My Star Teacher

Chapter 594: [Banner]

Ye Guang didn't stop Yi Yi, but was relieved.

After touching Yiyi's head, Luminous chuckled, "Go, I'll make you something to eat at night when I'm done."

Yiyi said aloud and went down carrying the bamboo basket.

King Liu Tian went to Yeguang and watched Yiyi slowly walking away with him, saying, "I see Yiyi, and I want to have a baby."

Luminous smiled, "Then give birth."

Liu Tianwang smiled, "I'm afraid that giving birth will not make you worry, I will be content to have a child with half of Yiyi.


Life has entered the normal state.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the program has been recording for more than a month.

It's late August, and the recording of the show is almost over.

According to the plan, there will be another week, even if the entire program is completely recorded.

Luminous could not wait for the show to end.

He has to leave early.

At the end of August, there was a major event that attracted worldwide attention.

Beijing Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games in this world are far from the time in the dream world. The year is not right, and the time is not right.

The Olympic Games at this time will be opened on August 28th at 8.28pm.

There are still three days left before the Olympic Games.

Luminous had to go to the final athlete training in advance.

Actually, it was time for Yeguang to report a week ago, but the show really couldn't get away.

There is nothing to say about training.

In the days of training, Ye Guang basically adhered to a principle, prioritizing track and field team projects, and then obeying arrangements.

However, Ye Guang finally tasted the bitterness that he had done.

Although other athletes are also training, others practice only one or more items, and they are not much worse than daily training.

But what about luminous?

Before the track and field team's test is over, the basketball team is here to pull people.

The basketball team hasn't finished the game yet, and the archery team is pulling again.

The arrow hadn't shot halfway yet, and the boxing team was pulling again.

Throughout the day and night, the luminous light did not stop, all kinds of tossing.

Although tossing a little, but fortunately, no matter how tossing, there are only three days.

Luminous did not have any emotions, and has always cooperated with the coaches of various teams for test training.

The day before the countdown to the Games, Luminous also received unexpected news.

The Chinese Olympic Committee decided to let Yeguang hold the post of flag bearer.

When he heard the news, Luminous was surprised.

At the Olympic Games, being a standard-bearer and being at the forefront is an honor that is extremely admired.

Yeguang really couldn't figure out why he would make him the standard bearer.

Among the Chinese athletes, there are countless talents and many people who have made outstanding contributions. There is no such thing as seniority.

However, it is true that this position is left on the luminous head.

In fact, letting Luminous be a standard bearer is not a decision of the Olympic Committee.

Instead, a big man made a speech and chose him to be the standard bearer.

This big brother is not Father Liu, Father Liu will not abuse his personal rights like this.

This big guy was a guest who had been a guest translator for Mr. Liu in Luminous, and had a contact with him.

The Olympics are at the top of the nation's agenda at this time.

Natural big brothers also pay more attention.

Before the Olympic Games is about to open, the Chinese athlete team also submitted the final list of participants.

The big man came over for review.

"These are all good men in our country!" Said the gangster while looking at the list.

The big guy on the list looks very carefully. He is trying hard to see clearly, and remembers the names one after another.

Each of these people may win honors for the country in the international arena of the Olympic Games.

They deserve respect.

After watching for a while, the big man saw Ye Guang's name in the archery team, his eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.

He was very impressed with this name, remembering that Father Liu's son-in-law was called Yeguang, and that Yeguang acted as an interpreter, and then talked a few words, leaving him a deep impression, but did not think much, I think it's the same name and same name.

Continue to look down.

Athletics team.

Huh? So coincidentally, another one is called Luminous?

Boxing team.

咋 There is another one called Luminous?

basketball team.

I rely on so much luminous?

The big brother felt something wrong. How can there be so many people with the same name and surname, and all of them happened to appear on the list of athletes by coincidence.

Gangster, "What is this luminous thing? So many teams have the name luminous?"

The leader of the committee explained, "It's ... somewhat ridiculous."

"Fantastic?" The old man asked, "What's absurd?"

The committee leader said, "This night light is actually a single person, but a total of seven project teams reported his name. The track and field team reported the main force, basketball, shooting, archery, handball, volleyball, boxing The team is reporting for the bench. "

Gangster, "Same person, so many sports?"

The leader of the committee nodded, "This is a capable person, and the test data of each group has also been reflected. No matter which group, his evaluation is a gold seed."

The gangster groaned for two and said, "Here's my profile."

A member of the committee accompanied by him hurried to get the information of Luminous and handed it to the big brother.

The old man took it and looked at it with a smile, "It's really this kid."

"Do you know him?" The leader of the committee said ~ ~ with a smile, and then added, "Oh, I forgot, he is still a big star, and you don't wonder."

The old man smiled, "I do know, a kid from an old friend's house, a very interesting guy, okay, good." The old man nodded at Yeguang's information.

Old friends at home.

In this case, the gangster said unintentionally, others listened to it.

Who is this big brother? Who is his old friend? What does the old friend say? Still not clear enough?

The leader of the committee looked at the big man and said, "It is indeed a personal talent, a decathlon, and is proficient in everything. By the way, at this Olympic Games, our flag bearer candidate has not yet been determined. How do you always look at him?"

The big guy raised a brow and looked at the committee leader and said, "Well, yes, if it's not settled, then let him come. He is a public figure, influential, and suitable as a standard bearer. And, this kid last time It helped us a little bit, and he didn't give him any reward afterwards. People volunteered to help, and the party and the country couldn't say nothing. It is just a good opportunity to give him the position of the flag bearer. "

Upon hearing this, the head of the committee heard a stun in his heart. It seems that this is not just as simple as the child of an old friend's family.

The head of the committee immediately nodded, "Okay! That's it! I'll arrange it in a while."

The old man nodded, looked at the luminous materials in his hand, smiled, and said to himself, "Lao Liu's luck is quite good, he picked up a unicorn."

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