My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1112: Chop up and feed the dog

To be honest, before investigating this Percy, Xiao Feng didn't know much about the US judicial system.

He only knows that the crime rate in the United States is high, and the prisoner detention rate is the highest in the world.

But he really didn't know that even the prisons in the United States are privately owned.

The annual net profit of the private prison industry alone has exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars.

This is a big business with a "prison average" exceeding 60,000 US dollars per year.

In the U.S., there are various juvenile prisons for young people, but they are called behavior correction centers, which mainly hold young prisoners.

There are also a variety of prisons that specialize in heavy prisoners. On the contrary, there are light prisons that specialize in large-scale children or white-collar workers.

And those light prisons are not so much prisons as resorts.

In prison, as long as you pay, you can live in suites of different levels.

Being a prison is really no different from vacationing.

Moreover, those who can do prison business in the United States are not ordinary people, because this requires a permit issued by the federal government.

But ordinary people can't get this permission.

So in the field of private prisons, that is, the territory of such a few predators.

And why is it so difficult to get into this business if you want to get federal permission?

That's all because of doing this business, it is a steady profit without losing money, and a huge profit, so the predators who come in first naturally have to prevent the latecomers from sharing their soup.

Before investigating, Xiao Feng could not imagine that opening a private prison would be so easy to make money.

And they actually dared to sign a contract full of overlord clauses with the Federation, yes, you read that right.

All they have issued to the Federation are overlord clauses.

The first of these is that the government must guarantee the occupancy rate of private prisons, according to the contract signed by the federal government and these private prisons in 2011.

The occupancy rate of these private prisons is set at 90%!

Can you imagine? This is a jail, it's almost like opening a hotel and making money.

There is still a low and peak season to open a hotel, and due to various natural and man-made disasters, or fierce competition, the occupancy rate is insufficient.

Even the most gimmicky hotels in Las Vegas cannot guarantee their own occupancy rate, which is maintained at 90% all year round.

But the prison will do!

To open a private prison, you don’t have to worry about the off-peak season or engage in various marketing.

Anyway, the federal government will guarantee your prison occupancy rate.

This is the main reason why the United States has become the country with the most criminals in the world.

They are imprisoning 25% of the prisoners in the world, all because of these overlord clauses!

Because if the occupancy rate cannot be guaranteed to exceed 90%, the federal government will lose money!

The second overlord clause is that the algorithm officer sentenced those criminals to private prisons.

But this prison is not accessible to anyone who wants to come in. For example, criminals with various diseases are not accepted by private prisons.

There are also heavy prisoners, such as serial murderers or gangsters. Such heavy prisoners are not acceptable to private prisons.

When he saw this, 10,000 grass mud horses were running across Xiao Feng's heart.

Is this still a prison? How can you be so picky?

The third overlord clause is even more absolute.

That is, if the private prisons fail due to poor management, the government must provide a foundation and unconditionally buy back the prisons...

Seeing this clause, will many people feel speechless?

So is Xiao Feng!

When he saw the terms of these investigations, he was really moved.

This special mother, is there any more profitable business in the world than this?

It is really hard to imagine that the U.S. government, which is so tough on the outside world and always sticks to a big stick, would actually sign such a contract with domestic private owners?

These terms all sound illusory.

But what makes people feel more mysterious is that the special mother of the US government really signed it.

This Nima...

And don’t think that these private prisons are just detaining prisoners and relying on state grants and subsidies to live.

As long as the private prison is opened and the prisoners are sent in continuously, they can open factories.

Yes, this is a slave factory.

From screws to circuit boards, there is nothing they cannot produce.

Their main customers, from IBM, to Microsoft, Boeing, and even McDonald's, are all-encompassing.

The prisoners must be guarded every day and work for six hours before they can eat.

The weekly salary is only twenty dollars.

And most of the profits they created were naturally taken away by the prison.

And the prison gives such behavior, it is called to help prisoners correct their behavior, learn new production skills, so that they can return to society correctly in the future...

As a profitable company, they still don't pay taxes.

Yes, as business owners who run prisons, although they are detainees, their job is not easy, and many people will get psychological trauma.

