My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1041: Isn’t it fragrant that American leeks are not fragrant?

This 100X company has become its own weakness against Jonathan several times.

So this guy is speeding up the listing of this company, it is estimated that he wants to cash out early, which is understandable.

But what is the picture of Stanley?

They are going to launch a new series of washing and care products, which contain catabolism, which is very controversial.

But this time they actually announced this ingredient on their own initiative.

And also invited a lot of experts to public relations on TV.

What to say, this product is an industrial product. Compared with natural hemp, the most significant advantage of this product is that it is not addictive.

Nima, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Xiao Feng felt it was very funny!

And this also reminded him of a business story about Americans.

As early as the 19th century, milk was not the staple food of Americans.

Regardless of the fact that the main body of Americans is white, in fact, they also have a large number of people who suffer from lactose intolerance.

To put it bluntly, after drinking milk, he will mark the gun.

According to statistics, about 40% of people in the U.S. have lactose intolerance.

But the people in the Dairy Farmers Association don't care about you. They hire nutrition experts by spending money.

Numerous articles were published in newspapers to make people accept the fact that milk is rich in nutrition.

Then milk gradually became a frequent visitor at the American breakfast table.

This situation continued until the 1930s, but even then.

Only over 30% of families in the United States accept milk as their breakfast drink.

The situation didn't change until World War II.

Because of the large amount of supplies, the frontline and a few allies must be supplied first.

This has caused a certain shortage of domestic material supplies in the United States.

In order to ensure the nutritional intake of the domestic people, the U.S. government has launched a milk promotion policy for schools.

And this policy later gradually extended to penetrate into individual families.

Later, when people in this period grew up, most of them developed the habit of drinking milk.

In this way, milk began to be used as a daily drink, and it has truly entered thousands of households.

As for the theories advocated by these experts hired by CVS now, in Xiao Feng's view. ,

It's the same reason as when dairy farmers hired nutritionists and advocated milk.

Then there is Jason Lee, who doesn't know what this guy thinks.

Before they had contact with MRE secretly, but now they started talking with MRE blatantly.

What's more interesting is that they actually increased the offer by another 300 million.

Finally, MRE was acquired for 6.8 billion Canadian dollars.

Is this guy crazy? Isn't he afraid of tearing his face with Superman?

It seems that I'm willing to go all out!

And their actions in this way also brought a strong sense of crisis to Xiao Feng.

Although the two sides had reached a settlement before, Stanley, Jason and Jonathan ended the dispute by admitting defeat and leaving.

But as far as Xiao Feng is concerned, he still holds the handle of the three of them.

But as they took the initiative to detonate the thunder, the handle in Xiao Feng's hand could no longer be called a handle.

But thinking about it, it's normal. I am afraid that no one would like to be held in a pigtail like this!

Regardless of them, as long as they don't come against themselves.

Xiao Feng suppressed his confusion and turned his attention back to the matter of Voegelin's acquisition.

Recently, Pablo led the team and has found a few small and medium shareholders.

Almost 4% of the shares have been repurchased one after another, but there are still 6% of the shares scattered in the hands of many small and medium-sized retail investors.

Going to find these people one by one is really not worth it.

According to Pablo's proposal, make an announcement directly and directly invite repurchase.

Anyway, many people on the market have heard the news that Voegelin is ready to privatize.

Voegelin's stock price has been rising recently, if you follow the normal operation.

At this time, Xiao Feng could completely diversify part of his shares, earn part of the price difference, and cut a wave of leeks.

Then you don’t need to do anything else, just throw the first quarter’s earnings report outside.

When those leeks see the first quarter's loss and profit report, it is estimated that they will be panicked.

There was no need for Xiao Feng to bid the stocks in their hands, and they couldn't help but sell them.

In fact, he can play this way a few more times, and the leeks in the United States are equally easy to cut.

But now he was suddenly a little scared of Ye Chang's dreams because of the actions of Jonathan.

He always noticed a different taste.

So he just wanted to complete the privatization of Voegelin as soon as possible.

When he had completely controlled Voegelin, he wanted to see, what other tricks can those three guys play?

Although there is a premium to be paid for the tender offer, in general, it will not increase the cost much.

And now he mainly faces those pharmacists, banks and financial institutions.

Now Kevin has officially become the chairman of the labor union in the Chicago area, and he has followed Xiao Feng's wishes.

