My Star Teacher

Chapter 851: [It ’s impossible to be low-key]

The wedding team entered and stopped at the designated location.

Yeguang and his party got out of the car, and tens of thousands of spectators burst into warm cheers and applause. At the same time, fireworks and fireworks burst apart.

"Let's invite the bride and groom to enter with the warmest applause and cheers!"

At the same time, familiar music, wedding marches.

Dangdangdang ... dangdangdang ...

Yiyi and the child walked in front of each other with a small flower basket, while walking, silly petals, the groom ’s luminous, the bride willow smoke, holding hands, smiling and greeting the audience on both sides while walking, dressed as groomsmen and bridesmaids, also Right and holding hands followed.

Along with the wedding march, a group walked across the long red carpet covered with petals and onto the stage.

The music stopped, and Ren Keling held up his microphone and laughed, "Xiao Ye, it was you who kept making surprises for us. Today, this scene, this battle, I just want to ask you a word, not surprised, not surprised Then said, Ren Keling sent the microphone to Luminous' mouth.

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Oh, it's so surprising and unexpected. First of all, thank you for your support and support, thank you for coming, and thank you for witnessing my wedding with Chi Yan." Bowing to pay tribute, Liu Chiyan also bowed to thank him.

Yeguang, "It's really unexpected. I didn't expect Laoshan and Xiahai, and many friends, hiding this from me, I thought I had gone wrong."

The audience laughed in kind.

Yeguang continued, "I originally planned to make up this wedding with Chi Yan. It was simple and low-key, but looking at it now, low-key? Low-key is not low-key. I am curious. Next, in my How many surprises do I have at my wedding, but no matter what surprises, for me, everyone who is here today, guests present today, friends, can you gather here because of my wedding with Chi Yan For me and Chi Yan, it is already the biggest surprise. I think there are not many weddings attended by tens of thousands of people. Every moment today, every picture, every scene, I will remember Yu Xin, thank you again, thank you for coming, thank you. "

It was indeed a big surprise, and it was even scary.

Tens of thousands of people gathered to attend a luminous wedding.

It is impossible to be low-key, and this wedding today cannot be low-key. In fact, before Yeguang and Liu Chiyan arrived, the wedding was destined to be low-key.


Time goes back an hour ago.

The wedding scene is still in the final preparations, and fans of Luminous and Liu Chiyan who have rushed over, as well as the masses, have begun to enter the venue.

Because I had greeted him a long time ago, a lot of civilian police and traffic police were temporarily sent to the Bayi Square to maintain order and maintain traffic.

Reporters from major news media rushed over early and set up their cameras.

In order to keep the early audiences from waiting too boring, someone started to do warm-up work and perform on stage.

This kind of thing basically does not need to be arranged. You know, who are coming to the luminous wedding, half of the big names in the entertainment industry are here. Do n’t talk about performing on stage, singing, or showing off Taking the stage to say hello to everyone and say a few words can also arouse the enthusiasm of the audience.

A large number of stars came to the stage to show their faces or sing something. Comedian stars also improvised for a while, they talked about cross talk and will talk, and now they improvise for everyone.

However, today's paragraphs, nine out of ten paragraphs are ridiculous.

Before the protagonists Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan arrived, the scene was like having a party.

There are too many stars, Huang Bin, Li Qing, Wang Wei, Ning Yun ... and so on are all the faces that viewers often see on TV.

The celebrities are in groups of three or five. One team after another arrives. In the end, the audience is not surprised. It is strange that the stars do n’t come to the wedding at night.

However, when the stars arrived, the audience was surprised. However, some people did surprise the audience.

"Well, what are the people who just passed by? How can they go ahead?"

"Yeah, I know who they are. This is a member of the Calligraphy Association. That is Teacher Li Dongjian. The white-haired one is everyone Shi Jiwen."

"Come again."

"These are ... members of the Provincial Writers Association. Look, that is the writer Guan Zhenxian, and the next one is the chairman of the Provincial Writers Association."

"Fuck, the Secretary of Education is here."

"Zou Zou, and Liu Zou also arrived."

"My God! What did I see!"

"Second and first ..."

"They actually came together for a luminous wedding!"


The guests who went into the field one by one along the main road and walked into the front zone made a lot of audiences who recognized them astounded. This is really bigger than one.

However, these are not the most surprising.

"Heaven, heaven, heaven, god!"

"He ... he ... he is ..."


"what's the situation!!!"

"Illusion, must be illusion!"

When a team of more than ten and twenty people entered the stadium, countless spectators boiled.

This is the team of Liu Chi Yanniang's family.

In fact, most of the audience in this team knew only one person, that is, Father Liu!

There are also a few older audiences, but they also recognized Grandpa Liu, who was carried by Father Liu, and was almost shocked to drop his chin on the ground!

Father Liu ~ ~ Liu Zhenzhong, Minister Liu!

How could he appear here!

There is also an old man, who is a powerful man in the last century. Although he has retired, he is in both the military and political circles. No matter what level he is, he must pay junior salute in front of him, and keep enough respect. One of several nationals!

Why, why are they here?

Ye Guang's wedding, even if it shocked Nanchang's top and second leaders, after all, Ye Guang is known as Nanchang's pride and has made significant contributions to the country and Nanchang. It is not surprising that it can be valued.

But why even these two appear ...

By the way, they are surnamed Liu.

Suddenly, some responsive audiences came to understand.


A big brother swallowed a spit.

Father Liu and Grandpa Liu were very low-key when they came to Nanchang and did not alarm anyone, but Liu Chiyan as their baby daughter and baby granddaughter, since they came to her wedding, it would be impossible to show up.

This appearance immediately became a huge sensation.

Dad Liu and Grandpa Liu did not bring guards. However, the police officers on duty at the scene saw the two and were immediately notified through the intercom after seeing the two. Subsequently, a team of police officers quickly guarded Dad Liu and Grandpa Liu was on both sides to ensure their safety.

These two, if anything goes wrong here, they can't afford it.

Many of the big men who have entered the venue before, after hearing the news, they were all surprised, and their faces were incredible.

After being shocked, the No. 1 and No. 2 leaders, followed by many big men who had arrived before, greeted Papa Liu and Grandpa Liu, who were walking towards the forward zone. ()

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