My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1198: Thanks to the hard bones of China

"Hey, look at this guy named Komatsu. This is a good baby. Now I have let him be the head of the Endoscope R&D Department, with an annual salary of 2 million..."

Speaking of the Japanese bargain-hunting medical device factory, Wan Gongzi is extremely proud.

To be honest, he did a very beautiful job of bargaining this time.

Over the years, there have been many mergers and acquisitions by domestic companies acquiring foreign high-tech companies.

But there are very few core technologies that can really be bought.

For example, the big joke of the year was thinking that the acquisition of IBM's laptop business cost more than one billion US dollars, and in the end only an empty shell was bought.

And in a year after that, their acquisition of Motorola was even more mysterious.

Motorola didn't buy any of its core technologies. Instead, it only bought a Motorola brand and spent several billions.

It is no wonder that some people later said that they were companies of conscience in the United States. Judging from their actions, they were really sharing their worries for their major shareholders in the United States.

There is also a certain automobile company that swallowed the famous Nordic brand Volvo by playing capital.

This operation seems magical, but the truth behind it makes the knowledgeable see it and can only spurn it.

After spending billions, please come back to a bunch of ancestors to make offerings at home.

People do not allow you to send people to supervise, nor do you allow you to manage the operation of the enterprise, let alone take away any of their technologies.

It has been more than ten years since the acquisition of the Nordic famous brand, but I can only watch it, and then I am crazy when I release a new car.

I always say that my engine is the engine of the Nordic conscience, but their engine is a joke in the eyes of people who really know how to do it.

After spending a lot of billions, please come back for a vote of the ancestors, and give them all kinds of high welfare and high wages, and they have to be the leader of the Chinese market.

After the acquisition, the performance of the Nordic brand was indeed good, but the sales growth was mainly in the Chinese market.

In overseas markets, it was even beaten by other people's BBA, and the overseas market failed to bring any contribution to the company.

Instead, rely on the company to act as a comprador to help them develop the domestic market.

And when this company is a grandson, it is tiring. Please come back to a group of dads. If you can't make any money, you have to pay for it.

The most hateful thing is that they don't even give you any skills, so they can only play the side ball by themselves.

Sometimes the more Xiao Feng learns about that company, the more angry he is.

If you have the spare time and hype that you are the most beautiful H national car every day, you might as well invest in research and development.

When it comes to domestic cars, Xiao Feng really admires two companies, one is FAW and the other is BYD.

Think about it over the years, many people say that FAW has taken 50 billion yuan, but nothing has been developed.

Xiao Feng was frustrated. These were all rumors made by foreign car companies who wanted to hack FAW and invited unscrupulous people from the media. I don't know why so many people believed.

It is a joke to say that FAW has taken the country 50 billion.

As a central enterprise, FAW’s annual income is directly attributable to the central government, so it is almost the same as the country’s 50 billion yuan from FAW.

As for FAW for so many years, it has not developed its own technology.

That's purely Xiaobai's talking about it.

Do you have any technology in FAW? Anyone who has worked in the domestic automobile manufacturing and design industry knows that FAW is the Whampoa Military Academy of Huaguo Automobile.

Every year when major car companies are looking for people, they squat at the door of FAW and hand out flyers.

FAW’s various technical reserves are actually very strong, but why didn’t it apply to its own-brand cars?

This is because of the status of FAW's central enterprise. There are many people in it. He is not a businessman but a politician.

When it comes to political performance, some people have to wrestle, so many things seem very simple, but in central enterprises, especially in central enterprises of this size, it is difficult to achieve.

There are so many stories in it, and the ants really dare not say it. If they say it, it will be harmonious.

But anyone who knows the truth should thank FAW.

Thank them for keeping the fire for domestic cars...

As for the other company BYD, it is also the top iron company that Xiao Feng admires very much.

Don't look at people's bad names and bad reputations, but this company is really hardcore.

The reason why Xiao Feng admires them is because this company is notoriously hard-boned. It is one of the few domestic companies that dares to face difficulties, is full of sword spirit, and dares to fight tough battles!

Their most famous battle example was that they pulled Bosch off the horse in one hand and beat the price of the body stabilization system on their own.

At present, many domestic vehicles are equipped with ESP systems. In the past, Bosch never actively sold this brake safety system to Chinese automakers.

Regardless of your scale, as long as you are an independent brand of Huaguo and you want to buy it, you can buy a set of 8,000 yuan.

But they don’t even want 800 for the public.

Even if your Chinese car company wants to buy in large quantities, they won't give you a cheap price.

