My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1107: Know yourself and the enemy

Although he also knows that the wealthy and prominent families in the United States are more bullish, Xiao Feng still doesn't quite understand the nuances in it.

"Is Lauren's family really that powerful? How much influence does family politics have on the United States?"

Xiao Feng couldn't help asking Pompeo, and Pompeo shook his head.

"You must have never heard of a common saying in the U.S. called'old-money'."

Xiao Feng shook his head: "I haven't heard of it!"

"In fact, this term refers to the emerging consortium in the west, describing the old family consortium in the east."

"As we all know, when the U.S. was founded, there were only 13 states. Almost all of the earliest chaebols in the U.S. came from these thirteen states."

"For example, the Morgan and Rockefeller families in New York, DuPont in North Carolina, and the Boston chaebol in Boston."

"These chaebols have all existed in the form of families, and even in the first more than 100 years in the United States, these families have been firmly in control of the country's economic and policy orientation."

"Until World War II, the rise of the Los Angeles area. Later, because of the outbreak of emerging technology industries such as Silicon Valley, it also greatly weakened the influence of these established families."

"'Old-money' has gradually withdrawn from the upper political circle in the United States and gradually moved behind the scenes, but in fact, their influence has not diminished much."

"Like this Thomas. Mr. Lauren is a very influential guy in Washington."

"He is the party whip of the donkey faction, and he has another nickname called King Maker..."

When Xiao Feng heard this, he was a little confused: "Wait, what does this party whip mean?"

"It's the people who bring together a faction."

"You know, whether it's the elephant pie or the donkey pie, there are actually many internal branches."

"Even many people are in a state of disagreement, it can even be said to be the kind of enemy of life and death."

"For example, in the donkey faction, there are people with serious political differences like Hillary and Sanders."

"Hillary advocates catering to Wall Street's big chaebols, while Sanders advocates catering to the 99%."

"And Thomas is the one who can bring them together."

Xiao Feng understood Pompeo's explanation.

This is not only a peacemaker can do, but also must have a position, authority can overwhelm all parties.

From this point of view, Thomas has been in this position for 30 years. He is definitely not easy.

"As for the donkey faction in the Senate, there are more than 30 people arranged by Thomas."

When Xiao Feng heard this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He could arrange more than 30 senators.

No wonder Pompeo said that Thomas also has a nickname, called the Kingmaker!

However, the higher the weight, the other way to explain that this Mr. Lauren must also have a lot of things that are not easy to see.

Xiao Feng didn't believe that there were still saints in this world.

"It seems that we really have to look into this Thomas. Mr. Lauren. But in order not to be horrified, let's start with that Percy!"

Xiao Feng touched his chin and said, while McGee nodded with a wry smile.

"Then it's up to you, you know it's not convenient for me to show up for a lot of things now."

"They stare at me very closely. If I am not careful, they will easily get hold of the handle."

"But don't worry, if you have any needs, just call me and I will try to cooperate with you."

Xiao Feng nodded: "Well, I know how to do it."

When it got dark, Xiao Feng said goodbye and left McGee's villa.

I got on the plane and went back to San Francisco without knowing why.

Although the East Coast is the essence of the United States, Xiao Feng is uncomfortable with this generation.

Going back to San Francisco will make him feel much more comfortable.

Maybe it’s because there are not so many ‘old-money’ on the East Coast in this one!

After returning, he released the spy team under his hands.

Since a fierce battle is inevitable, we must first know ourselves and the enemy.

The investigation team now formed by the clones is all transferred from the Secret Service of Ithaca.

I have performed several missions here in the United States, and they have all done very well.

These clones with modified bodies, their bodies are powerful information collectors.

Eavesdropping and surveillance are a piece of cake for them.

The most important thing is that they can also modify some small monitoring and surveillance equipment by themselves.

Miniature electronic sneak shot equipment, infrared imaging equipment and so on.

And even the CIA, which has the most advanced technical means at the moment, can't compare with them in terms of equipment and technical means.

The manpower has been thrown out, and the next step is to wait for the results.

And these few days, Xiao Feng has not been idle either.

He first went to Little Rock City and met with Evans of Juice King to learn about Juice King's recent business situation.