Because many punishment methods for prisoners are inhumane, and as enforcers, they will have psychological obstacles over time.

So they use these to negotiate terms with the government, and finally let the government give them tax exemptions, or they have to reduce taxes.

The CCA company of Percy's brother is even more powerful.

A real estate trust fund was directly established, and finally all the income from the chain of prisons he ran was transferred to the trust.

Then only do a little charity, and a large part of the tax is reduced or exempted.

In the end, the annual income was tens of billions, but only 3.5% of the tax was paid. The other 96.5% went into the pockets of major shareholders.

Xiao Feng was shocked when he first saw Owen's investigation report.

There is such a profitable business in this world?

This Nima is simply making money!

You don't have to do anything every year, just sit at home and count the money.

And there is almost no risk, even more than the two-ocean railway he built.

It's no wonder that this Pessi's family was just an ordinary civilian family in Nashville, Tennessee.

But since she entered the judicial system, this ordinary family has suddenly jumped over the gate.

In just two decades, he became a wealthy upstart in Tennessee.

Especially since Percy became the chief prosecutor, it was only a few years.

The CCA prison opened by her brother quickly expanded its business to the whole country.

More than 30 prisons have been opened nationwide.

In every state, Persie had a few foolish judges in that horse.

These judges are very quick to sentence cases of teenagers, Latinos, and blacks.

One case can be closed in almost two or three minutes, and those prisoners will eventually return.

Most of them went to correction centers and prisons under the CCA!

In the past four years alone, their prison occupancy rate has reached 99%, and the subsidy received from the state alone has exceeded 2 billion.

This is not counting the money they made by letting the prisoners produce all kinds of materials.

For example, the CCA prison in Indiana has received many orders from the Department of Defense.

Military helmets, body armor, bullet chains, and identity cards are almost all produced by this prison.

The total amount of these orders is as high as 1.8 billion U.S. dollars.

And their prison in Seattle, they produced 30% of the headphones, speakers, and microphones for IBM.

When these data are written on top of each item, when they are publicized in front of Persie.

This Ms. Percy, who was so arrogant before, was completely stupid at this time.

She really didn't expect that her family had hidden such a deep secret, and she would be picked up by this guy so quickly.

And it's so thorough...

To tell the truth, prison management in the United States has always been a relatively taboo topic.

The reporters and media in the United States also know that this involves many bigwigs and the judicial department, so they have never dared to investigate and write indiscriminately.

Because it really annoys the judiciary, people stare at you every day and throw it in for you sooner or later.

These private prison owners are the long-term and most important donors of the US **** Association.

The members of the **** council are all political leaders who can influence Congress and the state assemblies.

Therefore, no reporter and the media dared to stab them in the dark nest.

Therefore, Pessi has always felt that his business is secret, safe, and can be operated for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this time he was turned upside down by others.

At this time, she had completely lost her previous posture of being above and above herself, instead she looked like she was sweating profusely.

She turned her head and looked at Xiao Feng: "What do you want?"

"Hehe, I'm not used to looking up and talking to people."

Xiao Feng doesn't have her at all, aren't you proud?

You wanted to humiliate me before? Then don't blame me this time, I will humiliate you ten times!

Percy immediately squatted down on the sofa opposite Xiao Feng.

But her **** only got on the sofa cushion, and Xiao Feng on the other side sneered again.

"Did I invite you to sit down?"

"U Made FUK..."

Persie was completely angry, and no one had ever dared to humiliate her like this.

But she was only half cursing, and Xiao Feng, who was opposite, slammed a glass of wine on her face, and then raised his hand and slapped it over.

"You stinky bitch, shut your stinky mouth for me. Today I let you talk, so you can talk."

"No, believe it or not, I chopped you into dog food!"

Pessi was slapped in the face by Xiao Feng, and she never expected that she was beaten by someone alone.

And she's still a Chinese, the person of color she looks down on most.

Before she could come back to her senses, Xiao Feng slapped her back, and this was a wake-up call.

"You said, if I throw out these news tomorrow, will your backer save you?"

"Will your partners save you? I'm afraid they all wish you would never come back after you disappeared..."

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