In the end, BYD got angry, and they just gathered a group of college students, and it took three years to get it out.

After that, Bosch began to relax ESP's exports to Chinese automakers.

There is also an automatic transmission, which domestic companies could not buy before.

At that time, Volkswagen regarded its big fool transmission as a treasure, and Aisin was willing to provide some 4AT transmissions to domestic companies, but at that time the international mainstream was already 6AT.

Moreover, even if Aisin is willing to buy automatic variables for domestic car companies, it is also conditional, that is, you must be equipped with domestic Mitsubishi engines.

In the end, BYD was also annoyed. It also took a group of college students and it took two years to come up with its own dual-clutch transmission.

It was from that time that foreign auto parts suppliers began to cooperate with Chinese auto companies on a large scale.

The automatic transmission is no longer a weapon that they can hold on the neck of a domestic car.

And what makes Xiao Feng admire even more is that BYD is still a domestic company, the first to go to Japan to buy dips, and it is also the most successful company.

As early as the first ten years after two thousand years, it was the time when domestic automakers were booming.

At that time, our cars, compared with foreign cars, can be said to be backward in all respects.

The engines of most car companies even use 4G series of Japan's Mitsubishi, which are jointly produced in China.

For the time being, large parts such as engines and transmissions will not be mentioned.

At that time, we couldn't even do the body parts of cars. Many self-service brand cars had insufficient stamping precision of body panels.

After being assembled together, the gap between the body covers is very large.

The most famous case at that time was that someone bought the first sacred car independently produced in China at that time, the Zhonghua Junjie.

But after I got it, I found that the car's engine cover, the gap between the trunk cover and other car sound covers was very large.

Moreover, the left and right sides are not aligned, and the maximum error can exceed one centimeter.

At that time, after the car owner posted the photos on the forum, it attracted a lot of carnivals that hate the National Party.

The technology of Chinese companies is not good, and the attitude of Chinese companies is not good. The Japanese technology is awesome, and the Japanese technology is good.

At that time, it was because of that incident, but it also caused a big controversy.

The reason why such a gap is caused is mainly because our mold technology is not good.

BYD, which had just entered the car industry at that time, was also deeply troubled by this kind of pain.

Fortunately, the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 broke out suddenly within a few years, and it soon spread to Japan.

At that time, the Japanese economy also suffered heavy losses, and many companies were unable to persist and even struggled.

And at this time, BYD took a shot at the right time.

With their shot, they directly won the Ogihara Mould Factory, one of the three giants of Japanese moulds.

You know, this mold factory used to be a mold factory for Toyota, Subaru and Mazda.

At that time, BYD bought this company at a very suitable price.

And it is not the same as a certain benefit who invited the ancestors of northern Europe to come back. They actually obtained the technology of Ogihara Mould.

Back then, BYD sent hundreds of technicians to the Tatebayashi factory of Ogihara Mould Factory.

And after that, I have sent people to the Tatebayashi factory to learn technology for many consecutive At the same time, we have also recruited technical experts from the Tatebayashi factory to provide guidance in domestic factories many times.

After that, BYD's body mold technology has made rapid progress.

The machining accuracy of body panels has been directly increased to 1 micron starting.

Because of BYD's technology introduction, by 2012, country H became an exporter of molds.

By the time of 2019, country H had become the world's largest exporter of high-precision molds, and its export share accounted for 26% of the global market.

This is also the main reason why Xiao Feng admires BYD very much.

Compared with those companies that can only hype, this is a low-key, pragmatic company.

Of course, BYD is not perfect either. They are much worse than many big factories in their attitude towards workers.

The salary has been low, and the procurement system is flooded with the boss’s family members, causing the department to be very chaotic.

This is also a common problem of H country enterprises, but the flaws are not concealed.

Xiao Feng still admired Xiao Feng very much in his attitude of daring to fight tough battles and daring to shine the sword.

And this time Wan Gongzi succeeded in bargaining in Japan because Xiao Feng asked him to ask Mr. Wang for advice before going to Japan.

Mr. Wang is also a senior in the business world, and Mr. Wan is also an extraordinary person, and both sides have known each other earlier.

However, the time that Lord Wan visited in person, Boss Wang was very surprised, and at the same time he felt that he was very honorable.

Coupled with the fact that Young Master Wan can surrender himself, he quickly won the favor of Boss Wang.

Therefore, in terms of how to go to Japan to buy the bottom and the experience of acquiring companies, Boss Wang gave all his advice to Mr. Wan.

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