My Star Teacher

Chapter 656: [Kung Fu] (Thanks iron_ 宇轩 万 赏!)

Luminous' decision to make the movie "Kung Fu" was also well thought out. ◢ 随 ◢ 梦 ◢ 小 ◢.lā

The movie was originally in his choice, but he didn't make up his mind at all.

Yesterday, Yiyi said so that the light was decided.

The first important thing about making this movie at night is that it can meet the expectations of the audience.

Luminous at the box office is hard to say. After all, this thing does not make a big move. It really is not good. Luminous is also not sure. If you make a movie, it will definitely sell at the box office.

Therefore, among the several options before Luminous, they are all high reputation or high box office movies, because he must have a point to cater to the audience.

Even if it doesn't fully meet the audience's expectations, at least it cannot disappoint the audience.

I have to say that sometimes being too high is actually not a good thing for people.

The great success of the mermaid made Ye Guang stand on the cusp of wind and waves. Everyone looked at him and looked forward to him.

He couldn't ignore the expectation of the audience and went to make a movie that was just about the same.

Perhaps that movie also belongs to the category of good movies, but if it is not as good as the mermaid, or if it is too different, it will be classified as a failure in the huge expectations.

Speaking of which, it really feels like shooting yourself in the foot.

Luminous finally chose Kung Fu, first of all, because it is a film that can almost make people laugh from beginning to end.

During the Spring Festival, this kind of family reunion and joyful days, as the New Year's party released in the Spring Festival, can make people laugh comedy, most of the time more popular.

In this film, I don't know how to describe it well, because if you think about it, you may, really, say nothing about its goodness, so come, because you seem to be unable to catch a point to praise it. Then in the end, it can only be merged into a simple word, which looks good!

Then, insisting that it looks good! That's it.

This movie has an unequivocal plot description, which is simple and not ridiculous. Characteristic portrayal of characters, advanced lines of humor, creative special effects, passionate and warm emotional portrayal are all highlights. The only thing that may be inadequate is that the emotional lines are a little pale.

The film is intertwined with black and white, and the small person's counterattack is full of sorrow and joy. Even if it is coldly mocking all the ugly in the world, it still retains a warm hope.

This is a movie that can make you laugh, but when you watch the whole movie, your smile may also bring some melancholy and contemplation.

In this movie, the sadness in the laugh is so natural, and everyone always forgets that the core of humor is sadness.

Yeguang is very optimistic about this film. The film was selected by the Lunar New Year Festival. Yeguang felt that even if there were some shortcomings at the box office, the audience ’s expectations were not reached, such as breaking a record or something, but at least, if it was Movie, the audience will not be disappointed!

Just do it.

On the same day, Ye Guang came out with the script, and the monk Shan and Xia Hai discussed to set up the crew.

It is convenient to have your own crew. Unlike in the past, you have to recruit a crew in advance to form a crew. ..

The crew began to prepare intensively, and Yeguang and Liu Chiyan were not idle either, and they were busy choosing roles.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, the problem of shooting land.

In the Kung Fu movie, the main scene is that it is too late to set up one by one, so you can only find as many suitable venues as possible.

Luminous is advocating filming in Nanchang. It is close to home and human resources are here. It is also convenient to take pictures. Therefore, in the past half a month, Luguang also dispatched a lot of manpower in various districts of Nanchang. The town is looking for suitable shooting sites.

I did find some places, but after seeing them one by one, Ye Guang was not very satisfied. In the end, I chose the centralized bungalow area in a small town around Nanchang as the pending one. If I ca n’t find a suitable place, I choose Here it is.

However, luminous is really good luck.

Just over ten days after the site selection, Luguang had not been able to find a satisfactory shooting site. Luminous was preparing to switch from the original alternative centralized bungalow to a new one. By coincidence, he found a place. Particularly suitable place.

On this day, Ye Luoxi's mother, Ye Guang's aunt's birthday, invited relatives in Nanchang to dinner at home.

Ye Guang came off work that night, took Yiyi and Liu Chiyan to go to Ye Zi's house for dinner with his parents.

When everyone eats, there are always jokes and jokes at the table, but they don't talk about specific topics, mostly about what they talk about.

Ye Guang, as the most productive person in the family, has always said more about his topic.

Relatives asked Ye Guang what he was doing for a while, Ye Guang also talked about it, and told his relatives about the recent search for filming sites, so that they can also help pay attention.

Ye Guang's uncle was quite fond of this, and he was really found by him.

Ye Guang's uncle did engineering, house construction, interior decoration and everything. There is a fairy decoration now used to decorate the building, it was Uncle Ye Guang who contracted.

As a contractor ~ ~ Uncle Yeguang has a wide network, and this is a mixed-architecture circle. All engineering teams and demolition teams know people.

Therefore, he really wanted to find such a place for Ye Guang to inquire about it.

This place is in Nanchang County. It is less than an hour from Nanchang City.

This place used to be an old-fashioned public house with a centralized worker apartment, surrounded by four floors on three sides, with a courtyard in the middle.

This apartment is old for some years. Due to the planning of the new city, the current address is some distance away from the downtown area. It is no longer inhabited. It was abandoned and shelved two years ago. It is now vacant for demolition.

Ye Guang's uncle also heard from the demolition team that there is such an old-fashioned public house. He went to check it out and found that the requirements described by Ye Guang were not too much, so he quickly notified Ye Guang to take a look.

Yeguang came to the site and was very satisfied with it. Although there are still differences from the original Kung Fu, it is not easy to find such similarities. Some of the differences are positive. It does not matter. To find the same, that is impossible.

Luminous is most fancy here. Another point is that this place is vacant. As long as the landlord is willing to borrow the land, then he can do the tricks and arrange it directly, and he can directly start shooting, saving a lot of trouble.

However, Luminous wanted to take this place for shooting, and there was another problem.

This old-fashioned centralized worker's apartment belongs to the state-owned construction land. If Luminous wants to rent it out, it has to submit a lease application to the local government department. Various procedures are a bit troublesome, and this place is said to have another ten days. To be dismantled by hand.

Therefore, Luminous had to hurry to win this place.

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