My Starcraft World

Chapter 56: Raid (Part 2)


Be born.

Although buffered, the huge weight of the individual armor still brought a huge impact, allowing each biochemical warrior to be subjected to different degrees of internal trauma.

Some of them were seriously injured, and their vitality was instantly lowered by two or three hundred points.

But compared to a thousand points of vitality for a biochemical warrior, it is only a minor injury.

"Doping, fire."

In the "stab" sound, the strong magnetic Gauss rifle remembered the dense "whoosh" sound.

The multi-armor spiny snake on the opposite side, on the carapace, instantly had more dense bullet holes.

The berserk jumping insects pounced, but there were too few of them, and all died on the sprint path.

Plasma splashed, carapace flew, and after a while, the stumps and minced flesh were everywhere.

The biochemical soldiers formed a queue nearby and steadily advanced.

The Zerg did not expect this sudden blow from the sky, and the entire highland mine was only defended by a small number of berserk jumpers and multi-armored snakes.

This strength was quickly wiped out by Meng Ze's biochemical corps.

The worker bees who were mining in the mine suddenly became all victims.

Compared with the berserk jumping insects and multi-armored spiny snakes that specialize in combat, the worker bees with the same status as mining machines have almost negligible combat effectiveness.

After destroying all the Zerg in the mine and destroying the brood, Meng Ze immediately began arranging for the landing of transport planes transporting the Engineers and Ghost Soldiers.

As soon as the engineers disembarked from the transport plane, they quickly began to build fortifications.

Supply stations and fortresses are placed at the intersection, and supply stations are placed in front of them as buildings to block the Zerg charge.

Missile launch pads also began to be densely built along the edge of the highland mines.

As the main air defense structure on the ground, the missile launch pad also has anti-stealth functions.

It is a great addition to the Meng Ze science spacecraft, which is still too fragile.

Just when the construction of the No. 1 forward base began to be built.

Battle for Advance Base 2 also began.

Almost a copy of the tactics of the No. 1 forward base, the battle at the No. 2 forward base was almost uneventful.

Advance Base No. 2 is not only farther away from the ruins, but the Zerg's defensive forces are pitiful.

Three or two strokes were swept away by Meng Ze's airborne forces.

Subsequently, the construction of the No. 2 forward base also began.

However, unlike Meng Ze, who wants to build a war fortress into a forward base, Meng Ze, the second base, wants to build a front-line supply base.

Not only did a command center be purchased for Base 2, but construction of a forge and airfield began.

Considering his lack of reconnaissance capabilities, Meng Ze pretended to be a satellite station for the command center at Base 2 as the second command center with long-range detection capabilities.

Just when Meng Ze's two bases were in full swing at the same time, in a place Meng Ze didn't know, the zerg who was stabbed in a hornet's nest went completely crazy.

A distance of a thousand kilometers, for the second- and third-level technology races, a few hours away, if Meng Ze is willing, his corps will soon be able to appear at the door of the ruins Zerg's hometown.

The Relic Zerg immediately canceled many buildings under construction or upgraded, slowing down the rapid expansion, and began to build rattan clusters along the border base, and quickly mutated into defensive ground spurs or anti-aircraft spores.

The entire Zerg strategic forward base switched to defense mode.

At the same time, a network of insect colonization sites is built in each base, which is a biological channel that is almost teleported to the pseudo-dimension, allowing the Zerg Legion to quickly cross a long distance and carry out strategic maneuvers.

The core base, a high-level core building whose construction was originally suspended due to the extreme consumption of resources, scorpion stacks and thunder beast lairs also quickly began to spawn.

The changes of the Zerg were immediately detected by minus ninety degrees that were at war with the Zerg.

The Zerg, who was still desperately attacking the second front-line base at minus 90 degrees, instantly stopped attacking, turned around and began to retreat.

And the Zerg Legion, which had originally broken the first front-line base at minus 90 degrees and was advancing towards the east, also began to retreat.

Ninety degrees below zero immediately came to mind Meng Ze's attack.

"Meng Ze, what the hell did you do?"

As soon as the communication was connected, minus ninety degrees immediately asked curiously.

Just now he was busy directing troops to fight the Zerg, and did not pay attention to the situation on Meng Ze's side.

"But two mines were built."

As soon as Meng Ze said, minus 90 degrees immediately knew where it was, and it was he who helped Meng Ze conduct the reconnaissance.

The map switched over, looked at it for a while, and immediately realized the importance of these two locations at minus ninety degrees.

Especially the highland mine near the ruins is like a sharp knife inserted into the hinterland of the Zerg.

"Meng Ze, you're ruthless enough, but you're in big trouble next."

With that, minus ninety degrees sent the image he had just detected to Meng Ze.

In the center of the image, there are two Zerg buildings that have not yet fully grown, and the wisdom brain of the command center has deliberately marked it next to it - scorpion stack and thunder beast lair.

The brain of Meng Ze's command center immediately gave instructions for the corresponding building.

Scorpion Stack: A necessary biological building for the production of the Zerg scorpion, as a high-level field control type of the Zerg, with dark swarms, plagues, devouring, burying and other skills, it is a strategic unit for the Zerg to tackle tough problems.

Thunder Beast Lair: A necessary biological building for the production of the Zerg class Thunder Beast, Thunder Beast is a high-level Zerg attack type of troops, with extremely powerful armor, extremely strong vitality and strong recovery ability, and is the core unit of the Zerg attack.

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