My Star Teacher

Chapter 822: 【war! 】

You have to fight, you have to fight! & 1t; /

But how do you fight? What battle? They made it clear that they wanted to pit you. & 1t; /

Liu Chiyan was quite annoyed by the incident, "It's so shameless, how can there be such a thing, they can't be held by their noses so much, they can't accept their challenges, and finally we and the crowd opened up and told them that it was Humen Film A trap that prevents us from traveling around the world while thinking about our challenges. How can we not do this? It is obvious that we are digging a pit for us to jump, and the fool will jump down! "& 1t; /

What Liu Chiyan said in the morning and night light, a fool updated Weibo in the afternoon. & 1t; /

"October 1, fight!" & 1t; /

This challenge has come to light. & 1t; /

For a while, the Chinese people were boiling, and the netizens' momentum was soaring, as if they had won victory, they were very excited, and the calls for luminous support and encouragement also surged like a tide. & 1t; /

A group of people who knew the truth, was quite puzzled by Ye Guang's challenge, and they all knew it was a pit. Why is this silly ... No, Ye Guang just jumped into it? & 1t; /

Liu Chiyan, "What the **** do you think? You don't know, this is their trap, do you really drill in?" & 1t; /

Jiang Fengxian, "At this time, it is better to take a step back. If the global business is not successful, the victory should be too small." & 1t; /

King Liu Tian, ​​"Well, Xiao Ye was put on the shelf, but it was really impulsive. You should see if there is any safe solution." & 1t; /

Luminous smiled bitterly. & 1t; /

"What else can I do? I know it's a game, but this time, I can't help backing down." & 1t; /

Luminous is not stupid. He is no longer the enthusiastic young man who ignored the original blood. Although he is also occasionally childish, he is also very mature in thinking and thinking. In this situation, Luminous certainly understands that he cannot be impulsive. Can't just step into the opponent's game. & 1t; /

However, this challenge is indeed beyond his control. & 1t; /

In the end, Ye Guang was indeed put on the shelf. This box-office battle has grown to say that there is already a taste of national warfare. Ye Guang is widely expected. At this time, if he temporarily retreats, no matter what the reason, even Tell the public plainly that this is a trap, and even if most people can understand it, the reputation of Luminous will inevitably decline, and the Chinese people ’s enthusiasm for the rise of domestic movies will also be greatly reduced. & 1t; /

This is the reason to stand on a big stand, and it was not only this reason that made Yeguang step into this pit by himself, but also a reason that he had to step into this pit. & 1t; /

There is no longer a sense of presence, and Luminous is increasingly dependent on small systems, and suddenly a task is deployed. & 1t; /

Yes, the task, if the system prompt sounds suddenly, and the task is published, the luminous light will almost be forgotten. In this pit father's system, various tasks tossed him when he was young, but since the system has been upgraded to a level, this For a few years, Yeguang almost never heard anything about the system, and now he uses the system the most, which is the system's storage bar. & 1t; /

Even the lottery, the original luminous thing, is very little concerned now, and his reputation has accumulated to a horrible figure, one billion prestige. & 1t; /

In fact, according to the normal accumulation, the reputation that luminous can obtain is far more than this, but I do n’t know what happened. After the system's reputation has accumulated to one billion, it will never rise again. It has remained at this value. Luminous has also I wondered after a while, researched it, did n’t study it, so I did n’t care about it. & 1t; /

But this time, the long silent system suddenly dispatched tasks to allow Luminous to accept this challenge. & 1t; /

At the same time, the system also gives rewards and penalties for the success and failure of the mission. & 1t; /

The system gives a detailed description of the mission success reward. The mission is successful. The system will be upgraded. After the upgrade, the system functions will be fully upgraded and the sweepstakes function will be cancelled. Skill abilities and items that can be produced. & 1t; /

This is not difficult to understand, for example, if Luminous does not have excavator skills and then requires excavator technology, then Luminous can use the equivalent reputation to exchange for excavator technology. & 1t; /

Ye Guang's skill accumulation is already massive, but he is not incapable of it. In many cases, the skills drawn by the system are duplicated, and only the skill level can be increased. Can be drawn. & 1t; /

For example, medicine that can cure Liu Chiyan's infertility. & 1t; /

I don't know what happened, whether the luminous hands are too dark or the system has no medical skills at all. Luminous lottery draws countless times, but no one can win even the lowest level of medical skills. & 1t; /

In fact, if you can win, then Yeguang can use the reputation to buy skill upgrade **** can directly pile himself into a magic doctor, but no, no medical skills Yeguang have been drawn. & 1t; /

If the system is upgraded, it means that Luminous wants to obtain medical skills or other skills he wants, it will be easy, and he only needs to pay the equivalent reputation value to be directly exchanged from the system. & 1t; /

Healing is the ability that Ye Guang has always wanted to acquire, not for others, but for Liu Chi Yan, and to be able to have a child with Liu Chi Yan. & 1t; /

This is a great temptation for Luminous. & 1t; /

The failure punishment given by the system is not a punishment for humane destruction or the loss of a few flesh on Luminous, but it is given lightly. After the mission fails, the system upgrade task's touch rate is reduced to one ten thousandth, and the theory cannot be upgraded. & 1t; /

The theory cannot be upgraded ... If under normal circumstances, this is not an unacceptable thing for Luminous. In fact, Luminous is now less and less dependent on the system, and Luminous has always been for this magical existence. They are in awe, so many times, Luminous will subconsciously get rid of its dependence on the system. & 1t; /

The current system is enough for Luminous. Although Luminous is regarded as a night **** by netizens, Luminous is an individual ~ ~ He has always positioned himself as an ordinary person, and he never thought of relying on The system really becomes a mortal being that can fly to the sky like an immortal. & 1t; /

However, if the system upgrade can cure Liu Chiyan, it will be different. & 1t; /

If you can really exchange skills and items as you like after upgrade, then Luminous would like to get medical treatment or items that can cure Liu Chi Yan easily. & 1t; /

Luminous now has the same confidence in curing Liuchi Yan, but he ca n’t guarantee that he will be able to cure Liuchi Yan, even if he keeps drawing lots, but if the secondary system is really true, Is there no medicine and items that can solve the problem of Liu Chi smoke? Even if he went to learn medicine by himself, but Liu Chiyan, a basic infertility medical problem that has been sentenced to death, how does Yeguang dare to fully guarantee that he can be cured by self-taught medicine? & 1t; /

He has confidence, but he dares not to gamble and cannot afford it. & 1t; /

If there is an opportunity to cure Liu Chiyan in front of him now, but he hasn't grasped it for various reasons, then in the future, if the problem of Liu Chiyan can't be solved, he won't feel well. & 1t; /

So, knowing that it was a round, Luminous fought. & 1t; /

For his popularity and prestige, for the expectations of the Chinese people, for the rise of Chinese movies, for glory with the country, for many, many. & 1t; /

But most importantly, he is for Liu Chiyan, this is the most important reason, and it is also the reason for him to look back and die! & 1t; / ()

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