My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1035: Not only is cruel to the enemy, but also cruel to his own people!

Of course Jonathan knew that just apologizing would definitely not work.

As the saying goes, the dead dao friend does not die the poor dao, so he betrayed his teammates without hesitation.

At this time, Xiao Feng looked at this guy's face not changing and his heart beat, and he had to admire his shamelessness.

It's no wonder that he can achieve such an achievement as he is today. Just such a thick-skinned skin is an important reason for this guy's success.

Before, he asked Helen to find a business investigation team, and he also asked Pablo to send a team.

The two teams were originally just to investigate the CVS Group, which was also worried about the acquisition of Voegelin.

But I didn't think that the investigation team sent by Pablo actually found a lot of information about Stanley, Jason, and Jonathan colluding together.

Judging from the secretly filmed videos and photos, these three people are just like brothers.

But Stanley and Jason must have never imagined that Jonathan would be so indifferent at this time, so he bought them both.

Xiao Feng laughed.

"I know!"

With just one sentence, Jonathan was sure that Stanley's sudden outburst must have nothing to do with this guy.

Although he and Jason didn't know what was going on with CO-19, they also knew that it must have dealt a heavy blow to Stanley.

Think about it again, then Jason Lee shouldn't be easy now!

At this time, Jonathan's mind was spinning fast, but he was just wondering how to extract himself from this square wave.

Thinking about it, he gritted his teeth again.

Anyway, my teammates have already bought it once, and I don't care about buying it again.

"Mr. Xiao, I know that you want to acquire Voegelin. I decided to withdraw from Stanley's combination, so as not to trouble your acquisition."

"That's it? Maybe not enough!"

Xiao Feng smiled, now he has mastered the initiative of the acquisition.

In a few days, Stefano will be able to get back the equity and complete the transaction with him.

He owns 60% of Voegelin's equity, and the rest is much easier.

Even if CVS is playing tricks behind the scenes, he is not afraid.

At this time, Jonathan smiled.

"Mr. Xiao, I admire your courage and vision."

"But actually wanting to acquire a company as big as Voegelin is definitely not that simple."

In Jonathan's words, the meaning is very long.

Looking at the weird smile on his face, Xiao Feng felt that he had tasted something.

But for a while, I didn't think too much about it.

"I also know that you are not short of money, and I also know that Stefano is more inclined to sell the company to you, but I don't think you know yet."

"In fact, we already have a 30% stake in Voegelin!"


Upon hearing this, Xiao Feng felt a pain in his brain.

According to the provisions of the company law, as long as you are an existing shareholder, as long as you hold one percent of the shares, you can request a general meeting of shareholders.

But the crux of the problem is that many companies simply will not allow this to happen. After all, no one has the energy to wrestle with trivial matters every day.

Therefore, it is generally agreed in the company's articles of association that only shareholders with more than one-third of the equity will initiate.

Only then can the company’s general meeting of shareholders be convened.

Generally, a company will set up a shareholder meeting, a board of directors, and a board of supervisors to complete the separation of powers and restrict each other.

Shareholders have decision-making powers, the board of directors have executive powers, and the board of supervisors supervises the company's operations.

And this gameplay is basically invented by the Americans.

Many domestic companies have copied this method to establish the company's authority.

But in fact, most of them are just a copy, and most companies are still controlled by major shareholders.

In the United States, it is definitely not like that in China, where major shareholders can do whatever they want.

Especially large public companies like Voegelin with tens of billions of dollars in assets.

There are tens of thousands of small and medium shareholders, and your major shareholders want to do whatever they want, unless you can control more than two-thirds of the company's equity.

Previously, Xiao Feng had purchased 20% of Voegelin's equity through Stefano.

Even if he buys Stefano's stock right again, it will only control 60% of the company's stock.

To complete the absolute holding of Voegelin, he must also acquire a 7% stake in Voegelin.

But the trio of Jonathan and the others had already quietly purchased 30% of Voegelin's equity.

In other words, the two sides have to compete for the last ten percent of the equity.

He wants to buy 7 percent, and Jonathan and the others only need to buy 4 percent of the shares.

And 4%, that is definitely much better than 7%.

And looking at what Jonathan meant, it was obvious that Voegelin stocks circulating in the market had been quietly absorbed by them.

Even if there are still some diehard diehards who haven't gotten their hands, they are going to cover Voegelin's stock to the ground.