Negotiations with Voegelin's pharmacist representatives, this time the union's attitude has changed 180 degrees.

The union used to support the pharmacists to the end, to make them and Voegelin smash.

But now the union requires the pharmacists to reach a settlement with Voegelin as soon as possible, because Voegelin is in a very bad condition.

I owed more than 10 billion debts, and my business was losing money year after year.

If this continues, I am afraid it will go bankrupt soon.

Many pharmacists' waists flashed during this big turn of the union.

Even many people scolded Kevin that they were traitors.

Recently, the two sides have fought many times in the newspaper, and the pharmacists feel that they have been betrayed by the union.

Kevin also explained to the media many times that they are always on the side of the pharmacist.

But everyone knows the actual situation of Voegelin.

They are now overwhelmed by the debt, plus they have lost a lot of the advantage of prescription rights.

Their current operations are already struggling.

If this continues, this pharmacy will be finished sooner or later, and each store is equipped with three pharmacists, which is really too much.

The heavy salary burden of employees has weighed on the company to breathe.

If you don't want to see this century-old American company fall away like this, then it is best to follow his advice.

The two sides were arguing about whether it was lively or not.

The matter has now spread throughout the United States, and many people think that Voegelin and the union are doing the right thing.

The company is no longer able to operate. Do you pharmacists continue to be blood-sucking bugs?

Xiao Feng also knew that layoffs did not happen overnight, let alone tens of thousands of people to be laid off this time.

And these are all high-income pharmacists with a basic annual salary of 100,000.

The layoff of these people is not only unhappy for the Pharmacists Association.

The governments everywhere are just as unhappy. Without these people, they will also collect a lot less tax every year!

So in order not to intensify the conflict, Xiao Feng could only accept Pablo's proposal and take his time.

No way, who makes it impossible for employees to have a law that can impose compensation for employees because they refuse to work overtime!

It's really helpless!

On the other hand, the main task of the Pablo team in recent times is to deal with creditors who frequently come to the door.

Voegelin used to borrow heavily in order to expand.

Borrowed more than 18 billion U.S. dollars in loans from banks and financial institutions.

Although part of it has been repaid in recent years, this huge debt has now become a heavy burden on them.

The debt of 18 billion U.S. dollars, the interest to be paid every year alone is several hundred million U.S. dollars.

Now the company is facing bankruptcy. It is definitely unreasonable to implement the repayment plan in accordance with the original contract.

So what Pablo is talking about with these banks and financial institutions is the new repayment plan.

It is affirmative to reduce interest, and to extend the repayment period is also affirmative.

If they do not agree, then they will find other financial institutions to come in to replace the current financial institutions.

To put it bluntly, it is to demolish the east wall to make up the west wall.

For these banks and financial institutions, in fact, they are still willing to cooperate with Voegelin.

Although the company is losing money year after year, they know the reason for the company's losses best.

The reason why this company loses money is not because they are not making money and are not very competitive.

It's because of the heavy bank loan interest they are burdened with and personnel expenses.

And now Voegelin's trend is very obvious, it is to reform from these two aspects.

At present, people have begun to build momentum, Bo sympathizes, and wants to lay off employees.

Once the redundant pharmacists are laid off, they will be able to save more than two billion yuan each year in terms of personnel expenses.

It would be much easier to save the money and repay the bank loan.

And they will continue to expand into new markets and drugs.

From this point of view, the new team taking over Voegelin is not a rash.

Maybe in a few years, they will be able to pull Voegelin out of the quagmire.

In this way, who wants to have trouble with the number one chain pharmacy in the United States!

You know, they also heard recently that Voegelin is intending to apply for a license from an insurance company.

If you can't apply, then buy an insurance company directly.

This shows that they intend to enter the insurance field.

As far as banks and other financial institutions are concerned, insurance companies are an object that they love and hate.

Because insurance companies can bring very substantial cash flow.

If there are many people insured, their cash flow can even exceed that of the bank.

Yes, the insurance company is such a terrible existence.

Look at the CVS of Voegelin's same industry, isn't it just doing a good job in the insurance field.

And now it seems that Voegelin intends to do that too!

With the strength of their family, it seems that it is not difficult for them to make achievements in this field.

Xiao Feng even designed several medical insurances specifically with Pablo's team in view of the high price of American medicines.

The leeks from the United States are cut, isn't it fragrant?

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