My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1152: I just cheated, dissatisfied? You bite me!

The game soon ended, and the New England Patriots relied on Brady's right-wing performance who appeared in the second half to defeat their opponents at home.

And Thomas Brady's performance not only relieved all the fans of the New England Patriots, but also began to applaud the American golden boy frantically.

The eagle that once thought it was about to fold its wings has now returned, which makes everyone unhappy.

Of course, the happiest thing is the reporters. Thomas Brady’s performance made them suddenly realize that they have a lot to write about.

Even about Thomas’ experience, they can make a serial report.

If Thomas' future growth meets everyone's expectations, if he can enter the Hall of Fame in the future.

Then, about his experience, an autobiography can certainly be published, and maybe it can attract Hollywood's attention by then.

Therefore, the reporters are all rushing at this time, and the most valuable player of the field Brady is out of water.

"Thomas, how do you feel when you return to the game for the first time?"

"Thomas, tell us about your new heart!"

"Yes, Thomas, does your new heart really need to take anti-rejection drugs?"

"According to statistics, we found that your running distance and confrontation intensity in the second half are much better than before you changed your mind. Can you tell us what is going on?"

"That is, after you changed your heart, is your athletic ability stronger?"

The reporters are very crazy and very enthusiastic.

At this time, Brady seemed to be interested, he took off his shirt directly, revealing the strong muscles of his upper body.

If it weren't for a long scar on his chest, it would be really hard to believe that he had undergone heart exchange surgery before.

He drew a stroke on the scar on his chest, then smiled and said to the reporters.

"You have seen it, this is where I performed the operation. I must explain a little bit to you here."

"That is, Dr. He has absolutely not lied. I know that since I had a heart exchange surgery, whether it is the medical profession or the general civilian department, I have a lot of doubts about Dr. He."

"Even, there are a lot of Internet mobs who are frantically attacking Dr. He and his team on the Internet. I hope you will stop your actions immediately."

"Because I am the best example to illustrate that Dr. He is not a liar, they are the pioneers of human medicine!"

The reporters at the scene did not expect that the first thing Thomas did was why the Ark was justified.

In recent months, since Thomas's operation was successful, there has been mixed reputation on the Internet about He Fangzhou and his team's heart exchange surgery and the establishment of a new organ transplant research center.

Some people say that He Fangzhou is the pioneer of human medicine, and they have substituted human medicine into a whole new field.

And there are some people who have been probing from various angles, questioning He Fangzhou and his team.

Some of these people, because of He Fangzhou's new technique developed by them, may harm their original vested interests.

For example, certain pharmaceutical manufacturers, or medical device manufacturers.

There are also people who will turn against each other, just watching China's unhappy spray.

As long as Hua Guo made a little achievement in any field, these gangsters would jump up and down, verbally and verbally.

What's more sad is that most of these people are toads from a certain island, and brain herniation from a certain port.

These silly pens that have been thoroughly washed away by brainwashing education think that the set of ideas they have accepted is the most advanced, but as everyone knows, they are nothing but cannon fodder for the Westerners.

What's more sad is that they usually scold the H country the most.

This is also true this time, He Fangzhou's team, although they will post Thomas' recovery on the Internet every day.

But these guys, almost every day will come out to discredit.

And on the major social media in the West, they jumped up and down crazily, creating topics.

And He Fangzhou's attitude towards these guys is to treat them as clowns, ignore them and turn a blind eye.

Because they know that these guys are just like cockroaches. If you care about them, you lose.

If you step on them and explode them, you will stick to your worm eggs instead.

But He Fangzhou and the others were very tall, but Thomas Brady couldn't bear the sneer.

He Fangzhou's team can be described as his recreating father and mother. How can he see that group of gangsters discredited He Fangzhou and them so much?

So today after the game, he was the first to stand up and fire the shot.

"If someone uses my name to discredit Dr. He Fangzhou's team, I will ask my lawyer to send a lawyer's letter to these sprayers."

"In addition, I will donate my salary this year and set up a fund to sue those who slander Dr. He's team on the Internet."

"So, you guys, be careful!"

Thomas' speech stunned all the reporters present, and no one thought he would be like this.

