My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1019: If you want to play, then you might as well play bigger!

After Evans heard Xiao Feng's instructions, he was also taken aback.

But he also understood in an instant that the boss obviously wanted to scare off this group of people.

In fact, before, he also smelled something wrong in it.

But he has been reluctant to think more about it, after all, the temptation of the 200 million dollars is too great.

It made him feel in a daze, even if he vaguely thought it was a bait, he couldn't help but want to go up and take a bite.

But at this moment, thinking about it carefully, the money is a bit too easy.

The other party came to raise money for Juice King, but he was definitely not optimistic about his own business ability.

It's even less likely to be interested in juicers and coffee shops.

The gambling agreement behind this is the real killer move.

If you just signed this agreement so silly, if the other party is secretly resorting to any means.

If the security is not complete, the company will change hands in a few months.

Don't look at the rules when doing business in the U.S., but it's just for honest people.

As for the guys who play finance, there are a lot of tricks, kidnappings, intrigues, and all kinds of harassment operations.

In order to make money, they even dare to fabricate a reason, and dare to start a war.

What's the point of pitting yourself together?

So at this time Evans also had an epiphany, and he didn't make too many rebuttals.

Instead, he went back to the room and conveyed Xiao Feng's meaning to Terry in its entirety.

At this time, Terry's face suddenly became ugly.

He didn't expect that Evans actually returned such a big move to himself!

He was just a puppet who was pushed to the front desk, and it was the big man behind him who really made the decision.

This time it was his turn to be the master, so he could only call the big guy behind him and ask what to do next.

Stanley, Jonathan, and Jason, who had been waiting for news at the New York headquarters, were also stunned after listening to Terry's feedback.

No one thought that the other party would play so big as soon as he opened his mouth!

Terry and Trident are the snakes they arranged to put bait on the Juice King.

They don't care about financing conditions, and their only hope is that Evans, a greedy guy, will accept their money as soon as possible.

Once Evans took their money, the next thing was much simpler.

They even blow up the balloons by Evans and Juice King to allow more investors to participate.

Then all they have to do is to puncture the balloon, and then the Juice King will not only compensate them for the money.

Also compensate other investors for money.

Maybe Xiaofeng Qian can afford it, but the key is that his reputation is stinking.

At that time, see what qualifications he has, and compete with them for control of Voegelin.

They had already calculated everything, but they didn't expect Xiao Feng to have such a big appetite.

Twenty percent of the equity, you dare to ask for a billion, or US dollars!

This is how to do?

The three people in Stanley's office couldn't help but stare at each other.

A billion dollars, for them.

Saying more is not too much, but it is definitely not too little.

"What do you do now? Can't you accept the move?"

Stanley touched his big bald head and looked at Jason and Jonathan.

Jonathan also hesitated at this moment, so Xiao Feng dare to ask so much?

Did he notice something? Or, he has absolute certainty of his own coffee chain business?

At this time, Jason lowered his head, slowly sipping the coffee in his hand.

The coffee they drink is instant coffee made from inside the Juice King brought over from Silicon Valley.

Recently, this coffee is very popular in Silicon Valley.

Even some employees of Juice King will quietly bring some from the company to share with outsiders.

And anyone who has tasted instant coffee is full of praise for the taste of the coffee.

Americans like this kind of rich and sweet drink.

The Juice King Company also adopted an attitude of acquiescence with one eye and one eye closed.

So this coffee is currently hyped on various social software.

In the past few days, in order to calculate the juice king, they also deliberately got this coffee and tasted it.

And this drink is really impressive.

Addicted once!

Now the other side turned them into an army, and the two guys Stanley and Jonathan were shocked.

Jason's eyes flashed sharply.

"Since he wants to play, he might as well play bigger."

"We give 2 billion and want 40% of his company's equity!"

"Are you crazy?"

After listening to Jason, Stanley and Jonathan said almost in unison.

They all knew that Jason hated the people above, especially he and Xiao Feng seemed to be having a holiday.

But now is not the time to be arrogant, two billion for 40% of the company's shares?

This is simply a decision made by a madman.

But Jason Lee smiled slightly at this moment, he looked at Stanley and Jonathan and said.

