Smith used to be an elite Marine before, but suffered an accident during a mission.

So he was expelled from the military, but after that, he chose to go it alone, and initially followed others as a mercenary in the Middle East for a few years.

Later, he opened the security company himself, and later he was appreciated by a certain CIA officer during a certain mission.

Later, I specialized in the work of undertaking CIA outsourcing contracts, mainly for some wet work.

And his team is usually active in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. This time, he received instructions to work in country F.

He has been to F country many times before, and even once stationed here when he was a soldier.

So he is very familiar with the environment of country F, the situation in this country is very chaotic.

On the surface, it looks like a unified country, but in fact, there are many hills inside the country.

Each province has its own local snake, and in front of the central government, no one is convinced.

Moreover, various criminals are rampant, and there have been vicious incidents in which high-ranking officials were kidnapped and then killed.

In recent years, as the newly appointed president has displayed tough tactics and declared war on the flour traders, the security situation in this country has finally improved a lot.

But compared with those other developed countries, the security situation in this country is still much worse.

So Smith brought his special forces team to perform the task here, and there was no pressure on his mind.

Before the action, they knew that the target they were going to arrest was Leonard, who had frequently appeared in American newspapers in recent days. Francis.

This old man is a very low-key rich man even in country F.

Usually he rarely shows up, if it weren't for the US media this time he was caught.

I am afraid that even the people of country F do not know that there is such a business genius in their country.

It is actually possible to clearly know the cruise route of the Fifth Fleet each time, and even which piers on which routes are specially purchased.

He also supplies the Fifth Fleet at a high price, and his supplies range from patrol boats to nuclear submarines on aircraft carriers.

Every year he can make hundreds of millions of dollars in return from the Fifth Fleet alone.

Of course, his little money is something that the giants in the United States look down on.

Those giants in the United States mainly provide the Fifth Fleet with warship maintenance and weapon replacement services.

That profit is much bigger than this...

Although I don't know who ordered this time, Smith's purpose this time is very clear.

It is to capture this Leonard alive, and then take him to the designated place according to the above instructions.

And this Mr. Leonard, in F country, is a landlord.

After a few days of investigation, they learned that this guy was from a gangster.

Later, relying on the black hand and very flexible mind, he caught the first pot of gold, and then began to wash ashore.

I started real estate development, and then I started to buy and operate terminals.

Later, I didn't know how to get on the line with the US military and began to specialize in the logistics supply business of the Fifth Fleet.

Anyway, after a few years, this guy is making a lot of money.

In recent days, after the business between him and the Fifth Fleet was exposed by the U.S. media, he became famous in country F.

Various news media in country F have reprinted reports from the United States.

But because this guy is not corrupting officials from country F, he makes money from the United States, so the people of country F are very supportive of him.

Even because this guy played so many American navies between applause, many people in country F thought he was a good one.

Naturally, the courts of Country F will not arrest him because of his ‘business’ with the US Navy.

But this guy is also very alert, knowing that he might be in trouble this time, so he hid during this time.

Almost every few days he changed his place of residence, and finally they blocked him in this villa this time.

Smith, who has been waiting for a few days, doesn't want to wait anymore, because tomorrow this guy might move to another place again.

If they move back to the city center or a densely populated place, they really won't be able to mess with him.

And now the suburban villa where this guy lives, that's just right.

There are sugarcane fields around here, and there are no people. Even if they make some big movements, they will not be easily noticed.

Smith took a total of 21 people this time. These people were all his former comrades in arms, or they were also good players who had retired from the army.

It can be said that all the elite of his company.

Because the tycoon of Country F is about to be arrested this time, and the other party is already vigilant. Recently, the guards around him have been significantly strengthened.

So Smith didn't dare to take it lightly and brought all the elite.

After holding the infrared telescope and seeing the situation of the distant villa transparently, Smith began to arrange combat missions.

Although he is a big boss, he always charges forward every time, and this time is no exception. He intends to lead the team himself.

Twenty-one people were divided into three teams.

He leads a team of about eight people.