"BOSS, don't you know, now our profitability can definitely be said to be a full-fledged red..."

Seeing Xiao Feng's arrival, Evans' eyes were red.

He was just an entrepreneur before, and he had to make up stories to deceive investors.

To be honest, the days were frightening, because he was afraid that someday his Ponzi scheme would be exposed.

If people know that the juicer he bought is an IQ harvester, then his company will be ruined.

But how can I think that the bubble he wove was actually punctured by Xiao Feng.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Feng did not send him to court, but instead left him to let him continue to serve as the CEO of this company.

And also pointed him a new way for the company's development.

Now he only needs to develop the company according to Xiao Feng's planned route.

Now the company's scale has expanded to a valuation of more than 50 billion U.S. dollars.

As the helm of such a company, how can you keep Evans from getting excited?

You must know that he is still only getting so little dead pay now!

"BOSS, since we cooperated with Voegelin, our shops have been opened all over the country in one go."

"In the past month, we have been actively expanding and renovating new stores. Now we have opened more than 7,000 branches across the country."

"Moreover, the business results are excellent. Now we can maintain normal operations only by relying on our own profits."

Evans was very proud when he said this.

You must know that in the United States, as a start-up company, it can open more than 7,000 branches within a year.

And it can make a profit that year. Their Juice King Chain Coffee, but Xie Zi Baba is the only one.

"In this way, I will be confident to surpass Starbucks next year."

Evans is very optimistic about the future of the Juice King coffee chain.

Now Juice King’s chain coffee is too popular in North America.

Because their coffee has two major characteristics, the first is that it tastes good, and the second is that it has certain therapeutic properties.

Look at the guy who had esophageal cancer. After drinking their coffee, his condition was obviously alleviated.

Although I don't know if this is a case, but for ordinary people.

Regardless of him, anyway, as long as the legend can prevent cancer, they will love it.

Therefore, even though Juice King Coffee has opened more than 7,000 stores in the United States, each of them is still full every day.

"Now our average daily turnover has reached 90 million, and the net profit is more than 5 million..."

Xiao Feng could only shake his head helplessly after hearing this. The cost of doing business in the US is high.

The average daily gross profit can be more than 90 million, which shows that the average daily gross profit of these stores is more than 10,000 US dollars.

But the net profit is only more than five million yuan, which is still the largest cost of coffee raw materials, all provided by him.

This can only show that the labor costs and operating costs in the United States are too high.

Of course, the cost of raw materials for coffee is accounted for by another company.

This company is established overseas and is the exclusive supplier of Juice King Coffee Shop...

If this part is added, the profit will definitely be higher.

But Xiao Feng would not agree, because that would pay more taxes to the United States.

It’s better to be located in the Ithaca area, because there are no taxes...

"BOSS, I plan to use the money to continue to open more stores in the United States. After all, Starbucks has more than 20,000 stores in the United States."

"We still have too few stores to compete with At this time, Evans tentatively asked Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng nodded: "The number of stores in the U.S. should be controlled at around 10,000, not too many."

On the one hand, it is better to avoid abuse; on the other hand, it is to leave a way for competitors to stay alive, so as not to force them to jump over the wall in a hurry.

Evans also nodded: "I know the boss."

"Also, next year Voegelin may have a corresponding plan to open new stores overseas, and you have to keep up with the rhythm."

"Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, these countries, as well as some European countries, will open branches."

"This gives Juice King a very good opportunity to enter the European market. Don't miss it."

Xiao Feng told Evans about the future business direction of Voegelin, and when Evans heard this, his eyes immediately brightened.

"Really? That's great!"

It is better to follow Voegelin to enter the European market than to go alone.

You must know that the conservatives in Europe, the new foreign things, especially the American food companies, are very disgusting.

And it’s challenging to think about bringing chain coffee to Europe.

Especially France and Italy, where it is said that even Starbucks can't get mixed up there.

Evans is like giving it a try, his Juice King Coffee, can he hit the sky again?

"By the way, our juicer is also very popular now, mainly because of the third-generation products you brought."

"We have implemented the offline and online dual-channel sales model, and the current channels are mainly arranged in the Juice King Coffee Shop."

"The sales momentum is very good now, and tens of thousands of units can be sold every month!"

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