My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1117: I reclaimed the sea to build an island in the South Pacific


Xiao Feng raised his brows, and Pompeo seemed to be a child who had done something wrong and was being disciplined by his parents.

I have to list a few children who made the same mistakes as him, and then let the parents relieve their anger.

"The Clington Fund made two billion U.S. dollars during the Second Middle East War alone."

"Vice President Cheney is even more exaggerated, earning tens of billions of dollars."

"There is also the former New York Mayor. During his tenure, his Bloomberg News has grown from just a few billion to a market value of more than 70 billion..."

"My little money, what is it to compare with them?"

This Pompeo really is a logical ghost. By saying this, he really made Xiao Feng dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

"Well, McGee, you have to tell me, how did you get the money?"

"If you have money, let's make it together!"


Pompeo hesitated again, Xiao Feng said with a smile at this time.

"Come-on man, you have already told me so much, we are already grasshoppers tied to a rope."

"Do you think that if you are good, you will not betray you?"

McGee thought about it, too. Now they are an absolute community of interests, and it doesn't make much sense to hide and tuck them.

"Well, in fact, part of the money came from me when I was the director of the CIA."

"The other part was made by my friends from the military."

"Oh? Can you tell me more about it? Maybe there is a way to work together in the future?"

Xiao Feng said half-jokingly, and McGee glanced at Xiao Feng again.

Finally, he was cruel, gritted his teeth and said.

"In fact, this is the case. When I was in the CIA, you also know that every year the CIA broadcasts a lot of money to many associations to ensure color output..."

"Oh, what I know is the publicity activities such as the Voice of the United States, the Lighthouse of the United States..."

Xiao Feng immediately remembered those dog food organizations.

For example, the color revolutions that broke out in the Middle East and some countries in Eastern Europe before were caused by those organizations secretly paying money.

Among them, the most typical one who has been crippled and lame is Ukraine, and somewhere...

Those who are secretly picking things up are all issued dog food by the US CIA.

But they would definitely not have thought that they actually deducted a lot of dog food when they went online.

"Also, we are in Asia, in fact, a lot of'informants' have been falsely reported..."

Pompeo was slightly embarrassed when he said this and winked at Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng immediately understood what it was. The place had been rioting for a long time, and it was said that hundreds of thousands of people were rioting.

This gave Pompeo a lot of space for their hands and feet.

Anyway, many of those people were fooled into the streets to make trouble, but in fact only a small part of them got the money.

And even if I took the money, I didn't know how many hands were deducted.

It's no wonder that Pompeo can eat so fat. With so many repellents for him to absorb nutrients, he will naturally grow fat.

And Xiao Feng is sure that Pompeo is definitely not the only one who gets the benefit, there must be many others.

Otherwise, if Pompeo had taken this item alone, it was estimated that he would be able to take billions.

But he certainly didn't have the courage to share and keep secrets together. He must know the truth.

"Well, then, how about getting money from the military? How did it do it?"

Xiao Feng asked about this again, and he was also very interested in it.

"Ahem, this is much simpler..."

Pompey coughed dryly to relieve his embarrassment, and then said.

"Actually, as you know, I used to be a soldier. When I retired from the army, I had many comrades in the army who remained in the army."

"Now I have many friends who hold important positions in the military, and some of them are responsible for procurement."

"I just did some small business with them, such as coffee pots, toilet seats, and army boots..."

Pompeo said it was an understatement, but Xiao Feng heard that there must be a bigger doorway in it.

Think about the last time Pompey brought a general who retired, and that Dalton himself was one of the US military's suppliers.

It seems that this military procurement must be a fat man.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to investigate this, and looking at what Pompeo means, I definitely don't want to elaborate.

Then I can only give it up, and I'm not too digging into the roots.

So as not to annoy Pompeo and arouse his vigilance, that would be bad.

"Well, 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, this is not a small amount of money. Even if our gambling boat in Mississippi is repaired, it will not be cleaned up for a while."

"Based on the measurement of those gambling boats, it would take at least a year for such a large sum of money. This is still less."

"It seems that we need some other channels."

Xiao Feng's expression gradually became serious, and the U.S. National Taxation Bureau didn't see it as a dry meal.

Regardless of Pompeo's current position, if someone really wants to check, his money will definitely not be able to hide.

