My Star Teacher

Chapter 828: [Movie to Cry]

Luminous and immortal, the hype effect of the previous big fanfare came out. & 1t; /

The benefits brought by the two-month-long hot Weibo topic are really not covered. Many theaters have staged an unbelievable grand occasion at zero time. & 1t; /

Not only because this is a luminous film, but also not only because of the big names in this film, but also a very main reason, this is a box office pk movie with an outside film. & 1t; /

It is true that many times, we will spit out domestically produced bad movies, and many times, we will admire Hollywood's special effects commercials that explode to burst. & 1t; /

However, the patriotic feelings of Chinese people are beyond doubt! & 1t; /

In this box office battle, countless expectations of the rise of domestic films, and countless audiences with strong patriotic feelings, are using their own methods and methods to implement their patriotic declaration. & 1t; /

You do n’t need to go to battle to kill the enemy, you do n’t need to give yourself up, just a movie ticket is enough. This box office battle is a luminous war, but it is not just a luminous war. Behind him, there are countless The Chinese have become his solid backing, which is also the base for Ye Guang to dare to use a movie at the domestic box office and Hollywood commercial blockbuster global box office pk! & 1t; /

What kind of movie War Wolf 2 is? It's unknown for the audience who hasn't watched it yet. However, the luminous gold signboard is deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and it has convinced countless viewers that this must be a good-looking movie. & 1t; /

Good-looking is good-looking, but the audience who goes to the movie theater at the zero-point show never thought that it would look so good. & 1t; /

There is no urination point, the rhythm is compact and hearty. & 1t; /

However, the zero-field audience watching a movie, the most intuitive feeling is a word, burning! & 1t; /

Very flammable, very flammable! & 1t; /

After it was released at 0:00, the reputation of War Wolf 2 was instantly exploded on the Internet. After watching the movie, countless netizens wrote reviews, and Amway started this movie. & 1t; /

"Ran! What a special fire! Good-looking!" & 1t; /

"My Night Fairy is still my Night Fairy. This movie is a must! This is the hottest domestic movie I have ever seen. None of them!" & 1t; /

"It's good-looking, it's really good-looking, it's so cool at the beginning that it explodes, and it's eight minutes into the water, and you've seen this news before, because the night light almost died because of this picture." & 1t; /

"It's really burning. But, after watching a movie, I cried four or five times." & 1t; /

"Well, you are crying upstairs, and I cry too much." & 1t; /

"I haven't watched it yet, isn't it a very hot movie? I'm still crying?" & 1t; /

"Ran crying, understand? Understand, I have sour eyes, and I can't help it." & 1t; /

"Yeah, Ran crying, every time I see the picture of the national flag, I want to cry, really, can't help it." & 1t; /

"War, cruel and ruthless, I am glad that I live in a peaceful country." & 1t; /

"Strengthen me the Chinese People's Liberation Army, strengthen my great China, I am really glad I am a Chinese." & 1t; /

"I saw Daisen holding the national flag across the war zone on the last night, and the sentence behind the passport at the end of the film: Chinese citizens, when you are in danger overseas, don't give up, please remember that there is a powerful behind you Motherland. When we saw this, all of us in the theater stood up and applauded, and a lot of people couldn't cry, it was really moving. "& 1t; /

"Watching Wolf 2 is a great movie. It is highly recommended! After reading it, I felt deeply. When the five-star red flag flutters, a sense of national pride comes out! The sense of security at the national level is based on the identity of a citizen. You can be free from wandering and fear! You don't have to be a very good individual in other people's land to be respected. You are down-to-earth, even if you are an ordinary Chinese, you Will be treated kindly. Because you are a stable country behind him. He does not bully or attach. Because of this, the world is full of awe of your country! "& 1t; /

On the Internet, on Weibo, China Film Network, and major social networking platforms, for a time, all of the netizens' feelings after watching Warwolf 2 were well received. & 1t; /

There were also some audiences who chose to watch magical magical animals at 1:00 on the first day of October. After reading it, they also made film reviews, but they were drowned within a short time in the general review of War Wolf 2 tide. & 1t; /

Looking at so many positive comments, some netizens who haven't seen it can't help but be curious. & 1t; /

"Does it really look so good? I read your comments a little bit stubbornly, some say that they burst into hot blood and burst into bursts, and some said that the audience cried four or five times. What kind of movie is this? Really so beautiful ? Even better than Ye Daxian's previous movies? "& 1t; /

"It's not easy to compare, but this is definitely the most inspiring work of Ye Daxian so far, full of patriotic feelings. This film is really good to be released on October 1st, and it is a birthday gift for the motherland." & 1t; /

"I really want to see it. I was tickled by your comments." & 1t; /

"If you want to see it, just go and see how much it costs." & 1t; /

"Is it a matter of money? Is it a matter of money? Do you think I don't want to see it? What can I do? I'm still going to work tomorrow during the day and I want to go at night, but I have searched all the nearby places online From 6 to 12 in the evening, all the movie theater Wolf 2 games were full, and there was no ticket. What can I do, I am also desperate! "& 1t; /

"Hahahaha, distressed for three seconds upstairs. Fortunately, I bought the ticket in advance." & 1t; /

"Brothers who really want to watch, can go to a nearby movie and get lucky. As far as I know, many people buy several tickets by themselves. Maybe I can get one for you. When I went to the movie yesterday, many People gave their tickets on the spot. "& 1t; /

"咦 ~ ~ Isn't it a hiccup? Why no one says magical magic animals? What about the movie?" & 1t; /

"It's okay. The standard magic fantasy film is in the same vein as the Academy of Magic. I didn't buy a ticket for War Wolf 2 yesterday, so I went to see it. However, I bought another ticket for War Wolf 2 today. Fantastic animals contributed a movie ticket. Today I want to contribute 2 to Wolf 2! I want to watch movies, but I also need to support Ye Daxian and Chinese movies! "& 1t; /

"Yeah! Chinese movie rises, Ye Daxian rises, War Wolf 2 rises! Box office war cannot be lost! I appeal here, everyone wants to see magical magical animals. No problem, but if economic conditions permit, watch After the magical and magical animals, it is best to support War Wolf 2 again. I do n’t ask everyone to buy two of them alone, but at least one movie ticket can be tied one by one, and Ye Daxian will not be hindered! "& 1t; /

"Secondary!" & 1t; /

"Secondary +1" & 1t; /

"Attachment + 1oo1o" & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

The domestic form is good. With sufficient publicity, high-exposure hype, coupled with excellent movie quality and good word of mouth, War Wolf 2 suddenly became a fire. Of course, the two-month-long hype, coupled with the emotional film, and the external film pk, in this situation, the fire is inevitable. & 1t; /

The fire will return to the fire, but the audience will not think about how hot the War Wolf 2 will be. & 1t; /

Even Luminous didn't even think of the situation where War Wolf 2 would move to this world. & 1t; / ()

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