My Star Teacher

Chapter 849: 【thank you for loving me】

Captain 'Lefford', afar off the sea, was a little aggressive at this time.

The voyage of the Rifle was to transport the Hiro missile system, but at this time, the series of missile systems had fallen into a nest, no different from a pile of scrap iron.

The goods haven't been delivered yet, something went wrong halfway through.

Now there is a very serious question, um, serious questions are in front of me. Is this product delivered or not?

Send it, this Hiro missile system is lying on the ground. What is the use of sending a pile of scrap iron?

Do n’t send it, it ’s all halfway, and now we ’re returning. Is n’t this funny? This is an aircraft carrier. The cost of a voyage has to be counted in millions and it is US dollars.

In the end, after multi-party consultations, the country decided to return to the voyage.

In fact, if no one knew about Rifuku, then it would have been delivered. Anyway, it would not be possible to really use it in a short time to deploy Hiro missiles. It ’s just Mi and Lao. If China has an additional capability of restraint and deterrence, as long as China does not know, it is not important whether the Hero missile system sent to the past is good.

However, the country of Mi is not a fool, hacked, and the target is so clear that it was directed at the Hero missile system. Let ’s not say it. Bacheng is done by the Chinese people. Can we count on them not knowing? Send a bunch of broken copper and iron to the past, not to mention any restrictions and deterrence capabilities. Sending them to the United States and Laos is a joke.

For Miguo, no evidence was needed for this hacked incident. Regardless of whether it was actually done by the Chinese side, he directly determined that he was right, but now he ca n’t produce evidence, and things ca n’t be clear. On the face of it, if you lose your teeth, you can only swallow it.

the next day.

Several news hit the world.

These pieces of news are all related to the invasion of the U.S. military satellites and national defense system by Yeguang the night before.

"Confirmation of Unknown Hacking of Three Military Satellites and Defense System of the United States"

"The Hiro missile system was destroyed by unknown hackers, and the aircraft carrier Hiro missile system returned to the voyage"

"The world's top hacker Jimmy: Unknown hacker technology is amazing, who is the unknown hacker who invaded the defense system of the country? 》

"Mi State Announces the Latest List of the World's Most Dangerous People, Unknown Hackers Rewarded US $ 200 Million for Top Threatening Global Security Crimes"

`` Mi State Openly Hires Top Hackers in Global Salaries to Ensure Defense System Security ''


Several international heavy news bombed the world and shocked the world.

Russian netizens:

"Haha, good news, good news!"

"Unknown hacker brother, good job!"

"I have a hunch, this big brother must be my Russian! Hahaha, only I can fight for the nation to have such a talent!"


Bucky State:

"My Chinese old iron is so lucky."

"China Railway's East China Sea region and East China region are safe, congratulations!"

"Thank you, the unknown hacker friend, for taking action."



"Can anyone finally sanction the Emperor's idea?"

"High-paying hires of unknown hacker friends to serve in our country."

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend."



"Protest! Serious protest!"

"The unknown hacker must be identified! The unknown hacker must be sanctioned!"

"Endangering global security, crime cannot be forgiven!"


Netizens from all over the world have commented on the unnamed hacker's invasion of the country's defense system. However, when this happened to China, they suddenly turned a corner and twisted the building.

Chinese netizens:

"Fuck! God, god! Ye Daxian is really god!"

"Hahaha, God predicts!"

"Last night, Dai Sin said that Hiro might have failed in the nest on the way. I didn't expect that today I really did.

"Oh my god, Ye Daxian really is a god-man."

"Mighty night Yexian! Mighty my unknown hacker!"

"Ha ha ha, Ye Daxian is a bad guy. A thousand miles away, he opened his mouth, and the Hiro missiles died."

"Is this milk-dead? Poisonous milk, really poisonous milk."

"Mystery, the great curse!"

"You said, is it possible that this unknown hacker is Ye Daxian, this is the thing Ye Daxian did himself, otherwise he is so accurate."

"Ha ha ha, I think it's possible, Ye Daxian can do everything!"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense upstairs, can this be a mess?"

"Haha, just kidding. Although my Ye Daxian is versatile, but you say he is an unknown hacker, I must not believe it."

"I don't believe it. Where is the potential for hacking all over Luminous body? Where does it look like hacking skills."


Ye Guang also saw these comments from netizens. Some of them were speechless, and they felt a little funny. To be honest, watching Netizens teasing him so much, Ye Guang was still a little bit proud. If it was really a killing, it would not be exposed. I'm so sorry to get back to the truth, I'm really sorry for this unknown hacker.

When things go, I hide my strength and name.

Yeguang did not continue to pay attention to this incident, nor did it pay attention to other news on the Internet, including the movement of Journey to the Box Office.

For him, the most important concern now is the upcoming wedding.

Two days later, the mess of the wedding was arranged properly, and the wedding was to be held on the 14th day of the tenth day of the month.

Father Liu and Mother Liu, as well as Grandpa Liu, and other relatives from Liu Chiyan's family also came to Nanchang on the ninth day.

Father Liu and Mother Liu, who traveled privately, were relatively low-key and did not alarm the outside world. They lived with Yeguang and Grandpa Wu and Wushu Wuye.

Fortunately, I moved to a new home, the house is big enough, and there are enough rooms. So many people can live in it at one time ~ ~ Otherwise, Grandpa Liu and Grandpa Liu will have to wait for the hotel.

Originally, according to the custom, Yeguang and Liuchi Yan could not meet the day before their wedding. According to the custom of Yeguang's side, there was a ceremony to welcome the relatives.

However, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan have been married for so many years. Now, I just want to make up a wedding to fill this shortcoming in my life. I do n’t pay much attention to these red tapes and customs. On the eve of the wedding, Luguang and Liu Chiyan still lived in the same room and slept in a bed. It was the same as before, and the next day, Liu Chiyan's wedding dress was luminous to help her wear directly in the room. Up.

"It's wedding tomorrow, what's it like?"

Liu Chiyan asked holding Luminous hands around her waist from behind.

"Well ..." Ye Guang thought for a while and said, "It seems, too much feeling."

"Me too." Liu Chiyan smiled. "At first I was very excited, and then I was looking forward to it. Right now, I am about to have a wedding, but I don't seem to feel much, and I am very calm."

Luminous, "Probably, because in fact have been married for so many years, the old man and wife, the wedding is a ceremony."

Liu Chiyan, "Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if you have a wedding or not. The most important thing is that you can always be with me and we can always be together."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "We will always be together, and I will always be with you, but this wedding still has to do one, don't you think, there is still a wedding photo on the wall near our bed. ?"

"That's right." Liu Chi Yan smiled, turned around, hugged Luminous, and said softly, "Luminous, thank you."


"thank you for loving me."()

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