Especially if those guys use the power of the Internal Revenue Service, then Pompey's collapse will be a matter of minutes.

So we must help Pompeo deal with the money as soon as possible.

Before that Thomas promised to go back and talk to the big guys behind him, but he always felt that he was not so relieved.

After all, how could a group of big guys waiting to eat meat pay for Thomas's own mistake.

Therefore, Pompey must be cleaned up early. As long as Pompey can stand firm, he will have an amulet in the United States.

At the very least, Pompeo is here, and those guys don't dare to do it on themselves.

And Pompeo was also anxious at this time like an ant on a hot pot.

At this stage, the two factions in the United States are fighting the most, and he must not have an accident at this time.

Once someone grabs the handle at this time, what awaits him is a situation that will never be restored.

"Yeah, I know your way, so you must help me this time."

Xiao Feng suddenly took out his mobile phone and began to search for it.

Then quickly locate it on the phone and send the link to Pompeo.

Pompeo picked up the phone and looked at the Google map on it, also a little dazed.

The map is in overhead mode, you can overlook from the sky, and there are just three small islands below.

However, it is not so much a small island as it is a reef, but these reefs are now expanding wildly.

Three sandblasting boats are building islands by sandblasting.

Pompey frowned when he saw it: "Is this the South China Sea? This is another island made by China?"

"Hahaha, no, McGee, this is the waters north of the Karapag Islands in the South Pacific."

"There used to be three islands and reefs, but now we are blasting the islands somewhere."

"This is a paradise island project I invested in before. I plan to build the largest island tourist resort in the South Pacific here."

"Three tropical islands, we will build a large resort hotel on the island, and we will open a casino on the island at the same time!"

"I'm thinking, if you can trust me, then you can put money into this project."

"At that time, I can give you 3% of the stock of the casino!"

Xiao Feng said to Pompeo with a smile.

In fact, this plan has been implemented long ago.

At the beginning, he planned to build the Karapag Islands into the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands.

And now, because of the introduction of a series of special policies, there are indeed a lot of Huaguo companies that come to them to register vests.

The cost of registering a vest here is very low, and they will not supervise these companies.

As long as they give the money in place, these companies will become a variety of shells in the future.

Moreover, the arrival of these companies also had large-scale dealings with Southern Cross Bank, which brought a lot of profits to Southern Cross Bank.

But recently, it is not only Chinese companies that have noticed the booming development of the Ithaca area.

Many other capitals from Russia and South America have also noticed the vigorous development of Ithaca.

So they also came to register companies and trade with Southern Cross Company.

But later Xiao Feng discovered that behind these capitals, they were actually not so clean.

Many capitals in Russia are related to the Russian mafia, while capitals from South America are mostly related to flour merchants in South America.

But in the face of such a generous capital you can't bear to turn them away.

After all, the Kalapag Islands and Ithaca will be a financial free port in the future development setting.

So what should I do with so much money?

If you just start like that, you will definitely be left behind.

And now the Southern Cross Bank is only limited to South America. It's good to say, in case one day it will go to the world.

Those funds used to make a fortune would definitely be unearthed and made irresponsible remarks.

This will affect the reputation of the bank.

On the other hand, such as HSBC, they turned a blind eye to the money of South American flour dealers and the unseen capital in the United States.

As a result, all Americans are staring at it.

It's okay when it doesn't happen. Once the U.S. government is short of money, it will pull out fat pigs like HSBC for slaughter.

Anyway, the evidence is all held in the hands of others, and you will be able to check it out when the time comes.

If the evidence is thrown in front of you, you won’t be able to cooperate.

For example, when HSBC betrayed Ms. M, it was because they were laundering money from flour dealers in South America and were caught by the Americans.

In order to save his life, he can only obediently cooperate with the actions of the US government.

And Xiao Feng doesn't want Southern Cross Bank to face such a problem in the future.

So when the Southern Cross Bank was about to start explosive development, he set a game.

Anyway, the Ithaca area is their territory, and he discussed with Chen Yonglu.

Sandblasted the island to the north, and then opened a casino on the island.

When the time comes, all the funds from unknown sources will go to this place to wash some water.

At that time, when you are doing transactions with Southern Cross Bank, isn't it much more stable?

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