My Star Teacher

Chapter 841:

In the end, the year-end summary meeting of Zhenger Bajing failed to open.

Jiang Fengxian came to the stage to talk about some. He was not prepared, and he was not good at making a year-end summary report. He briefly reviewed and summarized the main results of this year, praised some departments that have performed well this year, and then clicked on some of the existing ones. Question, I hope that everyone will continue to strive for better or something next year.

After speaking, Jiang Fengxian took revenge on the spot.

"Below, we have invited Ye Guang to speak on the stage, everyone is welcome."

Everyone clapping and applauding.

Ye Guang smiled bitterly and said, "No need, no need, Brother Jiang, just talk."

Jiang Fengxian, "Why not? Of course, I ’m the CEO, but I ’m the chief, but we ’re all giving you a job. You have to come up and say a few words. Everyone applauds a little bit more and welcomes the boss. Come to speak. "

"Papapa." The applause was even warmer.

Luminous is silent, okay, I dug a pit for myself.

Then Luminous came to power.

Holding the microphone, Yeguang bowed to the employees, then said, "Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for coming to the marriage proposal ceremony with President Liu and me, uh ... and the year-end summary meeting. .Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you for your participation and testimony. Here, I would like to wish you all an early year in advance, and I wish you all the best and all the best. "

Luminous clamored at everyone, and the staff applauded.

"Cough." Two quick coughs, Luminous continued, "Below, start the year-end summary, um ... the year-end summary or something, it's actually boring, so let's make it easier this year, and everyone can have a break early. Come back home."

Many people in the audience smiled in kind.

"Then I started, the year-end summary ..." Ye Guang held the microphone, coughed again, and then whispered, "We are better than you this year! We are better than next year! Summary is complete!"

The audience was suddenly quiet for a second, and then the audience laughed.

"Hahaha, Niubi!"

"Night Daisen, good talk! Niubi!"

"Succinct and concise, very concise summary! Niubi!"

"Haha, this is our Ye Daxian style, Niubi!"

"Believe it or not, this is news, the title is, there is the simplest year-end summary in the history of fairy tales."


Jiang Fengxian, Liu Tianwang and others also looked at Luminous with a smile.

Originally thinking, when Luminous came to power, even if the year-end summary was less, it would be better to say a bit, but he would be good, and the year-end summary would be summarized in one sentence.

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it.

This year, Xianqi is indeed awesome. The main events are: in the beginning of the year, he dominated the New Year's Eve, and then faced with the outbreak of external films, Xianqi led the domestic film league, and later successfully blocked it in the summer season. A wave of outside film, and then, and Humen came on the National Day, winning the box office in the world war in one country. After that, he led more than 20 domestic film and television companies and acquired Hollywood's Fantastic Pictures, breaking the predicament of having no voice in the global distribution of domestic films.

Over the past year, it has been a lot of success and great achievements!

As for next year, next year, as long as luminous light is still there, the splendid glory will not be broken, and next year, the new year will be the global release of the Journey to the West animation movie. Luminous effort has gathered so many outstanding filmmakers in China , Director, co-produced hero plan project series of movies, will also meet the audience.

Next year will be another glorious year, and it will be a year full of honors!


After the meeting, there was an enchantment and the holiday officially started.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan cleaned up in the office, took a break, walked late, and when they were ready to go home, Ye Zi came over with a small box.

"Brother, sister-in-law, this is for you."

Luminous looked at it, oh, dude, a box full of red envelopes, "What's the situation?"

"This is a red envelope that everyone gives to your colleagues. I wish you a hundred years together." Ye Zi laughed.

Liu Chiyan, "How can we do this, we can't accept this red envelope, we got married long ago, and even if we are going to do a wedding, it won't be sent now. The red envelope of leaves will be put to you first, and you will return it to everyone. "

Ye Zi tucked the cardboard box with the red envelope into Luminous's arms, and said, "Oh, you take it, it's everyone's heart, and I'm just a postman, you have to return it yourself."

What did Liu Chiyan want to say? Yeguang pulled her, hugged the cardboard box, and laughed, "Liuer, let's take it, it's everyone's heart."

Liu Chiyan no longer insisted and nodded.

On the way home, Liu Chiyan sat on the co-pilot and repeatedly looked at his little 'ball' with Luminous.

"Is this medicine? Like marbles, it looks pretty good. How does this work?"

Luminous, "Well, it's medicine. Just eat it. The name is Xi Sui Dan."

"Xi Sui Dan ... listen to something like the martial arts novel, is it really useful?" Liu Chiyan asked.

"Should ... use it." Luminous wasn't quite sure. "You will know when you go home. If nothing unexpected, this pill will be able to cure you."

Liu Chi Yan gave a sigh, took the Xiu Dan Dan and sniffed in front of the nose, it has a delicate smell, it smells good.

Xishui Dan, a new product of the upgraded luminous system.

Luminous's system was upgraded for two months, and it was finally upgraded in the early hours of this morning.

This time the system upgrade, the system has undergone a lot of changes, the property panel and the storage bar have not changed much. ~ The storage bar has been expanded a lot again. The sweepstakes page and store page have been completely removed. It became a panel called the Trevi Fountain.

There is no product display in the wishing pool. The entire page, only the middle part, has a round button, which is marked with the word wish.

After the system upgrade was completed, Luminous researched the new function of the system, and tried to click the button of the wishing pool.

Luminous thoughts at that time, I want something that can solve the smoke of Liu Chi smoke.

The system is not responding.

Luminous froze for a while, thought about it, and put it another way, I want to be able to treat infertility or skills.

This time, the system responded, a faint blue light flashed, and a menu bar appeared on the system's wishing pool page, listing a number of items.

Yunsheng Dan: The price is 3 million yuan, which can repair or improve the fertility.

Ning Hualu: The price is 3 million yuan, mainly treating female infertility.

Acupuncture for Women's Canal: Selling 10 million yuan, gynecological acupuncture treatment skills book.

Xishui Dan: The price is 30 million yuan, which improves the physiological function.

Xiuyan Medical Code: Price 30 million, medical skills book.

Sacred hand rejuvenation: price of 3 billion, talent skills book.


Luminous is thinking about the things or skills to treat infertility. The menu of the system's wishing pool panel lists a total of nine options, all skills and items are available, the prestige value is different, and the price is low. 3 million prestige is enough. The sacred hand rejuvenation skills startled Ye Guang, and it was as high as 3 billion prestige, it was crazy.

If nothing else, the options given by these systems, no matter which one should solve the infertility problem of Liuchi tobacco,


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