My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1178: Straight mouth

Speaking of Chinese medicine, Xiao Feng also feels quite a pity.

On the one hand, this Chinese medicine is a precious cultural heritage handed down by our Chinese ancestors.

But some medicines are indeed dross. For example, some medicines that require pangolins and tiger bones are used as medicine. The pharmacology of these medicines is really awkward.

I think that pangolins can drill mountains, so it’s good for men.

As for the tiger bone, it is because the tiger is domineering, so the man ate the tiger bone wine for impotence...

These pharmacological effects do sound blushing.

Some Chinese medicines contain some highly toxic crops, and long-term use can indeed cause liver and kidney failure.

And these were taken away by the Western medical community, and they were written in great books.

And the reason why they attacked Chinese medicine in such a frenzied manner is actually nothing more than the exclusivity of Western culture.

It also shows the correctness of their western medicine. In fact, there are many drugs in their western medicine that can cause liver failure and kidney failure.

But they never said anything, they just kept talking about some medicines of Chinese medicine.

In the end, the Chinese medicine was simply described as a witch doctor, which made the people in the West abhorred when they heard about Chinese medicine.

In fact, there are still many very good essences in Chinese medicine.

For example, the life-saving Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the Lianhua Qingwen Capsule, which performed exceptionally during this pandemic.

The reason why Western medicine tries its best to discredit Chinese medicine has another purpose, which is to prevent these low-cost Chinese medicines from entering the western medicine market.

Because once this medicine enters the Western market, how much business will it have to rob them?

You must know that they sell medicines on a per pill basis. A cold medicine can charge a patient a few dollars, and a cure for a cold can charge a patient hundreds of thousands.

Although the state and insurance companies pay the bill in the end.

But if ordinary people can sell a large number of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese medicines for common diseases in the market, who will buy their expensive western medicines in the future?

Therefore, they slandered Chinese medicine in various media, on the one hand because of ideological needs, on the other hand, because of the need for propaganda of superior race, and the third reason is economic needs.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Chinese medicine to enter the European and American markets.

Earlier when Xiao Feng learned that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule had special effects on this pandemic, he could not make money abroad.

This gave him the feeling of sitting on a golden mountain begging for food.

Think about it, these pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States have developed those special drugs and sold them for a few hundred dollars.

But we wanted to go to their site to sell medicine, but we couldn't find a way, which made him feel very annoyed.

After talking about it with He Xiaojun, the two discussed for several nights, so they thought of another way.

Since Chinese medicine, you won't let it sell.

Then let's play a side ball. We don't say that this is a Chinese medicine, we say that it is a health care product.

It is a health care product made from various plant extracts and then fused together through a special process.

Moreover, it is specifically aimed at lung health care, which is good for people who smoke for a long time and people who have lung diseases.

It's all right now!

Of course, there are some contraindications to using this health product. You must meet certain symptoms before taking it, and it is forbidden for pregnant women and children.

These are all explanations, otherwise some people will get sick, but they will cause lawsuits.

Anyway, this Chinese medicine has been taken in China for hundreds of years, and there are no toxic side effects.

So they plan to try it out in the United States.

The FDA soon allowed the approval of this new ‘health product’ for marketing, and they also turned a blind eye to this drug.

They also know that the current pandemic situation in the United States is very serious, but the domestic medical resources in the United States have been used to the limit.

The hospitals are already overcrowded, and the doctors are helpless with this new virus and can't come up with any special medicine.

So, let’s try these ‘health products’.

After all, the previous rejuvenation series of health products in the Ninth Laboratory have confirmed their efficacy.

In major hospitals, the rejuvenation series of health care products have even been used as prescription drugs.

For patients with frail health, taking the rejuvenation series of health care products does have a very obvious effect of improving immunity and resistance.

Patients who basically take the rejuvenation series of health care products, no matter how old they are, can save their lives.

So now the Ninth Laboratory has launched such a targeted ‘health product’, they naturally don’t mind, let the American people try it.

If it is really effective, it can also be widely promoted nationwide.

As for the future, after all, he is a medicine, and certainly not like health care products, normal people can eat and play without problems.

After this ‘health product’ has become famous, the hospital can upgrade this ‘health product’ to a prescription drug.

When it is not on the market, it will be OK!

