My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1026: This is your key to solving the problem!

The video content is very simple, just two software engineers from Silicon Valley.

As loyal lovers of fruit juices, these two people started with Juice King's juicer when it was just launched.

During the two days of vacation, the two of them were bored at home, so they studied this juicer.

Thinking that this juicer claims to provide two tons of pressure, the fruit in their juice compression package should be very hard, right?

So they squeezed the juice with their hands, but they didn't think they would squeeze the juice directly with their hands.

This time, they felt that their IQ had been insulted.

A juicer bought for $799, and you have to drink a juice pack of $30 a month, the imaginable healthy squeezed juice turned out to be this product?

This juice can be squeezed out with your hands. What's so special, what else do we buy your juicer for?

Wouldn’t it be better to just buy your fruit and vegetable bag?

The more they thought about it, the more angry they became, and then they simply took the fruit and vegetable bag for inspection again.

After all, even the juicer can be faked, and the two deeply doubt whether the fruit and vegetable bag of the juice king is also fake.

After all, this fruit and vegetable bag, which is known as green fruit and vegetable, can actually squeeze so much juice with your hands.

Are the fruits and vegetables in it unreliable?

And they concluded after inspection that the fruits in this fruit and vegetable bag have indeed been specially treated.

Fruits and vegetables are all frozen, so they are particularly prone to juice, otherwise these fruits and vegetables.

It is very difficult to squeeze so much juice out of manpower alone.

This video was put on the Internet and immediately caused an uproar.

Only when the short video was put on the YouTube website, it immediately attracted the onlookers and forwarding of countless netizens.

Of course, most of these so-called ‘netizens’ are actually naval forces invited by Jonathan.

As for these two ‘engineers’, they are naturally the actors arranged by them.

In fact, Jonathan discovered the secret of this juicer a long time ago, precisely because it feels that the juice king will sooner or later succumb to it.

That's why he transferred the juice king to Xiao Feng.

And this secret has become the killer he prepared.

But he knew that Xiao Feng had already discovered this secret long ago.

As soon as this video was released, it was immediately available across the United States and attracted great attention.

After all, half a month ago, the name Juice King can be said to have flooded the headlines of major news media.

The common people can see the name of this company almost every day, and can hear the name every day from the programs of those economic experts.

Therefore, the Juice King is familiar to the people of North America for a long time.

Even their family history has been smashed.

Although they buy coffee now, they are worth their money and they started their business with a juicer.

It's fine now, their juicer was smashed, and it naturally attracted countless people's onlookers.

And a large part of people are gloating.

Juice King has been so high-profile some time ago, it has already caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Some of these people sell coffee, and some sell juicers.

There are many people who really hate the high profile of Juice King.

And after this video broke out, all these ghosts and monsters suddenly jumped out.

"Juice King big liar, give me back hard-earned money!"

"Just...return the goods! We request a return!"

"Asshole, such a scam company is simply a shame to the United States."

"Such a company that dares to cheat on the juicer, do you dare to drink the coffee they make?"

"Asshole, I want to send their coffee for inspection to see if there is anything else in it."

"Hurry up and close down!"


For a while, all major social media have become a battlefield against the king of juice.

And Evans, who was still proud of his horseshoes, was knocked out by the blow.

Forty-five minutes ago, the door of his office was crowded with representatives of major banks and financial institutions from all over the United States.

This group of guys waved the check in their hands, waiting to meet with him to discuss cooperation.

But forty-five minutes later, the door of his office was already in front of him.

Those bank managers and fund representatives all went to the empty building and disappeared.

This is the real American financial elite!

It will always be the icing on the cake, no one will give you charcoal in the snow!

At this time, he also faintly understood the boss's intentions.

He had mentioned it to his boss many times before, saying that so many financial institutions came to the door.

Do you think we can sign some contracts with them and get more money?

According to the current development momentum of Juice King, if you want to make money, it is simply so-easy!

As long as you take out 20% of the shares, you can get billions in every minute.

With this money, they can continue to expand across the United States.

But the boss did not let go, and did not agree!

At that time, he still felt that the boss was too conservative. The typical thinking of a Chinese businessman was that he wanted to eat alone.

He wanted to tell his boss several times that this would not work, especially in the United States.

