My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1007: The upcoming battle

In the past, Mr. Wan had suffered from this kind of agreement, but this time Xiao Feng actually offered to sign this agreement with him.

But Master Wan was so touched that he patted Xiao Feng's shoulder vigorously.

"Don't say anything, brother, when do you plan to act, the money I prepared, is on call..."

Xiao Feng can still trust Wan Gongzi as a person.

15 billion U.S. dollars can be used for you at any time. This is no longer ordinary trust.

What's more, he only gave him 3% of the shares, and he was willing.

It seems that this ten thousand princes are on his own boat with a firm heart!

It seems that Lord Wan really has confidence in himself!

Xiao Feng didn't talk too much nonsense, he just smiled, and then patted Lord Wan on the shoulder.

In fact, 15 billion U.S. dollars, in exchange for 3% of the shares, has already given him the face of Wan Gongzi.

Even if there is no Master Wan, he can do it alone.

The acquisition of Voegelin would cost more than 70 billion U.S. dollars, and he gritted his teeth and was able to get it together.

And Lord Wan did not guess wrong. After he acquired Voegelin, he did not intend to only be the first chain pharmacy in the United States.

His real idea is to be the world's number one drugstore chain!

Voegelin had already started in this regard.

In North America, Canada and Mexico, he has opened more than 500 chain pharmacies in these two countries.

There are more than 300 in Canada and more than 100 in Mexico.

In Australia and New Zealand, he also has a layout.

In these two countries, dozens of stores have also been opened.

Although it has not yet entered in a big way, it has already begun the layout.

In the UK, as early as 2015, Voegelin completed the acquisition of the British drugstore chain United Bozi.

In the UK, Lianhezi has about 370 branches.

Although it is not the largest in the UK, it is also a giant that cannot be underestimated in the market.

In other words, if Voegelin wins, it is actually equivalent to having a pass to the Five Eyes Alliance.

By that time, several drugs in the Ninth Laboratory can pass through Voegelin, and they will be unimpeded in these countries.

These countries are all developed countries in the world.

In addition, if you get the pass of the Five Eyes Alliance, it is not difficult to enter the European Union.

Moreover, relying on Voegelin's American identity, it would not be a problem to enter Japan and the Southern Kingdom when that time comes.

This is the main reason why Xiao Feng is so ambitious to Voegelin.

It's just that he presupposes this chain pharmacy, but it is the world's number one chain pharmacy.

In this way, it would be unrealistic to want to eat alone.

So this pharmacy, he intends to put it on the market.

And Mr. Wan will become the first minority shareholder of this company, and giving him a 3% stake is actually quite interesting.

The main consideration is that when he first started his business, Mr. Wan was the first noble person to reach out to him.

In the subsequent cooperation, Wan Gongzi also provided him a few times and provided him with help.

That's why he agreed to give Master Wan a 3% share.

If you change someone else, let alone 15 billion, you get 25 billion, and he won't be able to give 3% of the shares.

Because new drugs developed by cloning experts on the Karapag Islands have been on the market one after another.

If it is put in Voegelin for exclusive distribution.

The future market value of Voegelin is definitely just around the corner.

Surpassing Apple, Google, it's a matter of minutes.

So it seems that Young Master Wan took 15 billion U.S. dollars in exchange for 3% of his company's shares.

No matter how you look at this deal, it's a bargain.

"Well, let's talk about Voegelin's condition now, right?"

"Didn't that Stefano promise to help us deal with the issue of minority shareholders and the union?"

"Why hasn't it been done so long?"

Before that, Lord Wan had hired a team to contact Voegelin.

But the two sides had never met before. Xiao Feng firmly believed that Lord Wan's team must have some information he didn't know.

Sure enough, when he asked, Lord Wan sighed.

"The situation does not seem to be optimistic, according to the information we received..."

"Stephano encountered a lot of resistance when negotiating with the union."

"The union does not agree with his move to abolish pharmacists, and still insists that every pharmacy must have at least three pharmacists."

"What's more ridiculous is that those **** want his pharmacist to raise his salary!"

Xiao Feng felt a little funny after listening to Wan Gongzi's words.

In the domestic business, the boss is the dominant one, so what is actually a decoration.

In foreign countries, this is not the same. Their power and energy are not so big.

Especially in the case of holding a ballot.

They are qualified to negotiate with their boss if the boss does not agree to their terms.

Then they organized a strike, and even put pressure on the government.

In order to keep their votes, politicians often come forward to negotiate with companies.

If the boss is not obedient, it will be at the expense of the government.

It is precisely because of this that Voegelin has fallen to where it is today.

