My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1110: Ballet on the eggshell

"Sergei Sha is the founder of the Ural Investment Fund, and Urgay is the head of Ros in South America."

"Their company just recently acquired 9.6 percent of the Venezuelan National Petroleum Corporation. They are all very interested in this railway!"

Liu Jin introduced the two to Xiao Feng, and the two also smiled and came to Xiao Feng and stretched out their hands.

Xiao Feng shook hands with them one by one.

"Hello, gentlemen, nice to meet you."

Then he wandered around the port, and then came to the port’s opinion office.

Both Sergei and Urga are very interested in this project, and Liu Jin has also told them about it before.

And they didn't understand the specific content of the project. Xiao Feng came at this time and took out the drawings and explained them well.

The two listened very carefully, and even Xie Liaosha took out a small notebook to take notes.

Then I asked a lot of related questions.

For example, how much is the total investment in the project, how long the construction period is, and which aspects need to be involved, etc.

Xiao Feng didn't hide anything from them either.

China Capital wants to intervene, Sergei and Urgai have no objection to this.

After all, the Chinese have money and some people. If the project is handed over to the locals, it will not be completed in three years.

And if you leave it to the Chinese, this 100-kilometer railway can be paved for you in one year.

You know that Teddy Bear is also very interested in going deep into South America.

Over the years, the United States has frequently engaged in troubles around the bear country.

For example, conducting military exercises in the Baltic Sea and launching war in Syria, which made Mao Xiong very abhorrent.

Although Mao Xiong is no longer the second largest in the world, they still have great ambitions.

In addition, because of the comprehensiveness of domestic resources, people dare to play hard decoupling with you.

Moreover, it is also not to be indecent to come and go. Over the years, Americans have frequently shown themselves at the door of their homes.

Mao Xiong has been very annoyed. At this time, he saw such an opportunity to gain a foothold in South America.

How could Mao Xiong miss such an opportunity to give Eagle Sauce eye drops.

In the past, Yingjiang was at the door of Teddy Bear's house, disgusting Teddy Bear.

Now I finally have the opportunity to set off fireworks in the backyard of the United States. Naturally, Mao Xiong is very happy.

As for the addition of American capital, ha ha, what's the big deal.

In terms of breaking into the enemy's interior, the Russians have done much better than China at this point.

They are all white-skinned, so Teddy Bears have a natural advantage in penetrating the United States.

Do you know who is the real tycoon behind Silicon Valley?

Yuri of DST, many people may not have heard of it.

But people are the real men behind Internet giants such as Twitter and Google.

You see the United States clamoring for sanctions against Mao Xiong every day, but do they dare to impose sanctions on this tycoon?

I dare not at all, because Mao Xiong has more than just investment tycoons in the United States.

There is also the famous Mafia, the bearish Mafia, which is the only domineering in the United States.

Even the crazy Mexican flour group had to give way to the three-pointer.

Because after dealing with them, you know that they are a paramilitarized organization, and there are endless ones who are not afraid of death.

That American politician, if you dare to trouble them, people will dare to kill your whole family.

That's why Mao Xiong doesn't take those American investors seriously.

It would be better if U.S. capital is blended in. Then they can help stir **** in U.S....

Teddy Bear sees this thoroughly.

It can be said that the two sides met each other late, and Xiao Feng liked this Sergei and Urga very much.

They are all temperamental people. In many ways, everyone's personality and ideas coincide with each other.

And with the addition of Teddy Bear, it can also very effectively deter some local Xiaoxiao.

Especially the American Wall Street tycoons and politicians supported locally.

At the beginning, it was just a talk, but afterwards, Xiao Feng simply asked people to bring a variety of fine wines.

A few people started to drink while letting someone barbecue.

In this way, at the wine table, I also discussed the issue of Teddy Bear's stake in the railway.

But everyone has agreed that although this railway is invested by everyone, the real controller is Xiao Feng's Western Railway Company.

As for other people, they can enjoy profit dividends based on the share ratio and can participate in the operation, but they must not interfere with the operation.

In addition, the railway will offer discounts or free of charge to the companies they set up.

This is also the safest way. Otherwise, in the future, the United States, China and Russia will allow either party to come to power, and it is estimated that the other two will not agree.

That's why Xiao Feng's Western Railway Company had such an opportunity to dance ballet on eggshells.

After getting Mao Xiong's side, Xiao Feng flew directly back to Milliken.

This time he went straight to Washington, and Chinese investors have already seen it.

Mao Xiong's investors have already joined, and now investors from the United States are missing.

