My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1162: Overwhelming advantage

I have been thinking about how to get the place back.

This is not right, just after dozing off, the other party actually brought the pillow over...

Congressman McCarthy who raised his objection this time happened to be a veteran of the donkey faction, and the most important thing he was a shareholder of GE.

And the major shareholder behind GE is the Morgan family, who are veteran supporters of the donkey faction.

Anyway, if the enemy opposes, we will support it. This is always true.

So Pompeo didn't need to show up, just give a hint to the friends in the elephant pie.

Recently, he has just stabilized his momentum, and under some sort of show operation, he has not only made up the rift between him and the commander.

Still relying on his "We lie, we deceive, we steal!" "This book is a hit.

Although the title of the book is very horrifying, but in this book, he has packaged himself as a full patriot.

And the commander in this book was written by him as the greatest commander ever seen in the United States.

This flattering shot not only led Longyan Dayue, but also dissipated the bad influence of "The Secret History of the White House" on the elephant faction that the traitor Bolton had published before.

This also made him popular in the pie. His operation made everyone feel that this guy really looked more than just as simple as the Marshal Canopy.

It turns out that this guy is really smart.

And there is a big guy behind him supporting him, so it seems that this guy has a promising future!

So at this time, Paine was naturally willing to help him.

For example, this time he jumped out and confronted McCarthy against the Montana Senator Ashley.

This guy is actually from an extraordinary background. His father is the largest farmer in Montana, so he can say that he has a wealth of money.

But when you look at the story he just told, he told the outside world miserably.

Regarding oneself as a civilian, this kind of showmanship can naturally make a wave of goodwill in front of the red necks in the Midwest.

This can also help Pompeo and their elephant pie bring a wave of traffic and popularity.

The debate on this day ended in chaos.

Although this debate was not open to the public live broadcast, some people still leaked the content of the parliamentary discussion.

The common people, naturally, are on Ashley's side.

After all, how expensive it is to see a doctor in the U.S., this group of people knows nothing better.

In the past few years, the radiologists in the United States often went on strikes and protests in the business community to demand salary increases.

The reason is that the radiology department is too dangerous, they deal with those equipment every day, so they eat a lot of radiation.

And these rays will cause them to get cancer, and even have a high rate of birth defects.

In the end, the National Medical Workers Union stepped in, and major hospitals across the country had to agree to raise the wages of radiologists.

And the money, of course, is the wool from the sheep in the end.

The salaries of radiologists naturally come from those they serve.

Therefore, the cost of filming in the US medical fluoroscopy must be prohibitively expensive.

If it is in China, an X-ray may be only a few dozen yuan, to more than a hundred yuan.

A CT scan is only 200-500 yuan.

But if it is in the U.S., the price elasticity range will be greater.

Taking an X-ray is indeed not expensive, only tens of dollars, but the price range of CT can be greatly changed.

Basically, it ranges from 270$ to more than 4000$. If the location of the shot is more special, the fee will be more expensive.

Of course, this is also divided into regions, hospitals, and even doctors.

Because some doctors have good reading skills, they charge higher fees.

And some doctors, you just give him the film, he can't see why it came, so the charge is naturally low.

But in any case, such a fee is still a bit expensive for ordinary Americans.

The most important thing is if you don't live in the city.

If you live in the suburbs, or in the country, then you can only go to a specialized radiology hospital.

And this kind of hospital may be shared by several nearby villages and towns.

Not only have to queue up, but the speed of film production is also very slow.

It's really very likely to happen, the film hasn't come out yet, and your illness has recovered.

Therefore, the American people are still very interested in the 3D perspective imaging technology that has just been released in H country.

For one thing, the imaging is more accurate, allowing doctors to judge your condition more accurately.

Secondly, it is this kind of equipment, unlike CT or MRI which has radiation.

The third reason is that this kind of equipment is self-service, even if you don’t understand medicine, you can perform fool-like self-service operations.

And you just have to take the imaging film and go to the doctor for diagnosis.

If you have some medical knowledge, you can really diagnose the disease yourself based on the film.

For the United States, a country that likes DIY for everything, this can really greatly reduce the cost of living and seeing a doctor.

Therefore, ordinary people in the United States naturally welcome this device with hands and feet.

But now McCarthy of the Elephant School actually said that this device has a spy function, which may steal the body data of Americans and send it back to H country.