The other team is led by the company's experienced Jerry, and there are also eight people.

There is a third team, the sniper team led by Raven.

Two shooting teams, a total of four people, and Jerry is not only to play the role of commander.

It is also necessary to provide accurate information to the offensive team in front from the observer from behind.

In addition, they are also responsible for marking the back road, so as not to call for support to make them all dumplings.

Just now they confirmed the situation in the villa with binoculars. There were probably fifty or sixty people inside.

And now, the target mission Leonard is in the room on the third floor of the villa with a few women in the dark.

"Jerry waits for you to lead people, feint to attract firepower. Raven, you will only sniper the team to provide them with support."

"I took the other people and attacked from the right side."

"After we get into the yard, we will meet inside and outside..."

Both Jerry and Raven obeyed Smith's battle plan.

The group got out of the car and then started to split up.

But less than five minutes later, gunshots rang out in the direction of the front door.

Smith, who was leading a roundabout from the right, was stunned when he heard the gunshot. How come Jerry and the others were discovered so quickly?

The gunshots were very sparse at first, and Smith, who had been fighting for a long time, heard it as soon as he heard it. It was an AK gunshot.

But soon, he heard the sound of the M4A1's very rhythmic shooting back.

And the gunfire became more and more intense, Smith hurriedly turned around and waved at the friends behind him.

"Everyone, speed up..."

However, after only a few steps towards the front, I heard a bang.

Smith turned his head and saw that Jefferson, who was following him on the right, had been blown up, and his entire body was disintegrated in the air.

Jefferson was an old brother who was born and died with him, and he didn't expect to be abandoned here today.

Smith yelled at once when he was guilty of guts: "There are mines. Jerry can take out your grenade and plow this side again..."

Worthy of being a veteran of the battlefield, Smith came up with a countermeasure in an instant.

It is absolutely impossible to withdraw at this time. Once they withdraw, their plan will be abandoned.

Jerry took out the grenade and threw it on their way forward.

The grenade exploded, detonating several mines buried nearby.

Jerry can throw grenade one after another, finally opening a channel in front of them.

Smith couldn't worry about safety at this time, turned around and yelled: "Follow me..."

Then he rushed out first, and I have to say that the bodyguards in the courtyard of the villa are really average.

The enemy who raided at the door had attracted all their attention.

Even if someone has heard explosions coming from the side, someone is infiltrating from their right side.

But most people in the yard still focused on the front entrance.

But think about these, but when rescuing the hostages, the F special warfare elites who failed to smash the car glass with one hammer.

Then their military qualities are not surprising.

After a series of explosions, Smith and them actually rushed to the right side of the villa smoothly under the wall.

He even climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard.

A few gunmen who found them rushing in were all killed by them in an instant.

The enemy killed from the flanks immediately disrupted the guards of the security personnel in the yard.

They quickly lost their positions, and some even started to run away from behind.

At this time, Jerry and the others began to exert their strength, and they kept firing grenades toward the front entrance.

The guards blasted the front-facing guards with howling ghosts, crying and howling, and the people turned their backs on their backs, so the group of people quickly rushed into the yard smoothly.

Jerry saw Smith standing on the right side of the door, and the two exchanged glances.

Then the second stage of the battle plan was launched directly, and the two teams, one from the left and the other, began to touch into the mansion.

When they rushed into the villa, the people in the villa were almost gone.

They rushed to the third floor without encountering any obstacles all the way.

It's just that unlike what they expected, Leonard is no longer here.

And they found time bombs in many hidden corners of the room...


Watching the scarlet dazzling countdown on the bomb, Smith had only time to shout, and then he smashed through a nearby window and jumped out.

However, when the others were still in the air, they felt the heat waves spraying from the windows upstairs and nearby.

The heat wave even blew him out in mid-air for more than ten meters, and then fell to the ground severely.

When he woke up from the fall, looking at the villa in the distance, it was already a sea of ​​fire.


Smith couldn't help but feel sad. It's over. His special forces team is all over. This time they got it!

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