Xiao Feng's ideas coincided with those of the FDA.

After all, if one item is important, it is so blatant to land on the market in the United States, which is a bit too bad for the FDA's face.

So this is the right way to take the'curve to save the country'.

The face can be preserved, and the lining can also be held.

Therefore, the FDA approved the approval of this plant extract'health product' in the US at the speed of light.

When this ‘health product’ was approved, Voegelin and the Ninth Laboratory began to take the opportunity to speculate.

However, considering that the definition of this ‘health product’ is very vague, it is very likely that it will be attacked by some interested people in the future.

Therefore, the two sides did not advertise the drug positively.

But through other channels, such as the very popular form of self-media.

They found a lot of Internet navy forces and made hype on various social media.

So recently, there have been many Internet celebrities and Internet celebrities from the United States who have appeared on the Internet.

There are even people who found a patient from country H, took this ‘health product’ and then quickly recovered from the video.

The flow and heat have been brought up every minute.

However, Lab Nine and Voegelin did not show up from start to finish.

In this heat, they picked themselves clean.

On the contrary, they have repeatedly emphasized that because of the special nature of this health care product, people who are in good health should not eat it indiscriminately.

As long as there is a problem with lung health, and the patient must meet certain symptoms, it can be taken.

As for those of you who have no problems, if you buy them back and eat indiscriminately, we will not be responsible for the problems in the end.

But the more they say this, the more people in the United States don't believe it.

You must know the common people of the United States, many of whom are notorious for being out of wisdom.

An organization once conducted a survey to find out which country in the world people believe that God really exists in the world, and which country people believe that there are angels.

As a result, the final answer was also surprising. It is actually the world's number one power...

So I don't know which guy is leading the Internet. People said, don't believe Voegelin and the Ninth Lab.

This medicine is easy to use, but they have insufficient production capacity now, so they just want to give priority to selling this medicine to the wealthy, regardless of the life and death of ordinary people like us.

They launched this health care product. If you are not ill, you can protect yourself. If you are ill, you can quickly recover.

The effect is so awesome, believe it or not...

So, in just a few days, the name of this Lianhua Qingwen extract has spread throughout the country.

After all, it is now the Internet age, and the speed of information circulation is very fast.

So people in the U.S. soon learned of such a special medicine, and it will be officially launched on Voegelin today.

So this is another main reason for the long queues at the Voegelin flagship store in San Francisco today.

Xiao Feng was in the car, watching the tablet computer, and various TV stations reported, interpreted and interviewed the grand scene at the entrance of Voegelin.

I feel that it must be stable this time. I was worried that the American people would accept this kind of plant extract-based ‘health product’.

Now it seems that I am completely worried about it. In front of life, everyone knows how to choose.

The American men are notoriously although they call that Chinese medicine is a witch doctor and Chinese medicine is a witch medicine every day.

But when TCM and Chinese medicine can save their lives, they will also unscrupulously stage a scene of uselessness for you.

No matter what witch doctor or witch medicine you are, as long as it can save lives, it is a good medicine.

Originally, I wanted to go to the store and see for myself, but now it seems that I don't need to be there at all.

With the flow of people on the street like this, it is difficult for them to get to the store on time at nine o'clock.

And with so many people queuing, the store will definitely be a mess of porridge, and there is no need for them to mess with the staff when they go to the store.

Xiao Feng instructed the driver in front to turn around at an intersection ahead and stop going to the pharmacy.

Just at an intersection, the convoy turned in.

Leaving the main street, the convoy drove onto the highway going out of the city, immediately speeding up much faster.

Xiao Feng handed the tablet to Helen, and then asked her about Voegelin's future and what plans they had.

Helen told Xiao Feng again about the issues she discussed with Chamberlain about the future development of Voegelin.

In the recent period, although Voegelin's business situation in the United States has improved greatly, its profitability has rapidly risen and reversed.

However, Chamberlain did not allow Voegelin to re-expand after judging the overall economic environment of the United States.

According to the general business logic of a company, when the company is on the right track and starts to make a lot of money.

Naturally, it is necessary to take out profits and carry out a new round of expansion.

However, Chamberlain and Helen did not do this. Their first choice was to pay off the loan owed by the company.

After all, when Xiao Feng took over the company, the company was still carrying more than $18 billion in debt.

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