My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 893: [Aura of Light]

Liu Feng, "Small night, it seems that tomorrow, the Stealth Global Satellite can be equipped with super cube technology, can it be completed?"

Luminous nodded, "Well, it should be tomorrow, but it needs to be tested and completed, and it will take some time."

Liu Feng said, "That's good. You know the situation of the base recently. Not very optimistic. For satellite projects, we must hurry up and work harder tomorrow to get it out! By then, our last major problem will be gone. Even if the Stealth Global Satellite is made! "

Liu Feng was a little excited. For this project, he has paid himself for more than 12 years. Now that the project is about to be completed, how can he not be excited?

In fact, in the past few days, although a virus broke out at the base, many people were a little scared, but most people were still very excited because the project was about to be completed and they would return home immediately because even if there was a virus at the base However, as a R & D staff, the enthusiasm for work is not diminished at all, how to work or how to work, and even the enthusiasm for work is even higher.

"Well, no problem, no accident, it will definitely come out tomorrow!" Ye Guang said, "Yes, is there any news about the spider virus?"

Speaking of this, Liu Feng's expression sank again.

"Yeah." Liu Feng sighed and said, "It is not optimistic. The situation outside is very bad. Gu said that the total number of infected people worldwide has reached more than half a million. In the first batch of infected people, the speed of bloodline spread has been suppressed. Can't stop, there are deaths one after another. Medical teams and organizations around the world are doing their best to study the spider virus vaccine, but there has been no progress. "

Luminous was silent for two seconds, and then asked, "Is there anything at home?"

Liu Feng nodded. "Everything is fine at home. China is an infected area. The infected areas are mainly in Guangdong, Modu, and Fuzhou. Control after the outbreak is relatively timely. Compared with other infected countries, our country is infected. The growth rate is much smaller, and the number of infected people is currently around 5,000. "

"Five thousand?" Luminous froze, there were only three hundred people a few days ago, and only a few days later, there were five thousand people? Is this still growing at a small rate?

Liu Feng glanced at Yeguang and said, "There are so many people in our country, and the number of infected people in the world exceeds 500,000. We are 5,000. Is this a large proportion?"

Luminous thought about it, so it seems that it is really not much.

Not much ...

Ye Guang suddenly felt a bit sad, and felt sad for life. Speaking of which, whether it is 500,000 infected people in the world or 5,000 infected people in China, these people are likely to be dying.

However, at this time, when he and Liu Feng discussed this topic, when there were too many people, they actually lacked the attention and compassion they deserved, and it seemed that these lives were turned into a cold The number, I would actually think, five thousand, not much.

Liu Feng, "I hope to be lucky, human beings can quickly develop an effective vaccine to survive this catastrophe."

Luminous nodded, "Yeah, hope to ... wait!"

Luminous suddenly opened his eyes a little wider, "What did you just say?"

Liu Feng, "What do you say?"

Luminous, "What did you say in the last sentence?"

"Through this catastrophe."

"No, just one more sentence."

"Humans can ..."

"One more sentence."

"Hopefully be lucky."

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Ye Guang suddenly got excited. "That's it! Lucky! Haha, lucky!"

Liu Feng was a little aggressive, "Little Ye, what's the situation?"

"It's okay," Ye Guang said as he started to catch up. "Brother, is there anything else? Don't go back in advance."

Liu Feng, "No, what's the matter with you, is this? Suddenly."

Luminous, "Nothing, nothing, think about something, I don't know if it's okay, brother, you go back first, I think about it, I'll call you something."

During the talk, Liu Feng had been pushed out of the room by Luminous, and Lumin slammed the door shut.

Liu Feng was aggressive at the door.

Before Luminous, the system failed to give targeted drugs, suggesting that when there were no targeted drugs or drug formulas, there was a hint of inspiration in my mind, and I felt that I was catching something, but I always couldn't think of it. Liu Feng reminded me at this moment. He finally caught that trace of inspiration.


Everything in the world is related to each other. Although the spider virus is powerful, there are always drugs or prescriptions that can destroy it. However, humans have not yet been able to study it.

The system failed to directly give Luminous targeted drugs to him for research, and there were no prescriptions. The medicine was not expected, but what if it was a prescription? What if you find a prescription for dispensing yourself?

Is it feasible?

Of course it works, but where is this prescription so easy? Aren't medical organizations all over the world studying effective prescriptions?

If we can research it casually, how can spider viruses pose such a big threat?

Could it be that you can come out as soon as Ye Guang researches the prescription? Or can you make a prescription out of thin air?


It is to make a prescription out of thin air!

No matter what the disease is ~ ~ What kind of poison, as long as the right medicine is prescribed, it is certainly correct, regardless of the medicine, the medicine is always those ones, it depends on those medicines, how they are combined, how to match Already.

Therefore, as long as you can know that the prescriptions of the combination of medicinal materials can treat spider viruses, then everything will be fine.

Hmm ... Of course, no one knows this, and medical teams around the world have been working hard for this.

Luminous didn't know, but he, possibly, could know.

And the method he might know is-lucky!

After confirming that the door was closed and locked, Luminous sat down at the desk in the room, and then took out a laptop from the storage bar.

With a quick tap of the finger on the notebook keyboard, Luminous successfully connected to a satellite signal and connected to an external network.

Hmm ... Yueguang once again used hacking skills.

However, as long as Luminous is no longer a black system, or if he does something else, it will simply be a net, and his hacking techniques will not be found again.

After connecting to the Internet, Ye Guang did one thing, which was to download an encyclopedia of medicinal materials on the Internet, and then went offline silently.

Although the night light connected to the satellite network does not worry about being discovered, but the base has signal capture equipment, and the night light has a way to bypass it. However, it is also worried that after a long time, it is detected that there is an external signal receiving or sending, etc. Time is another trouble.

After downloading the name of the medicinal materials, Luminous made a simple program, this is a lottery program ...

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