My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1166: I have never seen such a brazen person

There seemed to be a problem with continual cannons, and they spouted continuously from the mouths of Bird and Richard.

And at this time, there was an uproar at the scene...

There is no bidding for the purchase of 150 million yuan?

And Pompeo actually received a 30 million dollar rebate from it?

Can you get this Nima? If this is spread, this will definitely be the biggest corruption case ever exploded by the U.S. government!

The reporters all seemed to have drunk ten bottles of Red Bull at this time, and all their eyes were red.

They all stared at Pompeo, panting heavily, and waited to see how this guy would answer.

"Ha ha……"

Pompeo did not rush to answer, but smiled first.

And his smile at this time seemed so strange.

However, the lawyer next to him seemed very nervous at this time and grabbed him.

"You can choose not to answer this question."

Pompeo smiled: "It's nothing? I can answer."

His words were very loud, and the reporters next to him were even more excited. Today is really not a mistake, there is so much fierce material here.

At this time, Xiao Feng, who was watching the hearing while sitting in front of the TV, was quite satisfied with Pompeo's performance.

As expected to be the canopy marshal with a thick face, he could not panic at this time.

But you guy is really greedy.

I told me before that you only received a rebate of 6 million yuan, but now they are accusing you of receiving 30 million yuan.


Thinking with his ass, I know that this guy must have collected 30 million, even more than 30 million, maybe more.

"First of all, I will answer Senator Bird's question. I remember the purchase you mentioned very clearly. In fact, in 201X, I approved it."

"The other thing is that you accused me of not bidding for this purchase, and I cannot accept this accusation."

"Because the items purchased at that time were all very messy, not the same type of products."

"Moreover, most of the items purchased are office supplies, as well as office supplies in our headquarters and some office areas that are not convenient to disclose."

"A lot of things are very scattered and trivial, and it is even inconvenient to come forward for bidding."

"So it can only be delivered to one agent in the form of packaged procurement."

Pompeo’s answer was reasonable and well-founded, but the Virginia Senator Bird sitting opposite. McCarthy thought otherwise.

"Hehe, it's very easy to sign, Mr. Pompeo, I can't agree with you, since you said that this purchase is mainly for the purchase of some office supplies."

"Then I'm very surprised that there is nothing in these office supplies that can't be tendered publicly."

"And according to what you said, these office supplies are nothing more than paper, pen and ink, and desks and chairs. How can you spend 150 million on these office supplies?"

Bird's question goes to the core.

Anyone who knows the industry knows that the prices of these products are extremely cheap based on the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.

For example, office pens, at a dollar store, you can buy ten for one dollar.

If the quality is good, you can buy ten or even twelve for two dollars.

As for paper, let alone the North American continent, which originally produces wood, these papers are dying to be cheap.

"Does the CIA have millions of employees? Otherwise, I really don't understand how the CIA consumes more than $100 million in office supplies."

"In my concept, such office supplies, as long as the purchase of one million dollars, will be enough for your organization to use for several years."

Senator Richard next to him also followed aggressively.

This time the problem between these two people can be said to be directed at the core.

The whole multifunctional hall fell into silence for a while.

Pompeo played with the pen in his hand, and then did not rush to answer the question.

The reporters behind were all holding their breath at this time, ready to see what will happen next.

Whether Pompeo will collapse, if not, how can he resolve the other side's tricky problem.

At this time, Pompeo finally put down the pen in his hand and said to Bird and Richard as if he had made a lot of determination.

"Well, since you have to ask, then I will answer truthfully. There may be some state secrets involved, so I will try to avoid it."

"You two should also know that we, the CIA, have many'safe houses' overseas!"

When the two senators on the stage heard this, they were also taken aback.

They have naturally heard of safe houses, and even Hollywood has made many movies based on those houses.

And these safe houses, just like those described in the movie, are for the CIA intelligence personnel to use.

For example, when they perform tasks abroad, they will use this kind of safe house as a foothold.

First, you don’t have to worry about being monitored and monitored. Second, this safe house is also very safe.

The internal institutions will be reinforced and transformed, and a considerable amount of materials will be stored in the safe house.

