My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 877: [Cheng Xi and the sword]

According to the strength of Luminous's body, but also used a solid rock, he has already experienced the power of the pistol before. If it is only a pistol or ordinary firearm, there must be no way to directly shoot him with a penetrating injury. And, listen to This shot sound, Luminous is definitely a sniper rifle.

Between the electric light and flint, according to the direction in which the bullet had just shot, Luminous quickly found a shelter and hid under a stone staircase.

After Luminous hid behind the stone steps, there were two more shots. Bullets struck the luminous stone steps, the debris was flying, and the cement was lifted into a large piece.

With so many gunmen and snipers, it's really a dog.

Luminous is still afraid to probe. The power of the sniper rifle is not a joke. The two snipers who don't know where they are hiding are looking at the luminous hiding place. If Luminous appears casually, it is likely to be caught. A headshot.

The general direction of the night light can be judged by the trajectory and the sound of gunfire, but now he is afraid to probe, can not find the position of the opponent to counterattack.

Ye Guang is now very fortunate. When he was besieged by the gunmen, he chose a correct direction to guide the gunners. Moreover, the two hiding positions just selected, one stone and one mound, were carrying the two. Sniper.

Otherwise, when Luminous and the eight gunners who fought him did not know that there were snipers, if they faced the snipers without any cover, it would not be enough for him to die.

At this time, I can really say that the Buddha is blessed.

This is really the night light that shouldn't be killed. If you didn't choose the right direction before, you didn't find the two bunkers that are also in the sniper's blind spot. This book is really over.

After a few breaths, Luminous calmed down, half of his head was exposed carefully, and he glanced at the general position of the sniper, then quickly retracted his head.


Another shot was hit on the stone steps above Luminous's head.

Luminous's probe did not lock the exact position of the sniper, but the approximate location of one of them was already known, just on a small **** in the forest in front.

Luminous was ready to venture his head again, and this time with a second glance at the probe, he should be able to lock the exact position of the shooter.


Squat down.

The simple two moves really let the night light drift around on the line of life and death.

The luminous look was clear this time, and the position of the sniper was locked. The distance was a little far away. Luminous looked at the slingshot in his hand, and did not know how much power the slingshot shot so far.

Ye Guang estimates for a moment, if he pulls his bow full, it should be enough to hurt him even if he can't die.

Solve this before finding the location of another sniper.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Guang squatted to pull the slingshot full of bows, ready to stand up and fire at any time.

After setting his mind, Ye Guang took a few steps to the side, and then stood up quickly. The steel ball on his hand was fired immediately when he stood up, and hit the sniper accurately.

However, Luminous only hit the body.

At this moment, next to the sniper stood Cheng Xi, a woman wearing only an apricot base shirt and holding a sword in her hand.

Cheng Xijian was out of the sheath, and the scarlet blood dripped from the tip of the sword, standing on the slope, staring at Yeguang with a worried face, until he saw Yeguang suddenly stand up to fight back, and a slingshot hit the body beside him. At that time, Cheng Xi's dignified expression suddenly relaxed and looked at Ye Guang from a distance, and suddenly smiled sweetly.

It's nice to see you are fine.

Luminous vision is good. Although he is so far away, he sees it really. Cheng Xi's smile makes him a little stunned.

At this moment, Ye Guang's eyes were only Cheng Xi, and her sword was still dripping with blood.

Cheng Xi raised his sword and smiled with a smile. It was really beautiful. It was so beautiful that it almost made Yeguang forget that he was in danger.

And a sniper!

The luminous face was anxious and tense, and quickly looked in the direction just judged, but immediately relaxed again.

When Luminous saw the sniper, he was already a corpse.

No wonder when Luminous hid under the stone steps to find the sniper, only one shot was heard. At that time, Cheng Xi had quietly solved another sniper.

Sigh of relief, Ye Guang climbed up from under the stone steps and looked around a few times, but no gunmen were found for the time being, but at this time, he was not too sure. Two consecutive attacks, the crisis was temporarily lifted, but Ye Guang His nerves did not dare to relax anymore.

The siege gunner who had just besieged Luminous, was lying on the ground and humming, and his two hands and feet were temporarily disabled, he couldn't even run if he wanted to run.

Cheng Xi came up from the **** of the grove, walked in, and looked at the blood on Yeguang, scarlet on his back and arms, his eyes full of worry.

"How are you, is it all right?"

Luminous, "I'm fine, thank you."

Cheng Xi shook his head slightly, and did not answer. Looking at the tragic night light at this time, his eyes showed some distressed expressions.

"Chi Yan is still there." Ye Guang quickly walked towards Liu Chi Yan's hiding direction, took a few steps, passed by a gunman who had been killed by him ~ ~ stopped again, Picked up the gun in the gunner's hand, and incidentally touched two magazines from him.

Just now there is no gun in front. If Luminous has a gun in his hand, with his marksmanship and military qualities, it will be so miserable to fight against such an ignition force.

After waiting, Ye Guang is also preparing to defend the gun first, or hide it now? Anyway, as long as he throws it in the storage compartment, the police will definitely not find him, even if he knows that he took it, there is no evidence.

However, after thinking about it, let ’s forget it. Eight people have only seven or eight guns. It ’s not easy to explain at that time. Let ’s find another way. Luminous now wants to defend the gun and go through the formal channels to get a gun license and a gun Not difficult.

"Chi Yan, Chi Yan." Ye Guang shouted while running towards the place where Liu Chi Yan hid.

"I'm here." Liu Chiyan climbed up from the **** of the river embankment, and ran quickly after seeing the night light.

Luminous, "Chi Yan, how are you, are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Liu Chiyan approached and saw the luminous body covered with blood. "You ... you're injured, how are you?"

Luminous shook his head, "I'm fine, this hurts, it doesn't matter."

Liu Chiyan looked at Luminous, and his eyes were full of distress. "It was okay to say that it was all hurt."

Luminous, "It's not a big deal. It's not safe here now. We leave first. Right, let's call the police."

Liu Chiyan, "I just called the police."

Luminous nodded. "Okay, let's go to a safe place first. I'm not sure if there are any other killers here."

Liu Chi nodded his head, together with Cheng Xi and Yeguang, ready to evacuate.

Just at this time, I also heard the siren coming, getting closer and closer ...

This chapter is over ... Well, the police are here. Of course this chapter is over.

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