My Star Teacher

Chapter 616: [Opera Viper]

For a while.

Noctilucent is normal, the same as usual.

Liu Chiyan also repeatedly confirmed with him that he promised not to be a translator.

at night.

Both fell asleep.

Around two o'clock in the morning, Ye Guang suddenly opened his eyes.

Then crept up and got out of bed, gently opened the bedroom door and looked back at Liu Chiyan, making a sorry mouth shape.

Luminous is gone.

Downstairs, a jeep is already parked.

Luminous sliding door directly into the car, is an old acquaintance, Tu Leopard.

The two greeted each other, and the car ignited and drove out of the community.

A leopard, "Are you carrying nothing?"

Luminous, "It's time to bring everything."

The leopard smiled and said, "Sheep, this time I will trouble you again."

Luminous, "All comrades-in-arms, you're welcome. Can you tell me specifically about this operation?"

Tu Leopard, "This is a cross-border anti-drug operation. The location of the operation is temporarily confidential. What I can tell you is that during this operation, our troops will have to walk on foot and travel through the tropical jungle with a heavy load. Very high, it is very difficult for general infantry units to do so. Therefore, conventional translations are not up to standard and certainly cannot be qualified for this task. However, the situation is complicated and the languages ​​are complicated. It is difficult for us to bring multiple translators to complete this. Sub mission ... "

Luminous understood, this is the fundamental reason why Thunderstorm found him as a non-staff.

Jungle marches, which are difficult for soldiers in the general army to complete, are even harder for soldiers engaged in civilian translation, let alone bringing multiple translators.

Luminous language talent is well known, and his military qualities are also clear to those of the Cheetah Special Forces.

Therefore, in desperation, the cheetah set his eyes on the luminous body.

At Cheetah's side, the only people who can think of who can do this task are only luminous.

If there are other candidates, Thunderstorm will never call Ye Guang.

Ye Guang's current identity is indeed sensitive. There are too many haloes. International environmental ambassadors and legendary athletes cannot be overstated as heroes.

Therefore, taking him to perform the task, in case of any accident, the consequences are really serious.

For this operation, the Cheetah Special Forces and Thunderstorm also really escaped.


the other side.

Less than three minutes after Luminous walked away, Liu Chiyan turned over and touched his hands subconsciously.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes, and then reached out and touched his side, empty, and Liu Chiyan instantly shed tears in his eyes.

"Ah ~!" Liu Chiyan screamed in tears, then quickly turned on the lights.

I didn't see the luminous figure, and then I got up and got out of bed quickly. I didn't expect to pass on the shoes. I opened the bedroom door, looked around in the living room, and ran to the bathroom to look at it. Figure.

Large tears flowed from Liu Chiyan's eyes. Liu Chiyan sat down on the sofa with a bit of disappointment, and then saw a note left by Ye Guang on the sofa.

It said: Wife, I'm sorry, don't worry, I will be out for a few days and I will be back soon.

Ye Guang left such a short sentence because he really didn't know what to say.

The more you say, the more worried Liu Yan will be.

Liu Chiyan's hand holding the note was a little trembling, crying and muttering, "liar ... big liar ... you are all liar ..."

This night, Liu Yeyan didn't know how long he cried without knowing Luminous.

There is a bodhisattva at Yeguang's house, which was specially invited by her mother from a temple that is said to be very spiritual.

Luminous and Liu Chi Yan, the fifteenth day of the first year, the festival is also worshipped, but most of them are in some form.

But today, Liu Chiyan respectfully respected and knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva for a whole night with great piousness.

"The Bodhisattva of great compassion, you must bless him to come back safely, the blessing of him must be blessed, I have lost a loved one, without him I can not live, bodhisattva, bodhisattva of great compassion, you must bless him safely come back."

Yeguang felt that when he and Liu Chiyan said that they were going to perform the task, they were light enough and soft enough to avoid heavy weight.

Just to do a translation job without danger, just a few days. According to Luigi ’s original idea, Liu Chi Yan, who is reasonable and reasonable, will not stop her even if she is unwilling.

However, Liu Chiyan's reaction was fierce there, that is, he died from letting night light go.

What Yeguang didn't know was that, similar to the same thing, someone once said to Liu Chiyan ...

That man, once told Liu Chiyan, there was no danger, just a small task.

That man once told Liu Chiyan that he would come back in a few days and come back to bring you gifts.

However, after so many years, Yiyidu is in second grade, but ...

The man who said he would return in a few days still did not return.

and so.

When Ye Guang said that he would follow the troops as a translator, Liu Chiyan was very sensitive.

Extremely sensitive.

I never said that I would say categorically that I wouldn't let night light go.

Liu Chi Yan was afraid.

I'm really scared.

She was afraid that history would repeat itself.

She was afraid of losing one of her closest relatives again.

The leopard drove with luminescence and came to the airport.

It is not Changbei Airport of Nanchang ~ ~ It is a military airport.

Overnight, the two flew on a small plane and flew to Yun Province to meet with an action team led by Thunderstorm.

After Luminous was in place, there was no further delay. Thunderstorm just gave Luguang a brief introduction to the operation, and the operation officially started.

Luminous did not take much rest at night, but fortunately, physical fitness is strong enough, it is OK to stay up all night.

The cheetah squad was about to move, and there was no way to wait for him to rest.

This mission, codenamed Operation Viper.

Viper, fast, fierce, concealed, highly toxic.

This also means that the mission of the Cheetah Operation team will be a fast, fierce, covert, and highly toxic offensive operation.

When equipped with equipment, thunderstorm still hesitated, but under the glow of luminous eyes, in the end, the luminous standard combat equipment was still provided.

early morning.

It was just bright.

This task team, together with Luminous, formed a team of eight people into the jungle.

The Viper Action Team will then trek through the mountains, through the jungle, through the river, and rush straight for a distance of approximately 150 kilometers.

150 kilometers, it doesn't sound much, but relying on two legs, ordinary people can really die, and this is a straight line distance on the map.

The jungle is not so easy to walk. There are many places that can't go in a straight line. There are many places to detour and many places to avoid.

Therefore, the exact distance of a 150-kilometer straight line is really unknown.


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