As for the remaining small shareholders, those who still have stocks in their hands, and those who have already sold them, Xiao Feng definitely doesn't know.

And Jonathan they must know.

In this way, this matter is really troublesome.

If Jonathan is allowed to control 34% of the company's shares, it will follow the company's articles of association.

They can request a general meeting of shareholders, even if Xiao Feng has 60% of the shares in his hand, he is the company's major shareholder.

But they can still ask you to come to the meeting every day, and fight with you every day.

Anyway, if you want to make any reforms to the company, they will raise their hands against it.

By then, you will have enough headaches.

It is simply impossible to privatize Voegelin.

And if Voegelin is not privatized, then Xiao Feng has many plans that cannot be completed.

So at this time Xiao Feng also fell into silence.

"So we can make an exchange. If you ask that guy to withdraw the charge of 100X fraud, then I can transfer 10% of my shares to you."

"In addition, I will give you the list of other institutions and individuals that hold shares, so that you can complete the privatization of the company more quickly."

Xiao Feng nodded when he heard that, with 10% of this guy, plus 40% of Stefano.

He controls 70% of Voegelin's equity, and the rest is easy.

As the largest single shareholder of the company's absolute holding.

Any adjustments and decisions made to the company’s operations do not require the consent of other minority shareholders.

Anyway, you guys love it, there is nowhere to sue if you want to.

Even if a court dared to accept the complaint, the lawsuit would usually last forever.

At that time, as long as the major shareholders insist on not agreeing to the dividend, this alone will be enough to make those minor shareholders cry to death.

Generally to this point, the minority shareholders can only surrender their guns.

Take the initiative to sign the name on the equity transfer letter, maybe you can sell it for a good price.

Otherwise, the major shareholders can really kill you.

Seeing that Xiao Feng still hadn't made a big camp immediately, Jonathan gritted his teeth again.

Anyway, the teammates are also sold, so you might as well sell them thoroughly, and you can still sell them for a good price.

"Actually, I have a few more pieces of news that will allow you to get shares in Stanley's and Jason's hands for free."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Feng couldn't calm down even more.

Stanley and Jason also control a percent of Voegelin's shares.

Although Voegelin's current stock price has fallen to less than sixty dollars, the market value is only 44 billion dollars.

But 20% of the equity is also more than 80 billion!

Get these equity from Stanley and Jason without spending money?

Xiao Feng is really interested in this proposal.

When the opposite Jonathan saw that Xiao Feng had finally taken the bait, he was also relieved.

Jason, Stanley, don't blame me, as the saying goes, a fellow daoist is not a poor daoist.

I just drop you off, so please go all the way west obediently...

Xiao Feng didn't speak, and Jonathan didn't hesitate anymore.

"CVS has entered the pharmaceutical industry before, and their main research and development products are not just influenza vaccines."

"There are also some daily toiletries, which are also planning to go on the market recently."

"And these toiletries contain a lot of catabolism..."

Xiao Feng's face was dumbfounded.

"Medical? What is this?"

However, although he didn't know what the hemp was, he could guess This shouldn't be a good thing.

"Why do they add catabolism to their toiletries?"

Jonathan glanced at him.

"Isn't it to fight the ninth laboratory?"

"Fight with the Ninth Lab? As far as I know, the Ninth Lab's products have not entered the U.S. market in large quantities?"

"Yes, there is no large-scale entry, but Mr. Xiao, if you buy Voegelin, will the health care products of the Ninth Laboratory enter the U.S. market on a large scale?

Xiao Feng was silent, it seems that there are many smart people in this world.

Although he has never disclosed his identity as the behind-the-scenes boss of Lab Nine, there are not many people who can find him.

Many people in China know it, but in the United States, let alone.

The Ninth Laboratory is so profitable now. You said that the capital wolves of the United States have not paid attention to this company?

I am afraid that the ninth laboratory has already been checked.

And how can I hide the relationship between myself and the ninth laboratory from these people.

At this time Jonathan was looking at himself with a playful face, but Xiao Feng neither admitted, but also did not deny it.

"So, CVS does this. Is that a precaution?"

"Yes, it is to prepare once the Ninth Lab enters the U.S. market on a large scale."

"They are about to launch creams, sprays, deodorants, lotions, and ointments that will contain a large amount of ephedrine."

"And there is another scientific name for this diphenol, and that is industrial hemp!"

After hearing this, Xiao Feng finally understood.


This group of Americans are really ruthless! Not only be ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to his own people!

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