In addition to food and water purification, there are also various weapons and combat equipment.

Even the more advanced ones have operating rooms, various medical equipment, blood stations, and so on.

Anyway, this kind of safe house is not only a place for CIA agents to carry out missions overseas.

It can also provide them with a safe haven.

When Pompeo said the name, Bird and Richard felt that things were not so good, and the two exchanged glances.

Then Bird nodded: "Yes, Mr. Pompeo, we know the safe house, but what does this have to do with your approved purchase?"

Pompeo smiled and nodded: "Well, let me just say it. In fact, in that year, we planned to build more than fifty safe houses."

"These safe houses are mainly used by our special agents who perform missions overseas."

"These safe houses are not only to provide them with a safe environment, but also their last fortresses, so the construction standards of safe houses are very high."

"And in order to attract people's attention, we usually buy houses that are not very conspicuous, and then let our own people remodel the houses."

"This process is very costly. According to our standards, a safe house is often worth three million dollars."

"Especially in large cities in many countries, the cost of this kind of safe house will be higher, but we have to do it."

"And this part of the cost cannot be reflected in the annual expenditure."

"And for such a project, it is even more impossible to open bidding."

The reporters at the scene were silent, this Pompeii really is a genius.

Although everyone knows that he is talking about him, but you can do nothing about him because you can't find evidence of him telling lies.

Richard on the stage was even more angry at this time, and he slammed the table.

"You are completely nonsense. I don't think I can understand why the basic cost of a safe house exceeds three million?"

"Could it be that all of you safe houses were bought in Upper Manhattan?"

Pompeo was not angry either, he smiled and looked at Richard replied.

"Senator Daley, the safe house is not what you think it is. It is a luxury house bought in a high-end living area."

"The reason why the safe house is expensive is its interior decoration and consumables."

"For example, after we buy a house in an area, we will modify the house."

"Bulletproof glass must be installed in the house, explosion-proof doors and windows must be installed, escape routes and communication equipment must be designed."

"In addition, we have to equip the house with enough food and water, as well as various weapons and ammunition."

"The most important thing is that we have to install life-saving equipment in the house, such as a simple operating room."

"There is another configuration with the highest price, that is, we will configure the blood cabinet in the safe house."

"Various types of plasma will be stored inside to ensure that when our secret service is injured on mission outside, we can get the most timely treatment."

"And just for such a refrigerated blood cabinet, do you know how much it will cost?"

"Moreover, the blood in this blood cabinet should be replaced regularly to ensure effective..."

"Trust me, if you understand this, you won't think that this safe house is expensive. Three million dollars is definitely the price of cabbage for such a safe house."

Pompei talked freely, but Xiao Feng, who was sitting in front of the TV at this time, couldn't help sighing at

These American politicians really opened his eyes and let him know what it means to be brazen.

In front of the camera, you can lie like this, wouldn't your conscience hurt?

And Bird on the opposite side. McCarthy and Richard. Daly, at this time, his angry face turned into eggplant color.

Both knew that Pompeo was totally bullshit, but they had no evidence.

"You're all nonsense. Don't think I don't know. Are you really a 007, and you are born to death every day?"

Finally Bird. McCarthy couldn't help but cursed.

Unexpectedly, Pompey, who was sitting opposite, suddenly changed his face.

"I'm nonsense? Senator Bird, what do you mean?"

"Is it wrong that I, as the director of the CIA, try my best to ensure the personal safety of every agent under me?"

"Are you willing to watch my agents die in order to save such a small amount of money?"

Pompeo finally caught a loophole in the opponent's words and launched a counterattack.

And his series of soul tortures actually directly took the opposite bird. McCarthy was speechless to ask.

What's so special, they came to tag Pompeo today, but they didn't think that this guy would give him the anti-general at this time.

The faces of the two of them became pig liver-colored in anger, but they were looking at the reporters who had already pointed the camera at them.

This fire can only be held back abruptly...

After all, at this time, the reporters who are not too big to watch the excitement are all staring at them, and they are now being broadcast live in the United States.

If you make a mistake, you will lose face.

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