My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 895: [Prescription, there is! 】

Three times lucky, it is indeed bad enough!

Luminous did not expect that in the state of luck, it took three lives to be lucky to triple the luck, and this result would occur.

Instantly feel the value of that huge amount of prestige!

This is simply the biggest artifact of the system!

The selection of medicinal materials does not mean that the prescription is coming out. You must know that a prescription not only depends on the medicinal materials, but also the key is the proportion of the medicinal materials. How much of each medicinal material is often many times, a little more. If it is less, it may affect the efficacy, and even if the ratio is not correct, it may produce toxicity or something, which is not impossible.

However, Luminous now has enough confidence.

Isn't that how to put the proportions?


Luminous fingers fluttered, and in two or three minutes, a new lottery program was written.

In this lottery program, Luminous should first set a medicinal material, and then randomly select any number between 0.1-250.

Set, lark.


Draw results: first 10, second 10, third 10, fourth 11 and fifth 10.

Lark weight confirmed, 10 grams.

Set, grass and blood.


Lottery results: first time 15, second time 15, third time 16, fourth time 15, and fifth time 15.

Grass blood exhaustion weight confirmed, 15 grams.

Set, wolfberry.


Luminous draws a lot of medicinal materials. Each kind of medicinal materials has been drawn many times to confirm the value. Just like that, after a lot of effort, all 23 kinds of medicinal materials have been released!

With the needed medicinal materials and the ratio of medicinal materials, this means ...

Prescription, there is!


Medicine is rigorous, um ... Although Ye Guang came up with a prescription in the least rigorous way, with a rigorous attitude, Ye Guang had performed the same operation five times, and the results obtained each time, There are only slight deviations, which can be almost neglected directly. Luminous also really confirmed the prescription for treating the spider virus.

However, this prescription is currently only a theoretical prescription that Yeoguang feels effective. Whether it can work or not, we have to say something else. I have to really experiment before I know.

Unconsciously, Ye Guang tinkered with this prescription in the room. It has been more than two hours. Looking at the time, it is already eleven o'clock in the night.

The hospital at the base also has some Chinese medicinal herbs, but not too much. In the past few days when Luguang went to the hospital, I also noted that the medicinal materials were equipped. Most of the medicinal materials on other prescriptions were not available, so If you need medicinal materials, you have to move up through Liu Feng.

I ca n’t worry about interrupting Liu Feng. I got medicinal materials earlier and confirmed that this recipe is not feasible. If it is feasible, then the medicine for spider virus can be made a day earlier, then it can save many lives. .

Luminous immediately knocked on Liu Feng's door.

Liu Feng also opened the door soon.

"Xiao Ye, haven't rested, what's the matter?"

Luminous, "You haven't slept yet, are you still busy?"

Liu Feng said, "Well, there is still work to be done."

Luminous nodded, and did not continue the topic. He handed the notebook to Liu Feng and said, "Quick, brother, contact President Gu and help me prepare these medicines for delivery! The sooner the better!"

Liu Feng froze, took a look at the book, and asked, "What medicine is it for? What is it for?"

Luminous blurry is like saying that this is a drug for treating spider viruses, but when it comes to your mouth, you think about it and shut up again. Although this medicine is believed to be a cure for spider viruses, it ca n’t be guaranteed , And if the effect is unknown, it is too early to say.

Yeguang, "Urgently! Brother, I don't know how to say it now, but really urgently! Especially urgent! One hundred thousand fires!"

Seeing Yeguang's appearance, Liu Feng looked at Yeguang with a deep look, and tentatively asked, "Spider virus?"

"Uh ..." Ye Guang, "I can only say ... maybe, not sure, so I need medicinal herbs to verify."

Liu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded immediately, "I understand, I'll contact now."

Speaking, Liu Feng dialed a phone in the room in front of Luminous.

"General Manager Gu, I need a batch of medicinal materials, very urgent ..."

"Remember the name of the medicinal herbs, Lark ..."

"Not tomorrow, I ask for immediate action, this is very important!"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Gu, good-bye Gu."

Hanging up the phone, Liu Feng looked at Yeguang and said, "About tomorrow afternoon, the herbs will be delivered."

Luminous nodded in excitement, "Huh."

Liu Feng, "Xiao Ye, are you sure this is ... sure?"

Luminous groaned for two seconds, Zhengzheng said, "80%!"

Liu Feng's eyes widened and he kept staring at Luminous, seeming to want to know him again.

It took a long time for Liu Feng to slowly say, "Small night, if it is, you will be in the annals of history."

Ye Guang heard it, but a little embarrassed smirk, touched his nose and said, "I didn't think about this."

Liu Feng ~ ~ You said before that you came because you committed something and have been assassinated several times, but if this is done, as long as you do n’t touch the bottom line yourself, the whole world does n’t Who will dare to offend you on the bright side. "

Luminous, "Uh ... isn't that exaggerated?"

Liu Feng, "Why not, let alone, at least your hat of the world's most wanted criminal can be taken off, maybe they have to give you a World Peace Award."

Luminous shrugged and said, "Who knows, wait for the medicinal herbs to arrive. After the experiment, I don't think about it. If this method is effective, it can cure the spider virus and save more than half a million infected people. Most important, nothing else. "

Liu Feng nodded, "You are right, if the formula is really useful, conservative estimates can save the lives of two million people, or even more!" Then, Liu Feng patted Ye Guang's shoulder and said, "Come on, I I believe your recipe is okay. It's too late. Go back to rest. You have to work tomorrow. Don't make any mistakes on the last day of technology deployment. "

Luminous nodded and said goodbye to Liu Feng, then turned around and went back to the room.

After Liu Guang went out, Liu Feng stood there for a while, and then said, "Sister, what kind of brother-in-law did you find for me?"

The next day.

Yeguang continued to devote himself to the work of carrying technology. At the same time, he looked forward to the arrival of medicinal herbs all day long.

Today's work is very smooth. At around three in the afternoon, a round of applause was used as a seed.

The rest is to check and test again, if there is no problem, it can be officially put into use.

At more than four in the afternoon, an off-road vehicle also drove into the station.

Herbs, here it is!

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