But a few times, the words reached the lips and swallowed back.

Only then did he understand why the boss disagreed.

If the boss agreed before, then Juice King must be over now.

With a certain amount of shares, you can raise billions, but is this money so easy to take?

Those guys will definitely be the same as the previous Trident Capital. They have to bet against you.

If this is signed, it is estimated that the Juice King is more than simply going bankrupt, I am afraid that the **** will be lost.

Because just five minutes ago, he had received a call from Mr. Terry, the president of the Trident.

On the phone, Terry was not as good at talking as before.

This guy actually scolded himself with a stern tone and said that he would give himself three days to get this thing done as soon as possible.

Otherwise, according to the contract, he will make himself four times the compensation to the Trident!

Four times the compensation, that is eight billion dollars?

At the thought of this number, Evans felt a burst of scalp tingling.

The current situation is very clear, that is, someone wants to be a fruit juice king.

According to the current trend, this storm will certainly not pass so easily.

According to his understanding of public opinion in the U.S., after a whole night of fermentation, the matter will not reach a high C until tomorrow morning!

When the time comes, those who eat melons, and the competitors of Juice King.

Will use the turbulent public opinion to tear the Juice King to pieces.

Thinking of this scene, Evans couldn't help but feel a little grateful.

Fortunately, now the company's main business has been transferred to the coffee chain.

If this only sells juicers as before, it is estimated that I have been cold now.

But now he can't help but worry about how much this storm will affect Juice King's coffee shop.

Although the Juice King has now transformed, it is inevitable that their coffee chain will be affected by this trend.

The only thing that is uncertain is how much the impact will be.

Thinking of this, Evans felt a pain in his brain.

And at this moment, there was a sound of long-running and tiger-stepping footsteps from outside the door.

Before Evans went out to see the situation, the door of his office was pushed open.

Then Xiao Feng walked in with several entourages.

Seeing Xiao Feng coming, Evans, who was originally distraught, suddenly felt a sense of bottom in his heart.

I don't know why, as soon as he saw Xiao Feng, he felt that he saw the Dinghai Shenzhen.

An inexplicable feeling suddenly arises in my heart, that is, if the boss is there, there will be nothing wrong with the company.

"Boss, I..."

Just as Evans was about to speak, Xiao Feng raised his hand.

"Don't talk first, look at this thing first?"

With a wave of his hand, Clone Security Owen next to him picked up a black box and placed it on his counter in front of Evans.

When the box opened, it turned out to be a machine.

After just one glance, Evans could see that this was a juicer.

It's just that this juicer is different from the ones he has seen before.

The transparent juicer cup, there is a transparent box next to it, and a tube in the middle is connected to the juicer cup.

Owen plugged in the device, then threw two oranges into the box on the left.

Next to the box, a high-pressure water mist was sprayed to clean the oranges.

Then a robotic arm popped out, and a fork hit the and then a knife popped out next to it, and started peeling the orange.

The whole process is visible to the naked eye, and then the peeled orange is sent through the pipe to the juicer cup on the other side.

Then came the juicing process, and what surprised Evans the most was.

After the final juice is finished, this juicer also has a self-cleaning function.

Automatic cleaning can be completed by filling water.

The remaining fruit residues were all washed away by themselves.

The entire juicing process does not require human involvement at all.

Isn't this completely his original design philosophy?

The whole process of squeezing fruit juice does not require human hands at all.

People just throw the fruit into the juicer.

It's just that he didn't succeed in research and development, so he could only choose to rely on cheating to sell his juicer.

And the juicer that Xiao Feng brought this time is a real technology and hard skill.

Although this machine looks a little bigger than his juicer, it takes a little longer.

But other people's ability to squeeze juice is real.

Finally, they also tested the juice from apples, strawberries, and even watermelon, pineapple and other fruits.

Everything is perfect.

After watching a series of operations of this juicer, Evans was already stupid.

At this time, not only was he stupid, but also tears filled his eyes with excitement.

This is what he has always dreamed of making, the ideal juicer!

Unexpectedly, in the end, the boss actually realized his wish.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng smiled at him.

Then he pushed the juicer down in front of him.

"This is your key to solving this crisis!"

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