But now the American people are annoyed.

In particular, everyone saw that McCarthy was exposed to the truth by Ashley. It turned out that he was a shareholder of GE. His main purpose was to prevent this equipment from entering the United States.

It is to drive this H domestically produced 3D fluoroscopic imaging equipment out of the market such as CT machines and MRI machines produced by GE, which cut his financial path.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought that the people in America would really benefit from it.

After the descriptions made by the media controlled by the Elephant faction, the American people were angry at that time.

Regardless of the fact that the United States is known as the world's number one medical power, the medical resources that ordinary people can enjoy are really not many.

The technical level of ordinary doctors in American hospitals, especially those in ordinary hospitals, is really not that good.

Some people even broke the news that novice doctors in some ordinary hospitals rely on Google to diagnose patients.

He also posted a video of the doctor’s Google illness on the Internet, which caused an uproar on the Internet.

And now, with such a tool that can quickly improve the diagnostic level of doctors, you politicians, for their own benefit, have blocked this equipment from the United States.

What kind of thoughts do you guys and grandchildren have on earth?

The people in the U.S. stopped doing it that night, and some organizations started taking to the streets.

In the beginning, everyone's destination was the White House area, but halfway through.

I don’t know who it was who posted the home address of Congressman McCarthy, who he strongly opposed today, on the Internet.

This time was incredible. Under the leadership of the caring people, the parade went straight to the community where Congressman McCarthy was staying.

The security of the community just wanted to block it, but when he saw the mighty crowd behind him, he simply put his mind off.

The marchers came directly to Congressman McCarthy’s door, singing and dancing, and anyway, Congressman McCarthy didn’t sleep at all all night.

He called the police several times, hoping that the police would come and drive these protesters away.

But every time the police answered the phone, they hum haha ​​and promised to send someone over, but the police car waited a full two or three hours before it came to the door of the councillor's house.

Why is it so?

That's entirely because the police are also the main supporters of the introduction of 3D fluoroscopy imaging equipment!

What kind of work is the most dangerous in the United States in the era of peace?

Of course it is the police! You know this is a country that allows legal possession of guns.

There are more than 300 million guns in circulation in the United States. According to statistics, it can even reach the level of 1.5 per capita.

And every year, many policemen in the United States are killed because of guns.

And if 3D perspective imaging equipment can be introduced, this will also be an additional guarantee for the lives of the US police.

After all, there is this kind of equipment, in case one of them gets shot in the future.

With this kind of equipment, it is possible to accurately determine the situation inside the wound and the location of the warhead.

This greatly improves the chances of survival of the injured police.

Therefore, the police are naturally most welcome to enter the U.S. market with this 3D perspective imaging device.

But now you McCarthy is trying to prevent this kind of equipment from entering the U.S. for his own sake.

Are you not working against all the American people who are saving their lives?

Besides You said that there is an information collection device on this kind of equipment, don't you think it is ridiculous?

What do the people of H country want our body data for? Another egg use?

Don’t you think your spyware rhetoric is funny?

In fact, who doesn't know that the most serious and most powerful surveillance and surveillance in the world is the United States.

This point, Mr. Snowden back then, had already revealed the news.

Therefore, the marching people were extremely angry with the attitude of this big elephant sect.

Even when the senator came out of the house to go to work in the morning, he was thrown a rotten egg.

When the police attacked the senator, they pretended to take away the guy who threw the egg.

As for this Mr. McCarthy, he could only get in the car and head to the Houses of Parliament.

Yesterday in the parliament, everyone debated whether to introduce the equipment. A few days are the days for voting to make a decision.

As a result, the Ashley Senator from the donkey faction won a big victory.

The pros almost overwhelmingly surpassed the opposition.

There are even a lot of people who donkeys themselves can't see McCarthy's style.

Oh, you are a shareholder of GE, and you strongly oppose the entry of this advanced equipment into the United States.

Then those of us who are not shareholders of GE, why should we follow along and pay for you?

If our family is sick, it's because of you and can't use such good equipment, so why!

In this way, the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital jointly produced this self-organized medical examination center.

At this meeting, the U.S. Senate approved almost unanimously to allow this equipment to be exported to the U.S.

It was even required to export to the U.S. as soon as possible for the benefit of the American people.

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