My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 890: [Free Jinshan]

In fact, compared to drugs, Ye Guang himself is more inclined to medical books.

Luminous had the idea to make a difference in this global spread of the plague.

He is not a saint, but in the face of such a disaster that affects all mankind, no matter who it is, he will think of his best.

There are many types of drugs given by the system, and they are targeted at all kinds of plague viruses. Yeguang has no doubt that among the drugs listed in the system, or among the drugs not listed, there must be one that can also target spider viruses. These viruses are effectively treated.

However, Luminous does not yet know what type of virus the spider virus belongs to.

Furthermore, it is to find a specific drug against spider virus from the system. A reputation value of hundreds of thousands or millions, even if Luminous has any intention, and consumes all his reputation value, the medicines exchanged are also limited. There are only a limited number of people who can help, and it's nothing to pay for. This is a global crisis!

Therefore, Ye Guang himself is inclined to exchange medical books and study medicine. As long as his medicine is good enough, or if the medicine exchanged allows him to develop methods for treating spider viruses or drugs, then it will be beautiful. It can cure one or a group of people, but it can truly benefit the public, and it can be said to save the world once.

Learn superb medicine, develop drugs for spider viruses, save the world, um ... what a great idea,

Think about it, there is still a little bit of malice.

However, ideas are good, but they can only be ideas.

Because, Luminous is still facing an awkward situation.

Reputation is not enough.

In other words, Ye Guang's current reputation is not enough to allow him to exchange medicines that are bullying and cowardly, and those that are divine medicine.

Yeguang originally tried to save a hundred million prestige to save Cheng Xi, and it ran out in an instant. Now it's full, and only two months have passed. In the past two months, Yeoguang did not spend much reputation, but Only accumulated a little more than 60 million reputation.

60 million prestige value, it looks a lot, but, like those medical skills such as the Zhongjing Medical Classics, the Eastern Medical Classics, and the Chinese Medical Classics, he can't exchange any of them, the art of these famous divine medicine, There will be hundreds of millions at every turn, and the popularity of hundreds of millions will be exchanged.

"How do you feel that every time the system upgrade is the rhythm of the landlord turning over to become a peasant? Why worry about prestige." Luguang muttered.

But no, during the peak of Luminous, holding a billion prestige value, why not change?

Zhongjing Medical Classic, right? Don't you have a doctor's book? The Huajing Medicine Classic, right? Not at all! Not to mention buying one with a stare at the eyes and a heart at the same time, can all be changed and can be discouraged?

Rich, just so willful!

But now, luminous can only be sighed.

Of course, the system is not limited to the sacred medicine, and there are many kinds of medicines, which are classified into various types and prices.

However, the so-called penny-for-money, really makes Yeguang buy a cheaper medicine to learn, it is not impossible, the key is that luminescence is not dare, who knows to buy a cheaper medicine, after learning, can this medicine Let yourself work out a drug for spider viruses?

In case if it can't be researched, the prestige will really be fleeing.

Moreover, let alone a little bit of healing, that is, those of the Divine Medicine, Yeguang is a little worried.

For example, Luminous exchanged a bully-cheated Huajing Medicine Classic. Medical science is comparable to Huajing, but who can guarantee that Huajing can solve the spider virus?

No matter how high the Chinese medicine skill is, it is in ancient times. Even if there is something in common, it is still better than it is now. However, the virus is really difficult to get rid of, and the ghost knows how it mutated.

Therefore, the idea of ​​Luminous is good, but it is not so easy to implement.

At this time, Luminous was also quite helpless, there was a feeling that he had a Jinshan, but he didn't have a hammer to dig.

It ’s just that simply redeeming the system medicine is definitely not working. This way, it is enough for Luminous to treat people who are familiar with it. There are already four people infected at the base. However, it is impossible to control the disease and it is absolutely necessary. There is also no plan to spend prestige directly on system drugs.

This is the truth of fish and fishing.

After thinking about it for a while, Luminous decided to wait a moment, think again, and see if there is any other better solution.



Regarding the spider virus, it was indeed popular and caused a certain degree of panic among the people.

The virus is truly terrifying, highly transmissible, and has a high lethality. No successful treatment has been reported so far.

There are four or five hundred cases in China, and the number is still increasing. The national epidemic prevention level has been increased across the board. Traffic and personnel circulation have also begun to be restricted. Some schools, factories, and other personnel-intensive units have been suspended for work.

Nationals are also worried about this spider virus. Various rumors are flying around ~ ~ What late 2012 doomsday, and nonsense remarks like what happened to the world have repeatedly exploded, which has also caused panic among the people. Already.

Nowadays, there are not many people on the street, but at least two-thirds fewer pedestrians than in the past, and places like malls are also depressed.

In this situation, no one is willing to go out unless it is necessary. Even if you want to go out, you must wear a mask, gloves, and even carry a bottle of disinfectant with you. Just spray it and it ’s okay. Just spray.

Hmm ... don't worry about the smell of disinfectant affecting other people.

Not because no one, but because, even if he does n’t spray, you can still smell the disinfectant water. This is not a problem if he sprays alone.

In many cities, during this time, there are vehicles specially sprayed with disinfection water, or epidemic prevention personnel carrying a sprayer on the streets and alleys to spray disinfection medicine.

In addition, almost every household will apply for or purchase, and even the street office will directly distribute disinfection medicine, and then spray it inside and outside the home.

May of this year is a month of flavor.

Well, the smell of disinfection water.

This time, the spider virus should not be underestimated. This is a global disaster. It has been more than three months since the first case was discovered, and it has spread to such a point. The virus has spread globally and the power of the virus is considered to be The outbreak has just begun. With the increase in the number of infected people, if the virus cannot be effectively controlled afterwards, it will not take long for the virus to surely continue to explode on a large scale and the number of infected people will increase at a geometric rate.

It has been more than three months since the confirmation of the first case of spider virus, and there are more than 7,000 confirmed cases worldwide. However, once the virus is not controlled and a true outbreak is expected, it is likely that it will increase 7,000 cases a day. ,even more!

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