My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1104: Time is tight and task is heavy

In fact, after knowing that they don't take other people's lives seriously, the action team sent this time has already made up their minds to eliminate the roots.

Everyone really don't look at the high-quality Americans, not all Americans are high-quality people.

Among them, many Americans are quite anti-intellectual.

For example, the Pew Center once conducted a survey, and currently more than 40% of the people in the U.S. are very anti-intellectual.

For example, many of them believe in the existence of God and firmly believe that the earth is square.

Some people even say that the earth is round in order to prove that the earth is free, but scientists are deceiving the people.

In order to prove this point, this person also built a flying machine, planning to fly to the sky to take videos and photos to prove that the earth is square.

As a result, he fell from the air and fell to his death...

And in 2008, when Teddy Bear beat up his younger brother Georgia, many red-necked people in the south of the United States were actually furious.

They took guns to the streets to stop the militia and kill the Russians.

Because there is a state called Georgia in the south of the United States, and the spelling is exactly the same as Georgia...

Many Americans don’t even know where Australia is, or Brazil is in the southern hemisphere.

He even scolds Hua Guo every day, but he doesn't know the name of Hua Guo's capital.

And most of these Americans live in the countryside in the south of the country, and most of them are red necks like the Snell family.

His brain is stubborn, his temper is stinking, and he seems to be deadly, but in fact it is a stumbling block on the road of human society.

For example, the Snell family are almost all staunch racial discriminators, and this has penetrated into their family's bones.

So there is no need for a family like this to exist.

The reason why the action team sent by Xiao Feng this time used such thunder methods.

There is also another purpose, which is to demonstrate like other families nearby.

In the future, Xiao Feng will send someone to take over the Snell’s ranch. If you don’t let others know, they have thunder means;

The other hillbillies here will definitely use some excessive means to take advantage.

So from the beginning, the action team planned to leave a legend around here...

The destruction of the Snell family did not cause any waves at all in the local area.

Because first of all, it is located in barren hills and old forests, with a radius of tens of miles, except for Pine City, which has a population of less than 100,000.

They are all tropical rain forests along the river, sparsely populated.

Secondly, it is because of the Snell family, for the people in Pine City, what virtue is the Snell family in the end.

They couldn't be clear, they all knew that this family was a local bandit bully.

Their family is dead, and many local people will not be sad, but they will clap their hands and praise them.

The news of the collapse of the Snell family was only a small piece of tofu with a few hundred words in the local tabloid in Pine City.

The general introduction is that federal agents have discovered a large-scale flour-selling syndicate in the out-of-state.

Then I followed the vines, and finally found the Snell family, whose family was also involved in these flour trades.

Then the FBI sent agents to arrest them, but the Snell family would not only not cooperate, but also stubbornly resist.

In the end, most of the members of their family were killed, including the sheriff who infiltrated the people and the boss of the Snell family.

On the way back to the distant family, he was shot dead by FBI agents.

The police received a large amount of flour in the Snell family's ranch, and found a DM field in a cave in their woodland.

Moreover, several corpses were found under their ranch...

These texts are only a brief introduction to the situation, and many details of the case are covered.

You must know that if this is changed, just these small details can attract the attention of reporters.

Finally attracted a lot of media reports.

But who makes this the Pine City where birds don’t shit, and who makes this the Mississippi with the least attention.

The case of the Snell family is actually a big one in Mississippi.

If it were to be reported, it would definitely cause an uproar.

But when the case was reported to the state government level, the governor personally came forward and demanded that the case be suppressed.

You know that Mississippi is the worst economic state in the United States.

Apart from agriculture, the biggest industry is tourism.

Every year, many people from outside the state come to Mississippi to take a cruise and travel on the Mississippi River.

Then go to New Orleans to have a drink and experience the South American style.

But if you explode this news at this time, it will definitely be a huge smear for the image of Mississippi.

Originally, the Americans disliked you as there are many village bandits and bullies in Mississippi, okay, now you have provided the material for people.

When people don’t come to travel, how many people have to drink Northwest Wind?

We must know that the last time Mississippi caused widespread concern in the United States was the Hurricane Katrina almost fifteen years ago.

