My Star Teacher

Chapter 811: [Hero plan start]

In this world, when it comes to superheroes, Diman's status is now unshakable. Except for their home, there are no other film companies when it comes to superhero movies. They can compete with this superhero production factory. This superhero movie is so popular that this family has no semicolon, so when it comes to influence and status, the Diman in this world is more powerful than the Marvel in the dream world.

However, although Diman of this world is also very successful, in terms of works, or in terms of the structure of the work, in the view of Luminous, it is indeed far less than Diman in the dream world.

The quality of individual works may not be very different. The quality of each superhero series is very good, otherwise it will not be welcomed by the audience. However, the Diman of this world is not as good as dream The world ’s Marvel is a fusion of many superhero worlds to form a unique movie universe.

None of Diman's superheroes are independent. No superhero has a world structure of his own. Even if it is a series, such as Diman's Iron Man, he has already shot the third part, but this series The movies of China and other series of Diman's films, such as Hercules Giant, Shadow Bat and other series, are not in conflict and there is no intersection.

It may be that Diman has not realized that so many superheroes under their umbrella can actually fuse the world architecture, or it may be because there was no such plan and architecture for a long time. Now forcibly integrating, there will be many bugs and the like. The things are more difficult, so they were not implemented.

They don't know what kind of influence and significance it will have if these superhero worlds are brought together.

They don't know, but Luminous knows.

Luminous knows very well that in the world of dreams, Marvel did not actually construct the complete Marvel universe from the beginning. They were also originally one by one, but slowly Marvel Attempting to fuse the superhero worlds with each other, this attempt has achieved excellent response, so Marvel began to integrate the superhero world structure on a large scale, forming the Marvel universe today.

This forcibly assembled Marvel universe also has many bugs and imperfections, and there are loopholes everywhere, but even so, it is well liked by the majority of audiences and even formed a unique culture.

This world's Diman failed to do so, which is one of the important reasons why Luminous has confidence in itself and created a superhero series of movies that surpasses Diman.

Glow in this world, ahead of Hollywood, also uses superhero movies to build a movie universe.

Superhero movies are currently popular movies worldwide. If Luminous can really implement this hero plan and achieve success, creating a series of superheroes that can be liked by global audiences, maybe it can indirectly open up Chinese movie connections. Bridges of the world.

Ye Guang is indeed very confident about the hero plan. Now, he wants money and money, people and people, equipment and equipment, and technology. There is no shortage of technology. The entire series of film scripts are personally operated by Ye Guang, and he is already very It is satisfactory. Under such circumstances, Luminous would not believe and could not make a good movie.

Furthermore, Luminous wanted to build a movie universe like Marvel in the dream world, and Luminous, a movie universe, would be better framed and more sublime, because he did not become a monk halfway, but at the beginning of the whole plan. Before, the framework of the movie universe was completed. Based on this framework, an independent superhero movie was launched. It can be said that the hero universe of the luminous framework will not exist like Marvel in the dream world. , Various superhero universes fused appearing various bugs.

Of course, there is confidence in confidence, but Ye Guang has made this plan carefully, and everywhere, I can't wait to be able to get started and check in person, and strive to be the best.

This movie, once, this series of investments is huge. Currently, three movies are to be produced at the same time. The pre-investment amount is 2 billion, with an average of nearly 700 million. Among them, the cost of film and television bases for shooting is almost negligible. In addition, Because the team that produces the special effects in the post is in-house, the cost in this area is also greatly reduced. If the pen and pen are clearly calculated and the money is needed, a single movie will definitely cost more than 1 billion yuan.

A single movie invested 700 million, which is definitely a huge investment. Is there such a large investment? Yes, many abroad, many domestically, but also very few domestically.

Nothing pays off unless you invest. Ye Guang attaches great importance to the hero plan. It is a **** film. In this series of movies, he must strive for excellence, quality, special effects, and plot. In any aspect, he must strive to surpass Hollywood. Man's level.

Secondly, Luminous has high expectations for this series of movies, but this is after all a luminous original film series. Before the film was successful, he did not dare to be 100% guaranteed, and he would definitely succeed, so he also Be careful not to score, at least to do a good job in production.

If he wants to stop the invasion of foreign films and want to lead Chinese films to the world, he cannot afford to be sloppy. He must devote himself to excellence, better, better, and make high-quality movies.

May 20th.

In a recording studio in the eastern part of the Xianqi Film and Television Base, a team of more than 500 people was concentrated. On the podium, more than ten directors, including Luminous, Wang Wei, and Zhou Xing, stood side by side. There is a camera covered with a red cloth and a big red flower tied in front. More than ten cameras are connected by a longer red silk.

The directors held a pair of scissors in their hands ~ ~ At the same time, they cut the red silk attached to the camera in front of them and uncovered the red cloth covered on the camera.

Luminous held the topic and looked at the audience, saying loudly.

"I announce that Heroes plans to officially start!"

Wow, the crew of more than 500 people burst into warm applause.

Hero Project, this is a project that many filmmakers have high hopes for. It is also an unknown project. No one knows this. This investment is huge and large in scale. It is a project that brings together more than ten outstanding directors and many outstanding filmmakers. What kind of results can be achieved, can they succeed as expected.

neither knows.

However, they will all work hard, struggle, and give their own strength for this project.

Because, they know that this project may become an important step for Chinese films to go global and the rise of Chinese films. They hope that they can make their own fortune in this historical stage! ()

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