My Star Teacher

Chapter 654: 【PSAs】

As soon as the old Jiang said, Luminous was a little speechless. ◢With * Dream * Little ◢.1a

OK, I fell into my own pit.

Yeguang looked at Jiang Fengxian silently, then looked down at the document in his hand.

Letter of Intent for PSA Production

Yeguang couldn't help asking, "Lao Jiang, what is this? Public service advertisements? You can make it clear."

Jiang Fengxian, "A public service advertisement was sent by CCTV to us."

Luminous froze, "CCTV specifically asked us to do public service advertising?"

Jiang Fengxian nodded, "Well, it is estimated that you were elected as one of the ten outstanding personalities, so give this job to us. This is a good thing. It has a good positive impact on the company. Not much, CCTV said that only 3,000 yuan of production costs were approved, and then we have to put some points on it. "Jiang Fengxian said with a smile.

Luminous waved his hand, "It doesn't matter what the cost is. Public welfare advertising, of course, there will not be much money. OK, I know, I'll take it."

Jiang Fengxian said, "Okay, this PSA project is a series of projects. Ours is the first one. The theme is filial piety or family. There is no restriction on the type. You can take care of it. The next few public service advertisements may be asked for us. "

Yeguang nodded and said, "I see, I will do it as soon as possible."

Jiang Fengxian, "Success, what people and equipment will be needed at that time, you inform me, I will arrange for you."

Luminous waved his hand, "No, I'll go to that camera myself and finish it."

Jiang Fengxian said for a moment, "Take a camera yourself?"

Ye Guang laughed, "Hey, you don't have to worry about it. You can do it. Don't worry about it."

Jiang Fengxian also smiled, and nodded, "OK, I'll leave it alone."

CCTV does the project of charity advertising for Xianqi. For Xianqi, it is really a good thing. Let ’s not talk about making money. What about public service advertising?

Luminous was elected as one of the top ten outstanding figures, and it was a vanity on the bright side, but the benefits of invisibility have already begun to manifest.

Ye Guang didn't delay. When Jiang Fengxian talked about this matter, he had an idea in his head.

At the end of the day, Ye Guang went to pick up a video camera, took Liu Chiyan to pick up Yiyi, and went to his dad's mother's house for dinner.

Dinner table.

Luminous said, "Mom, do me a favor soon."

Mom asked, "What can I do for you?"

Luminous, "Take a commercial for me."

"Advertising?" Mom stunned, then shook her head again and again, "No, no, my wife, what advertisements will I take, and I will shoot you bad by then."

Luminous smiled, "No, it's a simple advertisement, mom, just help me."

My mother hesitated, "This ... I won't."

Luminous, "It's really difficult, let's talk, I won't teach you."

Dad interrupted, "If you want to shoot, just shoot. I always talk to me and say that I can't do anything for my son. Now that my son asks you for help, what are you hesitant to do?"

The mother gave Dad a white look, and then looked at Yeguang and said, "Where's that?"

Luminous, "Well, rest assured, mom, you must be fine, maybe, this advertisement is broadcast, and you have become a celebrity."

My mother smiled cheerfully, "What celebrities are not celebrities, they are all old, what am I going to do."

Liu Chiyan looked at Yeguang and asked, "Is that the public service advertisement you said on the car before?"

Yeguang nodded and said, "Well, that's the one." Then, Yeguang looked at his mother and Yiyi again, "Liuer, Yiyi, Mom, this ad, you three take a picture, because it is a public service advertisement, not much Funding, so let's just shoot it with my own family, save a little money, and save the money to find actors. "

"Um." Liu Chiyan nodded. "After dinner, let's talk about how to shoot."

Yiyi didn't have any opinion, nodded, but didn't squeak, she was stuffed with food now and couldn't talk.

After dinner.

The family sat in the living room and drank a cup of tea. They also listened to Ye Guang's detailed instructions on how to shoot this advertisement.

After listening, Mom shook her head again and again and said, "No, no, why can Liuer wash my feet?"

Before Ye Guang spoke, Liu Chiyan said gently, "Mom, it's okay, you are my mother, what's wrong with washing my feet? No wonder I didn't do well, and I have been your daughter-in-law for so long. I haven't waited much for you. "

The mother smiled and held Liu Chiyan in one hand and held it in her hand, and said, "Chi Yan, you are a good boy. We have your daughter-in-law at our old house, which is our blessing. Mom does n’t need you to serve, you and Luminous is going to live a good life, and Mom is happy. "

Suddenly it seemed to enter the atmosphere of a lyrical family-in-law drama ...

This advertisement that Luminous is going to shoot is really simple. It only takes a few pictures, and no special scene is needed.

This public service advertisement that Yeoguang wants to shoot should be seen by many young people after 80, 90, more than once, and impressed.

The name of this PSA is "Mom Washing Feet".

The advertisement is very simple. The beginning is to tell the story to the child, and then the mother is washing the feet of the mother-in-law. After being seen by the child, the child shakes over and carries the basin of water and says to the mother, "Mom washing the feet."

This is a story that sounds, looks, and is very simple. In that year, it touched countless audiences.

I remember that because of this advertisement, countless elementary school campuses have had special homework to wash their parents' feet after returning home ~ ~ The advertisement is simple to shoot, and there are no special requirements on the scene. it is good.

After telling the story several times in a row, Luminous was ready to pat it and try it.

Mom returned to the room at this time, and came out soon.

My mother changed her clothes, which Liu Chiyan bought for her. She never wore them. When she put them on, she looked a lot younger.

"Son, what do you think of my body? I don't like it?" The mother asked.

"Uh ..." Ye Guang, "Mom, I think, should I change my body?"

Mom, "Doesn't it look good?"

"No, no." Ye Guang quickly shook his head and waved his hands.

How can it be said that it is not good-looking? Look good too! Moreover, my mother is wearing this body now, it is really good.

"Good-looking, especially good-looking! But, mom, I decided to change to a plainer one. You are too young to wear this body, and after a while, people think that you are Liuer's sister. What is it like her mother? "

The flat-spoken mother was full of anger, and said cheerfully, "This way, that's it, I'll change my body."

Talking, my mother went back to the house to change clothes.

After Mom changed her clothes again, Luminous started to shoot.

Ye Guang also made some changes to this advertisement. In the original advertisement, the beginning was to wash the feet of the child while telling the story of the ugly duckling to the child.

But Luminous changed a form, Liu Chiyan was washing Yiyi's feet, Yiyi covered the textbook and recite ancient poems.

This change is because of the relationship between Yiyi's age. The children in the original version are relatively young. It is the age when the mother told the fairy tale to the child. It is just right to memorize ancient poems.

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