightened.

The fence between the yards opened, and one came in, looking at him with a smile.

Luguang laughed suddenly and ran to the past, "Daughter, why are you here?"

The caller was Liu Chiyan.

Yiyi also happily ran over, "Aunt."

Liu Chiyan looked at the two with a smile, looked around and said, "It's tanned."

Luminous smiled, "Run outside every day, and the tanning point is normal."

Liu Chiyan, "Isn't I prepared sunscreen for you, and forgot to wipe it again."

Luminous froze, "Sunscreen? Is there? I didn't see it."

Liu Chi Yan suddenly looked, "The black bottle."

"..." Ye Guang was awkward, then said, "I always thought it was a facial cleanser ..."

Liu Chiyan suddenly gave a grin, and Liu Tianwang trembled with a smile on the side. "Haha, sunscreen ... facial cleanser, haha."

Luminous touched his nose. "I said why I didn't soak it. It was useless after a few days, and it was useless. No, there was no word on that bottle ..."

The accidental arrival of Liu Chiyan let the atmosphere in the yard open.

Ye Guang didn't say to touch the field snails, and led Liu Chiyan to walk around the mushroom house that belongs to them, look at the layout of the room, look at the chickens and ducks in captivity, and look at the home-grown vegetable field.

King Liu Tian and Xia Yu did not accompany them. They took the basket to touch Tianluo and let Yeguang accompany Liu Chiyan at home, giving the young couple who had not seen each other some time alone.

Yiyi also followed. Although she hadn't seen Liu Chiyan for a long time, Yiyi missed her too, but Liu Chiyan would not leave since one and a half minutes, so Yiyi didn't want to miss it.

Sitting and chatting with Liu Chiyan in the pergola, Luguang told her cheerfully about her life in the mushroom house during this time, and talked about all kinds of fun and fun of the farmhouse.

Although it is a mountain village, it is relatively cool, but this summer is still a little sultry. Yeguang looked at Liu Chiyan and asked, "Don't eat watermelon? I picked it from my own place, it's sweet and sweet, I'll plant one for you . "

Liu Chiyan nodded his head slightly, and said, "Let's go together, I'll check it out."

The fruits and vegetables grown in the field are basically eaten and picked by people like Luminous.

The two went to the ground to pick a watermelon and came back. The watermelon was exposed in the ground, and the surface was a little hot.

Luminous, "I take the well water for a while and chill it for a while, it ’s delicious when it's frozen. Our well water is a treasure, ice and sweet ..."

The arrival of Liu Chiyan also made Yeguang talk more. After seeing Liu Chiyan for a long time, I saw her again. Yeguang seemed to have something to say, and wanted to talk to her about everything. What I didn't say with Liu Chiyan made up for it.

Today's weather is really hot. After walking around the field, the smoke from Liu Chi's forehead turned out to be a lot of sweat.

The watermelon is still iced, and it will take a while to eat. Luminous wiped Liu Chi Yan's sweat, and Xiao Xiao sprinkled a wave of dog food in front of the camera. He asked, "Isn't ice cream eatable? Summer. "

Liu Chiyan smiled, "Yo, there is ice cream? Didn't I just watch the refrigerator at home?"

Ye Guang smiled, pointed to the director outside the camera and said, "We don't have them, they have." Then, Ye Guang waved at the director, "Little two, two ice creams!"

The director has a black line, but people are rich, not right, it is okay to have corn for him. Who calls this is the rule of this show?

Ice cream and ice cream are the products of Luguang and others after being rich, and they were specially prepared by the directors. With corn, that's wayward!

The staff brought two ice creams and gave them to Luminous. Luminous asked, "How much corn are these two ice creams?"

Director, "No, the goddess Liu will be here today. The two ice creams are for free."

"Yo." Ye Guang laughed. "Little two, yes, it's getting better and better, okay. I have a pair of chopsticks tonight."

The director was happy, and he answered, "Success!"

Being able to eat a luminous meal is something that every crew member of this crew, including the director, longs for.

Chef Ye's cooking is really not covered.

On a hot summer day, eating an ice cream is indeed a satisfying thing. Liu Chiyan was eating ice cream with a small mouthful and asked, "What do you do in the afternoon, I heard that guests who come here have to work? ? "

Luminous waved his hand, "What work? You come and I can make you work? No!"

Liu Chiyan laughed and said ~ ~ Not good, can't be special. "

Ye Guang cut aloud, then pointed to a large field in front of him and said, "See, no, this large field is mine, the room in the back, the chicken, duck and sheep pen over there, and the dog. Yes, who am I? The person is called Night Landlord! "

Yeguang looked at Liu Chiyan and continued, "But you landlord lady, who dares to let the landlord lady work?"

Liu Chiyan was amused, and she gave a luminous glance, "Poor."

Ye Guang looked at Liu Chiyan and smiled. Liu Chiyan ate ice cream, and put a little on the corner of her mouth, hanging her lips in vain, making her look lovely.

Ye Guang smiled and pointed at the corner of Liuchi's cigarette mouth, "I'm eating."

Liu Chi smoked for a while and then wanted to reach out and wipe it, but was stuck by Luminous.

"Don't move, I will help you."

Speaking, Yeguang looked at Liu Chiyan, slowly leaned down, and kissed the corner of her mouth.

The director ’s group watched so many people, several cameras were shooting, Liu Chiyan was a bit shameful, pushed the luminous light, and gave the luminous light lightly, "Don't make trouble."

Ye Guang smiled, looked at Liu Chiyan, and whispered, "Liuer, I miss you."

Liu Chi Yan choked for two seconds, then leaned slowly against Luminous, softly, "Me too."

Under the scorching sun, a man and a woman were sitting under the pergola in the farmyard, and they were hugging each other. In front of them was a large field full of vitality.

Fortunately, this scene has not passed away.

The camera perpetuated the scene.

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