The backwater caused by the hurricane caused the flooding of New Orleans.

Countless people were left homeless, which led to a series of looting incidents.

In the end, the president had to send troops into the disaster area to maintain stability, but the incident did not give Mississippi any good image.

So the governor absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen a second time.

So about the destruction of the Snell family, there is only such a small piece of tofu.

At this time in Washington, Xiao Feng and McGee Pompeo were studying the map of Snell's house.

"Ha, I didn't expect that their farm actually has more than 3,000 acres."

"But most of them are forests, and many places are tidal flats..."

Under the care of Pompey, the Canal Company has taken the land of the Snell family at a rapid pace.

Because long before the Snell family went extinct, the Canal Company had signed a sales contract with their family.

Purchase the land of the Snell family for 5.8 million U.S. dollars.

The money has reached the overseas account of the Snell family, and Jack, the head of the Snell family, has signed and pressed his fingerprint.

I didn't expect that something happened to Jack's house before he went to the Land and Resources Bureau to transfer the property.

Although the Snell family died, the contract still had to be executed.

Pine City and the Mississippi state government were very in favor of the Canal Company taking over the Snell’s farm.

The entire delivery procedure was completed within one day.

This is the first time that U.S. government departments have shown such high efficiency.

As for how the Canal Company intends to operate this ranch, it is not within the management's plan.

Anyway, the land is yours, what you love to do.

Of course, this is only for certain individuals and companies.

If you are a small farmer with no background, what do you think you can do on your own farm?

Haha, dreaming!

Even if you want to cut a few trees on your ranch, you must get approval from the local forestry department.

If you want to dig a lake in your own home, you will have to investigate for several years by the local environmental protection department.

So those who advocate the private ownership of European and American land should stop talking about it. The maintenance cost is really staggering.

But with Pompey behind his back, naturally no one would dare to embarrass this canal company.

What's more, everyone knows how this canal company got the Snell’s farm. Do you dare to offend a company that dares to operate like this?

Aren't you afraid to end up like Snell's home?

Therefore, all the business activities of the Canal Company are naturally a green light on Mississippi and Pine City.

At this time, Xiao Feng was pointing to the small lake on the farm, and then explaining his plan to Pompeo.

"At present, this small river with Mississippi on the farm still has too little water."

"I plan to build a dam on the mountain. It's just the rainy season. It only takes about a week to collect enough water."

"Then release the water and flood this small lake and the three acres of land around it, expanding the area of ​​this lake to 20 acres."

"Then I plan to place at least three ferry casinos here and build a resort hotel by the lake..."

Pompeo heard Xiao Feng's plan, but his brows were still frowned.

"In other words, in another month's work, my money can be dry-cleaned?"

"Yes ~ ~ everything can't be done overnight."

"What can I do then, those doglegs of Percy have extended their paws to one of my former personal accountants recently."

The reason why Pompeo is anxious is also because Persie and the others move too fast.

Originally, he could delay for a while by himself, but he didn't think that the group of people actually found his private accountant who retired before.

And this personal accountant happened to be the accountant when he took the investment of the Octopus group before he was engaged in the airline.

To be honest, the Octopus they gave 100 million yuan, he squandered many of them, and he was full of his own pockets.

It was precisely because of the ostentation at the time that he later met his wife.

And if those dogs, from which accountant find out these things.

Although the money has nothing to do with the country, it is enough to make him win or lose.

And Xiao Feng didn't expect Pompeo's opponent to move so fast, he turned his head to look at Pompeo.

"Are your accounting reliable?"

"Don't worry, he has already got cancer, and it is only three months away. I have already arranged his son to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"He will help me steer those dogs in other directions..."

No wonder Pompeo still has the mind to sit here and talk to himself, if the crisis is at his root.

It is estimated that he can't sit still a long time ago.

Xiao Feng frowned: "Then you estimate, how long can he help you fight for?"

"It's only two weeks, and the longest is only three weeks."

Xiao Feng frowned as soon as he heard it, time was tight and the task was heavy.

Although the Snell family's farm was taken down, it would take time to transform a farm into a gambling boat management company.

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