Before Xiao Feng asked Pompeo to contact those American investors, it was finally time to meet.

The meeting was arranged by Pompey, and the meeting place was in Pompey's villa on the outskirts of Washington.

A total of six people attended, one was Pompeo, and the other five were representatives elected by American capital.

When he saw these people, Xiao Feng was a little baffled.

Of the five people, three are generals of the U.S. military.

"To be precise, they are all retired generals..."

Pompeo smiled and explained to Xiao Feng.

"This is Major General McAlister, the former commander of the 101st Airborne Division, and this is Lieutenant General Ailan, the deputy commander of the Seventh Fleet..."

"And this..."

Pompeo smiled and introduced Xiao Feng to these former military leaders, Xiao Feng smiled and shook hands with them one by one.

"You don't need to introduce this one. I know this one. Nice to meet you, General Murphy..."

This Murphy was once the DOD minister of the United States. This guy can come. This shows that this group of capital is really not easy!

There are two other representatives, representatives of consortia from western United States.

One is the CEO of a fund from Silicon Valley and a guy named Walter.

There is another acquaintance that Xiao Feng did not expect, Helen's uncle Dalton. Hamilton.

When Xiao Feng first arrived in the United States, this guy had a business relationship with him at the welcome reception.

I want him to help find a foundry in China to produce military boots.

It was just a matter of effort, Xiao Feng arranged it for him.

I didn't see each other much later. I didn't expect to meet in Washington this time.

Dalton saw Xiao Feng's shocked eyes, then smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, you can introduce what you want later. Everyone is pointing to the money."

"The California consortium I represent must support you."

Oh, it turns out that this guy is still a member of the California consortium.

Think about it, too, the California consortium, one of the eight major consortia in the United States, knows how it is possible not to participate in this matter.

Speaking of the California consortium, you can understand why they are unwilling to stand with the rich guys on Wall Street.

Because compared with them, those old guys on Wall Street are traditional ‘old-money’.

The California consortium was a new consortium that only emerged after the 20th century. At the earliest, it was a group of younger brothers in the eyes of the people on Wall Street.

Belongs to the hillbilly picking up the leaks in the west.

The outbreak of the California consortium began in World War II. During the Second World War, Boeing was the largest fighter manufacturer in the United States.

The California consortium, as a supporter behind Boeing, naturally made a lot of money.

The explosion of electronic technology after the war and the birth of Silicon Valley put the California consortium on the express train of emerging industries.

Coupled with the prosperity of Hollywood, the California consortium developed rapidly and surpassed several traditional Eastern consortia.

At present, in the United States, only the old Morgan and Rockefeller consortiums can break their hands with the California consortium.

Moreover, California, as the most economically prosperous state in the United States, became independent and even became the eighth largest economy in the world.

However, every year, the U.S. government stalks the wool, and then transfers fiscal funds to the eastern states.

He even often wipes the **** for the bankers on Wall Street, which makes the California consortium and Wall Street consortium have a deep quarrel.

Especially after the 2008 financial crisis, Bank of America, a California consortium, acquired Merrill Lynch.

It has made the big brothers in the east disgusting for a long time. The two sides have been fighting openly and secretly on various It is not difficult to understand why there are Americans who support Xiao Feng's construction of the two-ocean railway in Colombia.

Because the Panama Canal is controlled by the ‘old-money’ on Wall Street.

And the new force of the California consortium, it is certainly impossible to say that it is not greedy.

Now that someone wants to build a two-ocean railway to dig the corner of the Wall Street gang, the California consortium is naturally unhappy to support it.

"Gentlemen, this is the specific situation, so do you have any questions?"

Xiao Feng introduced the situation of the Liangyang Railway to these bigwigs in a PPT mode.

There are not only PPT, but also a lot of video materials.

The big guys are behind the capital of all parties, but Xiao Feng can understand that these capitals should mainly come from the West Coast.

These generals are representatives of the retired military.

According to the explanation that Dalton quietly gave him in private, these retired soldiers.

When on stage, they are the marionettes of politicians and chaebols.

And now that he retired, he was thinking about getting some benefits for himself, but he has been suffering from not having qualified investment channels.

Because in domestic and foreign countries, many channels for making money have actually been occupied or even blocked by bigwigs.

With their status and status, it is difficult to get involved.

And many of them are dissatisfied with the old chaebols who used to make gestures behind them.

Oh! When it's good, let the army come forward to **** it.

The infamy has been stolen by the army, and the benefits have been taken by them.

Now everyone has retired, but they can only receive a small pension, and those wealthy families and their children and grandchildren can still spend money like money.


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