My Star Teacher

Chapter 796: [Together against foreign enemies]

Luminous stands on the podium.

"Directors, what do you think of my plan? Is it feasible?"

"It works! Of course it works!" Wu Ke said.

Wang Wei, "To make this plan well, it is difficult and requires work, but if it is a night guide, I believe that it can be done well, and I look forward to the series of night guides."

"Yeah, if this series of night guides is done well, it will definitely be famous for film history." Ning Yue said.

Luminous smiled, enough to be held today, no more feeling.

"Then let the directors do this planning, how?"

As soon as the words fell, all the directors were stunned.

"Leave it to us?" Zhou Xing asked.

Luminous nodded and affirmed, "Yes, I want to invite you to make this series of movies."

The directors glanced at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Huang Weifeng thought for a while, and said, "Night guide, I don't understand it. Are you sure you want to make this series for us? Not touting you, to be honest, I have made movies for decades, and my vision is still there. Your plan is really amazing. If you plan this series of movies, if you do it well, it will be incredible. It stands to reason, whether it is for you or your company, in terms of interests, your plan, You should be the best at your own operation, and the most unfortunate is the production of your company. You are willing to give us such a good plan, such a great reputation? "

Director Huang Weifeng asked about the director's aspirations except Sheshan Xiahai.

Everyone has a selfish inferiority. This plan of night light, in the eyes of the directors, is like a golden mountain and a silver mountain to be developed. How can you make Jinshan Yinshan like Luminous?

Yeguang, "Don't hide it, this plan, I started to prepare the year before, and the script has been polished many times over and over again. It is an undecided project that I spend the most time thinking, and even the construction of film and television bases is partly because I want to To make this plan-originally, I was preparing a movie myself, and I made this series of movies all the time, but ... "

"But nothing?" Ning Yun asked.

Luminous, "The other day, I met a Hollywood director named Bob, and he challenged me to compare the box office of a new movie with me, or there were some other ideas, uh ... In short, he wanted to play against me in a movie on behalf of Hollywood, and I refused because-he can't represent Hollywood, and I don't want to play against him, or I don't want to play against him alone. "

Luminous paused and said in a small voice, "I want to play against the entire Hollywood and all the foreign enemies!"

"well said!"

"The boss is good."

"The night guide is so bold."

Below, someone applauded.

Luminous, "Time is not waiting for people, I am also limited in energy alone. This series has already produced a good script. There are already ten movies listed in the planning case. If I am alone, no matter how fast, no matter how high productivity There are at most two or three years, and we definitely need them for three or five years. We ca n’t wait. I do n’t want to wait. It ’s imperative to stop the outside film from coming. I ca n’t wait for three or five years, so I want to invite you directors. , All filmmakers here, work with me to make this plan and fight against foreign enemies! "

Speaking, Luminous still slightly paid tribute, and said to everyone, "Please, everyone."

Xu Chen sat with his legs crossed and said loudly, "Director Ye Da, I don't like to hear you. What do you ask us to do? It sounds like you're alone in stopping the attack of the outer film. Outside films, the development of domestic movies is not only a matter for you, it is also a matter for us all, everyone, you are right. "


"That makes sense."

"Xu Chen is right, this is everyone's business."

"Night guide, rest assured. Since we have joined the alliance, we will do our best."

"Night guide, it's not that you ask us for help, but we have to thank you. Thank you for being immortal. Such a good plan, you gave us to do it, we have a big advantage."

"Director Huang is right. We did take advantage. The night guide is profoundly righteous. I Wu is ashamed of you. Night guide your heart. As long as you use my Wu, you can fight against foreign enemies. I Mr. Wu must have done his part! "

"I wish all the directors every success and success."


In a chorus, a conference that lasted more than three hours was officially concluded.

This conference, after a few years, was also called the Rise of Domestic Films.

The filmmakers who were invited to attend the confederations also left the scene after the meeting. The directors did not leave right away. Together with Luminous, a group of directors discussed the luminous film plan.

After leaving, Ye Guang also gave the full version of the script to the directors, and let them take them back to study and prepare.


"It's going well today," Liu Chiyan said. "I didn't expect all the people who joined the league to join the league. I thought that the big guides would always have some arrogance, afraid they would not agree."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "I've lost all my money like this, no matter how they disagree, they can't justify it."

Liu Chiyan smiled and nodded, "It's very hard, but it doesn't matter, as many books as possible, as long as they can make the movie well, then we can even earn money with profit. This is a win-win situation. Sale. "

"Well, if the two sides do n’t have enough interests and the alliance is just a name, then it wo n’t last long and it does n’t make much sense. They also know that this alliance will benefit the most from us being immortal, but they also It ’s enough to get what I want. I invite casual people who have n’t signed a contract with a brokerage company, and I hope that everyone will have no conflict of interest and better achieve a win-win situation. "

"Yes, we have to make a lot of money for our New Year's Eve," Heroes ". Otherwise, we don't really have such a large amount of money to do this project. It is estimated that preparations will be made. It won't be long before we start the startup. Busy. "Liu Chiyan said.

Ye Guang sighed, "Yes, I've been busy for a long time."

Liu Chiyan looked at Yeguang, thought about it, walked to him, and said, "Leave, get off work, not going to work. Before you get busy, you have to stay with me for a few days."

Luminous stood up cheerfully and said, "Okay, stay with you, go, get off work-uh ... where do we go from work?"

"Uh ..." Liu Chiyan thought for a while, then said, "Go to the supermarket ~ ~ There is not much salt and MSG at home, and there are only half a bottle of soy sauce, um .. rice You have to buy some, and you need to buy more spices, oh, by the way, last time Yiyi helped wash the dishes and broke a few plates.

Liu Chi Yan holding the luminous light, while walking out while rumbling.

"After visiting the supermarket, please go to the vegetable market by the way, and see if there are any turtles to buy, and buy a turtle to cook soup for you. If not, you can also buy a live chicken ..."

"Yes, you can."

"Do you want to go shopping at night? Eat early and go shopping after dinner. It's time to change seasons and take you and Yiyi to buy some clothes."

"No need, I have enough clothes."

"Go, while you're not busy, you won't be free when you're busy."

"Okay, listen to you."

"Well, why don't we go tomorrow ..."

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