My Star Teacher

Chapter 731: [Program instructor]

Luminous did not make any further delays, and on that day began to draft a plan for the upcoming music program.

Xianqi also released news the next day and announced that Luminous was about to produce a brand new large-scale music variety show.

As soon as the news came out, netizens were immediately excited and looked forward to it.

The luminous gold signboard is not covered, it just released a sound, and almost all audiences think that this will be a classic work.

At the same time, some more sensitive netizens smelled a hint of gunpowder.

The most powerful director of the previous two days, Xu Wei announced that he would produce a brand new music program, and the news that Xu Wei threatened to be better than luminous technology was also published on the Internet. Variety.

What are you doing?

Are you ready for a moment?

This is interesting. For a while, many netizens began to look forward to the music programs that Luminous and Xu Wei will release soon.

For Luminous and Xu Wei, or for Luminous and the strongest sound, netizens have their own opinions, and some support the oldest strongest sound team.

The strongest sound team, for so many years, has been really powerful in producing music programs. Many netizens are still optimistic about the strongest sound.

And there is a lot of support for Luminous here. Luminous products must be a fine product. This has been tested many times. I believe this time will not be worse.

For those two parties who are stunned, the lively netizens who like to watch lively are restless again. It is estimated that their programs are not worse than others. It depends on who is more powerful and who is the best of the best.

Ye Guang has already given the planning case to Jiang Fengxian, and let Shang Shan and Xia Hai hurry up to arrange this show. In this show, Ye Guang did not intend to act as a director, but just hung up the title of a producer. The director's position was given to Shang Shan and Xia Hai two.

After the great expansion of Xianqi, these two veteran veterans have not cooperated for a while. When Ye Guang did his work, sometimes he took Sheshan as the deputy, and sometimes Xia Hai as the deputy. The two directors The skill is also advancing by leaps and bounds. Over the past year, other projects directed by Xianqi have done very well. They have formed their own style and gained some style.

This time, there was a sense of immortality that was aimed at hitting the stage with the strongest sound. After some consideration, Ye Guang decided not to take the position of director.

The reason is very simple. The purpose is to pick themselves out, to take their reputation and prestige, and to guide them more to the fairy entertainment. The strongest voice is a team, and the fairy team also plays against them. Although there is a fairy side, the soul figure is always luminous, but luminous should also minimize his sense of existence.

For this show, Ye Guang only made a plan, and then put on the title of supervising producer. For the details of the later production, how to arrange it, he gave it to the Sheshan Xiahai.

He hoped that if this platform was won in the end, people said that they won with fairy spirit instead of luminous. The two seem to be one, but they are essentially different.

Out of the importance attached to this show and the emphasis on the strongest sound team, Yeguang brought the two together to make this show.

Although Ye Guang was confident, he didn't say that. He despised the enemy strategically and valued the enemy tactically.

On the other side.

I learned that Ye Guang is also the strongest team in music variety, and director Xu Wei is a bit depressed.

Even others, it ’s Ye Guang. Although they think they are the best music program creation team in China, Ye Guang is really too evil, and they can definitely win him without being sure.

Xu Wei is really a little speechless, luminous, is it all right? Good-looking oneself come together to fight with him? What is it called?


Although the fire caused by this war is indeed immortal, Jiang Fengxian deliberately wanted to use the strongest sound to raise the status of immortality, but if there is no sign of it, Yeguang and Jiang Fengxian would not do so.

Xu Wei and the strongest voice, this is not the first time to stir things up, although I believe that they are not malicious, but just an inadvertent move, but things have finally happened, and the battle of the luminous reputation on the Internet is also the most Qiangyin started as a guide, and Xu Wei was again guilty this time, so much so that Jiang Fengxian and Yeguang had the idea of ​​him and the strongest.

Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan are discussing the candidates for this music show.

"Let's go to one, you or me?" Ye Guang asked.

Liu Chiyan thought for a while and said, "When is the recording expected?"

Luminous, "Recording should be very fast, and preparations are well done. It is estimated that the recording will start at the end of July at the latest."

Liu Chi Yan nodded. "Then you go, still in the summer vacation, I will take Yiyi."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "I can take it, and it won't take much time to record."

Liu Chiyan thought about it and said, "You still have so many things to do. Forget it, it doesn't matter who we go, we're not sure first, and we'll see it later."

"Also," Yeguang nodded and said, "The other three guests, I have two candidates, one is He Xing and the other is Huang Bin."

"He Xing, um, yes, although He Xing sings love songs, but the music background is good in all aspects, and he has a variety of sense of variety. If he goes, this program will be a lot of fun and active ~ ~ Road.

Yeguang said, "Huang Bin is a veteran singer, strong, and has a high status in the music world. If this program invites him to sit in the town as a guest, it will add a lot of color."

Liu Chiyan, "And one more, who are you going to invite?"

Luminous, "Not sure yet."

Liu Chiyan thought about it and said, "I have a personal choice, Li Qing."

"Li Qing?" Ye Guang, "Li Qing after the song?"

Liu Chiyan nodded his head. Yes, since our program is to choose a good voice, then the mentor lineup must be strong and powerful. Li Qing is a good candidate, and if I do n’t go, the mentor lineup There will also be a female mentor, and the interaction between the mentors is also more interesting, otherwise they are all big masters and may be a bit boring. "

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Li Qing is really suitable, but she has faded out a few years ago. Can you please move her?"

Liu Chiyan thought for a while and said, "Li Qing is really powerful. Choosing to get married and having children fade out when the career is booming. It takes a lot of courage. I have had several encounters with her, and she owed me one. Humanity, I can call him to try. "

Nocturne nodded and said, "Then try it. The best thing you can do is she won't even come. Let's not force it. We can't make people feel that we are binding her with human feelings."

Liu Chiyan, "I still use you to say this? I still understand the truth of being a human, so let's make this call and invite him in your name. If she is willing to come, she will come and be returned to me. This kind of humanity, if she doesn't want to come, she refuses, she won't be embarrassed because of being rude. "

Talking, Liu Chiyan took out his mobile phone, turned over Li Qing's phone, and looked at Ye Guang.

Luminous nodded and dialed Li Qing with his cell phone.

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