My Star Teacher

Chapter 605: [Boss watching animation]

The finished Journey to the West animation has been made in half.

Ye Guang came to Beijing this time, and he took a copy with him.

After playing on the TV for a while, Luminous played the Journey to the West animation.

On the TV screen, there was a familiar track.

"Monkey brother, monkey brother, you are amazing, the Five Elements Mountain can't hold you back, and a Sunwalker pops up ..."

This song is a prelude to the cartoon animation of Journey to the West in the Dream. Yeguang has specifically retained it and can be regarded as a tribute to the Journey to the West in the Dream.

The film title touched for about two minutes, but just two minutes of the film title, it made Father Liu and the big brother and Mother Liu's eyes somewhat attracted to the TV.

The trailer is really wonderful.

The monkey stood on a stick and looked up at the sky, his eyes were flooded, his face was unyielding and hesitant, and the fighting scene was very vivid.

Fragmentary titles are full of vivid battle pictures, flying sand and rocks, falling apart, fighting in blood, and splendid special effects everywhere.

Before the official plot, just watching the film, the big man said with emotion, "It's really different."

It's really different. In this animation made by Luminous, the characters are actually slightly humanized, which is very different from the traditional cartoon animation.

Of course, the biggest difference is also in the production of special effects. The opening special effects and grand battle scenes are enough to make people look heartily and trembling.

Father Liu didn't speak, but he slightly glanced at Luminous and nodded slightly.

For a long time, cartoons, in this world, whoever they are, have been defined as the type of cartoon children watching.

However, even after watching the opening film of Ye Guang's cartoon, even Liu Dad wanted to watch it.

Soon, the feature film began.

In the first episode, the Monkey King is born.

At Dad Liu's house, a group of people sat on the sofa without too much communication. They all started to stare at the TV intently, and slowly immersed themselves in the TV.

The leaves feel most uncomfortable.

She had watched it in advance, so if you look at it now, it won't be so attractive to her.

However, she was sitting aside, watching Father Liu and the big brother, attentive, staring at the Journey to the West cartoon on TV, even if she knew that Ye Guang ’s cartoon was excellent, she could n’t help breeding it Weird feeling came out.

I can only say one thing. Although these two are big brothers, they are still in the category of normal humans.

You will also be attracted by the unprecedented and gorgeous pictures and excellent special effects.

The episode is over, until the ending song is sung in half, the talents in the living room slowly return to their minds.

The big brother started admiring Luminous, "Night boy, good, good job! This is the first time I have seen such a cartoon, unheard of, let alone our country, I am afraid that the entertainment industry has been in There is no such cartoon in the world's leading Hollywood? "

Ye Guang smiled and said, "No, this is the first of its kind in the world. If this cartoon has a good response, it is very likely to become an epoch-making work. Our country, and even the global animation industry, will probably It will usher in a major reform. "

"Okay!" The big man nodded and sighed, "Yeah boy, I still look down on you. It's not as good as ordinary people. It's terrible, terrible. In my opinion, your cartoon will be a major success. Come on, good Yes, there are talents like you in our country's entertainment industry. Why worry you can't rise, I'm bullish on you! "

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Thank you, uncle, I believe that you will succeed, and I will continue to work hard."

Ye Zi whispered, "Success, no one will broadcast it."

The leaves were relatively quiet, but it was enough for everyone in the living room to hear them.

Ye Guangwen gave an angry look at the leaves. "Leaves, what do you say?"

Aunt Ye Zi's cheeks, bowed her head and said nothing.

Luminous doesn't blame Ye Zicha for talking and talking. Everyone is chatting here. Although Dao Liu and the big brothers have high weight, Ye Zi can sit and talk naturally. Not so particular.

However, Ye Guang didn't want Ye Zi to say such words. It seemed that Ren Yang regarded it as difficult Ye Guang, and did not broadcast it. What are the characters of Dao Liu and this big man?

Moreover, at this time, if you go deeper, you have a way to borrow donkeys from the **** and want to ask Father Liu or the big brother to help solve the problem.

Although Ye Guang didn't talk to CCTV, he was very unhappy, but even so, Ye Guang never thought of using Dad Liu or whose power to do this.

Father Liu is the father of Liu Chiyan. What kind of identity he has, Yeguang has no choice but to get along with Father Liu, Yeguang will do his best to keep it pure, only relatives, regardless of power.

Therefore, from the beginning to the present, Yeguang has never spoken to Father Liu or Mother Liu to do anything for him or to be immortal.

Moreover, Ye Guang also knew that the character of Father Liu was definitely not for public benefit.

The big brother didn't take the words of the leaf to heart, and probably knew that she was only a little girl who spoke quickly.

With a smile, the big guy said, "Night boy, go and play another episode. I should go back after watching the episode."

Ye Guang smiled and nodded, and then went to play the next episode of the cartoon.

Another episode is over.

The big brother didn't sit much anymore and got up to leave.

Mother Liu, "You have dinner before leaving."

The big man smiled and said, "No, there's something going on in a while. I can't stay that long, next time."

Mother Liu and Father Liu did not stay any longer. Although it was Saturday, the big brother was busy with business and it was not easy to come to Father Liu's house for so long.

Yeguang and Father Liu and Mother Liu got together to send the big brother.

Open the door, there is already a car waiting outside, and there are two bodyguard-like people standing at the door ~ ~ Boss, "Okay, no need to send, just go back."

Dad Liu was unpretentious and nodded. "Slow down."

The old man nodded with a smile, then looked at Ye Guang, "Ye kid, the cartoon is very well done, I like it very much, I will be free again, I will come and watch again."

Luminous was happy, and laughed, "No need to change the day, if you like it, take it back to watch it." Then, Luminous took out the USB flash drive with the animation of Journey to the West.

Ye Guang came to Beijing this time, but not only brought a backup USB flash drive, if only one, if something goes wrong, what should I do?

Therefore, he made three copies of the action of taking the USB drive out of his pocket, but in fact it just covered the eyes. In fact, he took out a USB drive from the system storage bar.

The old man stunned, then laughed, nodded, and took the USB stick. "Okay, I'll take it, and take it back for my grandson to see. He must also like it."

After the big brother left, Yeguang and Dad Liu returned to the living room.

Dad Liu glanced at the TV, and the flash drive that saw Luminous was still plugged into the TV. He froze and said, "Play two more episodes."

"Okay!" Speaking, Ye Guang went to the TV while he said, "Dad, what do you think of this cartoon? Okay? If you like to watch it, I won't take it back with you. Right. "

Dad Liu gave a hum, and spit out a "good" word.

I don't know if it is better to say the night light animation or to keep the USB flash drive.

Or maybe both meanings.

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