I originally wanted to use the *** medical reform to benefit from the policy dividend for a few years.

After all, their company originated in the place where *** started, saying that it has nothing to do with ***, how can others believe it.

But I never thought that this newcomer overthrew the *** medical reform as soon as he took the stage.

Voegelin, who had made too much concession, caught the egg at once.

After all, they had previously acquired other chain pharmacies in order to complete their massive expansion.

Not only did he send a lot of money to the original boss, but he also made many beautiful promises to comfort people.

For example, there is an excuse that they want to set up three pharmacists in each pharmacy.

They are currently in the United States, with more than 7,900 stores.

There are three pharmacists in each store, and the salary of these people alone costs hundreds of thousands a year.

A store is hundreds of thousands, how many are 7,900 stores?

Moreover, Xiao Feng has seen Voegelin's business model.

In fact, Voegelin needed more, not a pharmacist, but an ordinary salesperson.

After all, they are now transforming their business models and are transforming to diversification.

The annual salary of an ordinary salesperson is only one-third of that of a pharmacist, or even lower.

So before that, Wan Gongzi's team was in contact with Stefano.

The conditions were put forward, the first is to guess the pharmacist.

One pharmacist in one store is enough.

The second is to get rid of the union, and the current CEO Stefano, who has long gritted his teeth with hatred for these two points, naturally agreed with one bite.

He had done so much before that, trying to turn the company back into profit.

But in the end it all broke on these guys.

Now that he wants to sell the business, he naturally doesn't mind coming forward to be a villain.

Unexpectedly, the union is quite rigid here.

Not only did he disagree with his request for layoffs, but instead asked him to raise his salary.

"According to Stefano's feedback, there should be competitor encouragement behind this."

Lord Wan and Xiao Feng said, Xiao Feng nodded and asked.


Wan Gongzi smiled.

"Besides the love from CVS, who else can there be?"

Xiao Feng nodded after listening.

These three are just now the three largest chain pharmacies in the United States.

Among them, Voegelin was the industry leader in the first two years, CVS followed closely, and Lai Ai always ranked third.

However, in the last two years, Voegelin has suffered losses for three consecutive years due to heavy debts.

Many shops have also been closed, and CVS has caught up with the support of the insurance group behind it.

In a few years, it has become the number one chain pharmacy in the United States.

They currently have 9,400 branches in the United States.

The performance is also very healthy, but they still regard Voegelin as a thorn in the flesh.

Why is this again?

Because for CVS, Lai Lai Ai, the third-largest company in the United States, has only more than 3,400 stores in the United States.

And most of them are in slum areas, with limited profitability, and there is no way to compete with them.

Voegelin is different.

Voegelin took a step ahead of CVS when it came to expanding nationally.

Therefore, almost all of Voegelin's branches are located in the most prosperous and best locations in major cities in the United States.

So don't look at CVS now in terms of the number of stores, has overtaken Voegelin.

But when it comes to the quality of the store, they really can't compare to Voegelin.

Because Voegelin's branches are almost all opened in the wealthy and middle-class neighborhoods of major cities across the United States.

Almost all of the good locations are occupied by them, and CVS, a latecomer, suffered a big loss in this Although they have many stores, they really say annual turnover. In fact, they are really no better than Voegelin. Much higher.

There are nearly 2,000 more stores than others, but the net profit is about the same as others.

What do you think of the managers of CVS?

The news of Voegelin's major shareholders wanting to change Voegelin's hands is no longer a day or two.

CVS naturally knows, and they certainly don't want anyone to take over this store.

They were anxious that Voegelin had no one to take over, and finally the debt crisis broke out and collapsed.

Although this is a bit detrimental to others, it is indeed best for them.

"Then CVS definitely wants more than Voegelin to fall, right?"

Xiao Feng asked with a smile.

"Ha, there are always wolf ambitions. The news I got is that they are currently in contact with several consortia."

"I plan to raise money from another family, and then when Voegelin can't hold it, he will swallow Voegelin in one bite."

"After all, the prescription drug rights in Voegelin's hand, as well as the stores in those good locations, have been coveted by them."

Xiao Feng nodded after hearing this.

"Who is the consortium they contacted, have you inquired about it?"

"Well, there are several domestic financial institutions in the U.S., and a financial institution on Hong Kong Island."

"It is said that these people are very enthusiastic and are willing to finance them."

As he spoke, his face became more solemn.

"It seems that there is a fierce battle waiting for me!"

Xiao Feng sighed and said.

Voegelin was originally the top wolf in the industry, but since Stefano planned to quit.

The once wolf king in this industry is already a piece of fat in the eyes of others.

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