But the reporters soon became excited, because there are too many topics to be hyped.

"Thomas, don't you really need to take anti-rejection drugs for life?"

"Yes! No need! Although the operation cost is more expensive, compared with traditional organ transplantation, the biggest advantage of Dr. He's team's innovative operation is that it does not require lifelong medication."

"So, how do you explain the improvement in your athletic ability?"

"In fact, this is quite normal. When Dr. He and the others sutured my heart and aortic vessels, in order to ensure the strength of the blood vessels, they replaced me with a piece of artificial blood vessel, which was larger than my own blood vessel One quarter..."

"This means that my heart's blood supply capacity is a quarter stronger than before, so my athletic ability is improved than before..."

Thomas generously told the secret of his athletic ability improvement.

This surprised the reporters who had previously wondered if he had taken medicine.

"Fuck, it turned out to be like this!"

"God, this is okay?"

"I wanted to chant poems to the world, but I have no literacy, so I can only travel the world!"

When Thomas said so, everyone really lost their temper.

They admit it!

Yes, I just cheated, dissatisfied? You bite me!

Because this is a blessing in disguise!

Are you dissatisfied? Then you can also go for a heart exchange surgery! Anyway, the cost is not too expensive, just a few million... U.S. dollars!

Regardless, the biggest winners of today's game are Thomas and the New England Patriots.

They have earned enough eyeballs tonight!

And Thomas’ words made many people, especially many athletes who were seriously injured and likely to retire, suddenly saw hope.

The New England Patriots, because of Thomas's strong performance, immediately became a favorite for several years.

The stock of the company behind the team went green all the way the next day, rising by more than half in a row.

This has made the team's major shareholders happy, especially the team's chairman Lei Shimo.

He even called Xiao Feng personally to express his gratitude, and he also expressed the hope that Xiao Feng could help him contact He Fangzhou.

Let me introduce him. He hopes to make friends with He Fangzhou.

He wants to donate a sum of 20 million U.S. dollars to He Fangzhou's World New Organ Transplant Research Center.

Xiao Feng naturally accepted it for He Fangzhou with a smile.

This is the benefit of becoming famous. Once you become famous, that benefit will naturally come.

He Fangzhou is now a celebrity in the global medical field, and countless dignitaries all over the world want to know him.

After all, no matter how rich and well maintained you are, you will inevitably face the problems of birth, old age, sickness and death.

With He Fangzhou's technology, these guys suddenly saw the hope of immortality.

The aging of the human body starts from the internal organs.

What if you replace all these organs with new ones before they become aging and unusable?

Ninety old man can live another 30 years, right?

What's more, there are countless rich people and rich people who are more or less plagued by diseases.

He Fangzhou's new technology undoubtedly brought them new hope.

So now He Fangzhou's team is scented.

Their surgery appointments have been scheduled for two and He Fangzhou once said to Xiao Feng that his current idea is to set up the research center as soon as possible.

Then train more doctors to come out, and he must withdraw from the front line as soon as possible.

He had already had enough of such a glorious life.

He is not a fledgling guy anymore. He has experienced the ups and downs of his life once, so he has been bearish on fame and fortune.

What's more, he has now risen from the bottom of the valley and completed a perfect counterattack!

But now he just wants to devote all his energy to research and development.

Now he has completed the subject of artificial heart.

Next, what he wants to accomplish is the research and development of other artificial organs such as artificial liver, artificial lung, and artificial kidney.

With the artificial heart technology as the base, coupled with the key raw material provided by Xiao Feng, small molecule collagen cells.

He felt that these kinds of public relations for artificial organs should be able to be completed in his lifetime.

Now he is not interested in money or anything, he already has a name.

With the artificial heart technology, even if he doesn't do anything now, he will win a Nobel Prize in the future.

But this didn't satisfy him, what he wanted to do was a celebrity with a long history.

He wants to be the Bian Que of the new era, Hua Tuo!

So his ultimate goal is to become a master of medicine written in textbooks.

So now He Fangzhou is very motivated, and he happened to be here in North America recently.

But not in the United States, but in Canada.

So Xiao Feng called him and invited him over to meet him.

And He Fangzhou, for Xiao Feng's invitation, it was naturally responsive.

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