"You've drunk this coffee, how do you think it tastes? What do you think of the juice king's plan to move to an entity chain?"

Stanley and Jonathan fell silent immediately after hearing this question.

Indeed, the feeling that this coffee brings to people can only be described as stunning.

With this unique taste of coffee, it is really not difficult to make a brick-and-mortar chain store.

Even Stanley, who was born as a physical entity, can tell at a glance that the coffee has great potential.

If the entity chain is really done, it may be a bit exaggerated to catch up with Starbucks.

But fighting against Starbucks is absolutely fine.

But that's really doing a good job of operation, and they are just to make bad money and make quick money.

They never thought about running this company well.

"You said that if we help hold him up and then burst their balloons, will he compensate us with six billion?"

"If he wants to go wrong, we will fight him. This is our home court."

"And once a lawsuit is taken, can he fight with us over Voegelin?"

"Without this competitor, Voegelin can only accept our offer obediently."

"And if he doesn't plan to compensate us at that time, and we take over the Juice King, then we can earn back the fare by relying on this coffee formula alone."

"Even if we are not going to be a physical coffee shop at that time, if we sell this recipe to Nestlé, do you think they will buy it?"

Jason's words silenced Stanley and Jonathan.

Indeed, the reason they want to bait the Juice King is to make this company a wound that Xiao Feng cannot heal.

Let this company become his Waterloo.

And their ultimate goal, in fact, was Voegelin, and that was the big deal.

Compared with the tens of billions of business, what does it mean to spend 2 billion here?

And these two billion are not in vain, if it is the juice king who only had a juicer before.

They certainly don't like it, but now this coffee recipe alone is worth two billion in their opinion.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the sale is really not a loss.

But Jonathan also expressed his worries at this time.

"The reason why that guy would offer such a high price is obviously alert."

"Moreover, he adjusted the future business thinking of Juice King as soon as he came up. This way, it greatly weakened the power of fierce materials in our hands."

"If you can't overthrow him at that time, it will be a big trouble."

At this time, Jason chuckled.

"Even if we don't have enough juice to shake him, what if we add ingredients to his coffee?"

When Jonathan and Stanley heard this, their faces changed.

This guy really doesn't have a bottom line, this is a matter of stubborn life, he can do it all.

However, such a Jason is a good dog, we like it!

In the face of absolute interests, what a few lives can count.

Jonathan and Stanley were not indecisive, and the two exchanged glances.

After weighing a little, he nodded and agreed to the deal.

"Okay, do it!"

In the evening, Juice King reached a financing agreement with Trident and completed the company's Series A financing.

Trident Capital will acquire 30% of Juice King at a price of US$2 billion.

They want 40%, but where would Xiao Feng agree?

Just give 30%, love or not!

In the end, the Trident could only count the amount of money added a clause to the gambling agreement, which increased the final compensation amount to four times!

And they also made regulations on the funds invested, that is, the funds obtained by the company.

Seventy-five percent can only be used to build chain stores in the United States. As for the research and development of juicers, they did not make any requirements.

The agreement was signed that night, and the news has spread throughout Silicon Valley!

Immediately the entire Silicon Valley was shaken, who would have thought that the juice king that everyone was not optimistic about.

In such a short period of time, he killed a beautiful back carbine?

It took less than a month for internal adjustments to usher in a US$2 billion Series A financing?

And Yirong is 2 billion U.S. dollars! Isn't this a dark unicorn?

Two billion US dollars in exchange for 30% of the shares, does this show that the investor’s valuation of this company has reached 6.7 billion US dollars?

You must know that more than a month ago, the valuation of this company was less than one billion US dollars.

Not even a unicorn!

But now, he has already revealed the temperament that he wants to be the overlord among the unicorns.

According to this trend, isn't this the next Uber?

One night's incident, Silicon Valley investors went crazy, and even the venture capitalists with Wall Street went crazy.

Everyone took a magnifying glass and began to study carefully the juice king.

I want to see what magical ability this company has that can attract such a large amount of financing at once?

All kinds of rumors about the Juice King were very uproar and rumors.

Their coffee has not been officially listed, it has become the most talked about hot spot on major social media.

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