My Star Teacher

Chapter 791: [Best film professional]

Everyone, you said it to me.

Ye Guang has not interrupted them, standing on the podium smiling while listening to the opinions and opinions of the directors.

These speakers are all directors. In this room, everyone has different careers, but the main thing is these directors. It can also be said that this domestic film league conference is actually aimed at the crowd. Directors.

"Well, we've said so much here, it's useless to argue, it's better to listen to the good opinion of the night guide." Wang Wei said, looking at Yeguang, "Since the night guide has brought us, it must be It's a response. "

Ye Guang smiled and said, "It ’s not unreasonable what the people just said. Under normal circumstances, uniting the itinerary alliance is just better planning the schedule, borrowing personnel resources, and the impact on the film's ability and Not obvious. "

"I do have a plan. Before the proposal, I would like to ask you, what is the most important factor affecting the box office of a movie?" Yeguang looked around everyone.

Liu Tianwang replied in the middle position, "Hotness, word of mouth, actors, directors, plots, screens, and many more, but the most important thing can be summarized as quality."

"Yes, quality, a movie, whether the audience likes it, whether the box office can sell well, the most important thing is quality!" Yeguang paused, and then asked, "So, I want to ask a question, a movie, What are the factors that determine quality? "

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Yeguang asked and answered, "First of all, the investment, the size of the investment, and sometimes the quality of a film, the degree of special effects to be done, the actors at what level and price, these are all investment The relationship is inseparable. Secondly, the script, a good script, is the foundation of a movie. Only a good script can make a movie really good. Otherwise, the script is not good. Please be a great director. You can only produce bad movies. "

"Then the director and the actor, these two factors determine how expressive the film is and what it will look like, and then the post-production, post-production, editing, post-production, special effects, and so on, just like the finishing touch. There is no excellent post-processing, then, a movie has only empty shells, and it does not see its gods. Excellent post-production can make a movie come alive. Moreover, if there is a fighting drama or action drama, then a well-designed action The picture is the icing on the cake of a movie. "

Everyone said nothing, and let Ye Guang talk on the stage.

Luminous, "Of course, there are many and many factors for the birth of a good movie, but these factors of comprehensive appeal are almost the basis of an excellent film. If these points can be done well, the film produced will not be bad. Where to go, the chances of producing good movies are very high, do you agree? Or, do you have anything to add? "

Wu Ke, "Night Guide is very comprehensive. I have nothing to add. Let's go on. You have been in such a large circle, and I am more and more curious about your alliance proposal."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk nonsense and talk about the topic directly. Before, Ning Dao said a word that we can't make a movie with so many people together. What I want to say is, Yes, we can't make a movie together, but ... we can make a movie together! "

Luminous said, staring at the crowd under the stare.

Director Zhou Xing seemed to think through something, his eyes lit up, and he turned his head left and right to observe the people present today.

And he is generally observing the staff of this conference room, and there are directors such as Wang Wei and Wu Ke.

"I invite everyone to participate in the alliance, not just a formal alliance." Yeguang said, "I invite everyone to participate in the alliance, I hope that everyone here can form a team, twist a rope, sincere cooperation in the true sense!"

"What a cooperative law?" Someone asked below.

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Maybe I didn't understand it before. I talked about the major factors of the movie's success. Today's seats are chaotic, but it is estimated that most of you here know each other. I found that in this meeting room, there are directors, actors, and post-professionals, um ... what I want to say is that in this room, the most important ones factor."

"Among you today, there are the most powerful directors in China, director Wang Wei, director Zhou Xing, director Wu Ke, director Ning Yun ... and our two directors, Shanshan Xiahai, who are immortal. Eleven directors. "

"We also have the best actors, Liu Tianwang, Xu Chen, He Xing ..... plus my daughter-in-law Liu Chiyan, there are fourteen powerful actors under Xianqi."

Having said that, He Xing, who sat below, answered, "Correct! Who says I am a faction, I have always followed the idol line."

Everyone in the room was happy.

Ye Guang gave He Xing a white look, and ignored him, and said to Hua Wutong next to He Xing, "Sister Indus, there is no tape, put his mouth on me."

A little joke, Luminous went on, "We also have the best editors-the best screenwriters-the best action directors-the best post and special effects teams-here, we There are the best film professionals! "

Yeguang does not have a single name, but when it comes to any profession, he will look at the staff of the profession below.

"Basically, the professionals who can influence the main factors of the quality of a movie, everyone here is the best!" Yeguang looked at everyone and said, "If we all form an alliance, form a team, and cooperate sincerely, then, How many fine works will be born? "

Director Wu Ke replied, "I understand the meaning of night guide. To put it bluntly, you have invited so many people. Every professional in the movie has it. Let us team up to make a movie. Good director and good actors. Good scriptwriting, good editing, good guidance, good post effects ~ ~ everything is the best, using the quality of professional people to ensure or improve the quality of movies. "

Wu Ke paused and continued, "However, Night Guide, a movie is not all about high-quality professionals if it wants to be successful. Many of you here have not worked with me once or twice. I have always pursued to invite the most professional to participate in film production. However, in the past few years, I have one or two films under Wu's staff, which is so unsatisfactory. "

Where is there something so unsatisfactory, Wu Ke is his shame and does not allow him to say that his work is a bad movie, but it means that everyone understands it.

Wu Kewei smiled, looked at the luminous, and looked at the people sitting around the film, "In the film industry, the professional quality of filmmakers is important, but sometimes, filmmaking is not a professional person. More professional, higher quality can guarantee quality. "

Zhou Xing, "What Wu Dao said is not unreasonable. Normally, we make movies and hope for better quality. We will also invite the most professional staff to participate in the production, so if Night Guide brings our group of people together, just Let ’s say that we as a group of people, team up with each other, and work together to make a movie. In fact, the alliance is not very meaningful, because we have always done this. ”

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