My Star Teacher

Chapter 812: [Hero Plan Movies]

There are now ten works in Heroes Project that have already produced a good screenplay, all of which are based on the same world framework.

The main background of the story is still established in modern times, but it is different from the real society. It can be understood as a higher-tech, more developed modern society, and it has multiple worlds.

The background story is simply summarized. In ancient times, the universe consisted of a group of super-capable gods and guardians. They were immensely powerful, eradicated evil, and maintained the peace and stability of the universe.

In a crisis of the entire universe with an unknown cause, justice and evil waged a terrible war. The victory of justice ended and the universe was regained peace. However, the gods and guardians also lost everything in order to maintain the peace of future generations. A great divine person, at the cost of life, forcibly absorbed the residual power of the gods and superpowers, condensed the seeds representing their power, and sprinkled them all over the world. When the evil of the later generations awakens again, the seeds He will wake up and find his successor.

The successor who has obtained the seed will have some of the abilities of the gods and guardians, gain super powers, fight war with evil again, and maintain world peace.

After countless years of development, evil has quietly awakened, trying to make a comeback, and various evils dominated by evil forces have appeared around the world.

Seed also began to look for his own heirs, the superpowers who had gained the power of the seed, and began a series of wars with evil and criminals.

Superheroes are recognized by the public, superpowers enter the public vision, and humans enter the age of superpowers.

The government has also set up a department for responding to superpowers, called the Superpower United Front, and has recruited multiple superpowers to work against various criminal forces, various evil forces, and gaining seed power. Bad things made by uncontrolled superpowers.

All the films of the Hero Project will be completed based on this background and the world structure.

The first three films that Luminous is about to produce are named Luminous as the chief director, Shan Xiahai as the deputy directors, Luminous as the starring role, and a senior student named Wu Fan.

Wu Fan was kind, but he was weak and often bullied by school bullies. Before graduation, he organized mountain climbing. Wu Fan was slapped by a white-haired monkey who had been suddenly out, and he passed out and went to the hospital. Wu Fan, who drew a smirk from the whole class, woke up and was discharged from the hospital. He felt a strange body. He felt that he was smart, powerful, and unusually strong. He couldn't cut the skin with a knife.

When attending the graduation ceremony, in the face of the class bullies who have been bullying him, Wu Fan, in the classmate's surprised eyes, used force to complete the abuse of several bullies, leaving chicly.

Human society has entered the era of superpowers. Wu Fan also knew that superheroes existed. He also had a heroic dream since childhood. After feeling that his body became strong, Wu Fan was extremely excited and felt that he was already a superhero. Being able to save the world, looking for this criminal everywhere, and trying to crack down on crime, was also a series of ridiculous events.

But he did accidentally break a terrible criminal incident of a criminal gang. He wanted to be a superhero Wu Fan. He was very excited and immediately wanted to crack down on criminals. How could this criminal gang even have super Those who are capable can abuse Wu Fan in a destructive manner. At a critical moment, Wu Fan feels fever in his left ear and pulls out a small needle from his ear. When the ability of a criminal gang wants to give Wu Fan a fatal blow, The small needle on Wu Fan's hand suddenly became large and became an iron rod, blocking a fatal blow.

Wu Fan held the iron rod and felt unprecedented strength. He also used the iron rod to beat the criminals' ability. After returning home, Wu Fan remembered the scene when he was stunned by a white hair monkey. There was indeed a sting in the ear, and it seemed that the white hair shoved the iron rod that had become bigger into his ear, reflecting his fainting.

After researching for a while holding the iron rod, Wu Fan was surprised to find that the iron rod was actually spiritual. He could grow bigger and smaller with his mind, and he could fly away and control as he wanted. With this magic iron rod, Wu Fan also officially launched a superhero journey.

Riding an iron rod, soaring over the city, looking for criminals, cracking down on criminals, and by chance, Wu Fan found clues from the previous criminal gang and learned that they were engaged in a huge conspiracy in an attempt to create a In a huge crime incident, after a fierce battle, Wu Fan finally defeated the members of the criminal gang and two superpowers with superpowers to stop the conspiracy.

The destruction caused by the fighting also attracted a large number of armed police forces. Wu Fan was surrounded by the police and sent to prison. At the end of the show, three guys wearing sullen clothes and extraordinary manners came to prison.

"Want to be free?"

"miss you."

"Superpower United Front welcomes you."

The whole film is finished.

This is the first film of the Heroes Project. Luminous directed and starred in the role of Wu Fan, the hero of the whole series of heroes.

In the background story, Wu Fan obtained the seed of the power of the Sun Monkey in the gods era. In the subsequent series of hero plan movies, the superheroes that appear one after another are like this, in different places, even different The planet, different worlds, obtained the seeds of the power of the gods, and finally assembled based on the plot to form a League of Legends.

The second starring role is Liu Tianwang. The title of the film is extremely fast. When the speed reaches a certain level, it can even travel through space. Its ability comes from its ability from ancient power, Wudijiang, the ancestor of space speed.

The third starring Sapphire, the title, his power seed is not high ~ ~ when the ability is not good when the spirit, usually in a critical moment, or when extremely angry, it will suddenly become a height 3 meters, a huge stone man, with tremendous strength, amazing physical strength, and can even resist mountains. The ability is the same as the title of the movie.

These three films are the first films in the foreword. The crew has been divided into three teams and began to shoot. Liu Chiyan and Yeguang also started to be busy. Although the film and television base is in Nanchang, but The two also lived in the film and television base for almost three days in five days, and had no time to go back.

In particular, Liu Chiyan, in the hero series, played the superpower Qian Qian who inherited some of the abilities of the ancestor of Wuzhu Jiuyin. She is one of the core members who have joined the superpower United Front. One of the last three people to appear in a luminous star was her, and she also played a lot in the play.

The Superpower United Front runs through the entire series of movies of the hero plan, and Liu Chiyan's plays also run through all the movies of the hero plan. Therefore, the simultaneous production of three films, Liu Chiyan's workload is huge, all in the film and television base Fortunately, if you need to go out to take pictures, Liu Chiyan will have to run back and forth a few times, very frustrating.

I'm a bit busy, but fortunately, the production of the movie is smooth, and I'm on track, and I'm slowly moving forward.

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